Rubieroo 3 points ago +4 / -1

He's one of a very small number of doomers that I actually like - but don't often listen to because there's no longer a point to their rambles. Anyone who has really dug into Q posts knows WAY more about what's going on and what's coming than Clif High.

Rubieroo 7 points ago +7 / -0

We homeschooled our kids using the Robinson Curriculum. It includes Saxon math and the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica. You can order that set from RC on disk or buy originals on ebay.

Most history is before 1911, so there's a lot in there that you won't see in any modern literature.

Rubieroo 3 points ago +3 / -0

Oh crap, did he really? Newsom did the same thing on more than one occasion. The first time was at the beginning, the HEIGHT of the lockdown hysteria. He forced a restaurant to reopen, threw a bash for him and a dozen party pals, then forced the restaurant to shut down again. What an a$$hole. His wife was seen shopping without a mask while he was telling everyone else to wear one.

We never did. Screw him. We went to freedom rallies during CA lockdowns. Newsom tried to stop one by closing the entire highway into the place. So we moved it to a ranch. THOUSANDS showed up including more bikers than I have ever seen in one place, senators, gubernatorial candidates, and frontline doctors.

Rubieroo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Forgot to say, if you can find the video, Stan Deyo many years ago told a story about what happened at Pine Gap. I haven't looked in years to see if he's spoken more on the subject, but the dude is amazingly clever. He and his wife's website is kind of on the doomer side, but anyone not following Q seems to be doomerish so not surprising.

Rubieroo 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm waiting for 4chan to start a new ...."prank"...where they convince liberals to cut off their weenises and boobs to show solidarity for the LGBTQLMNOP crowd. They could do like they did with Emma Watson, where they photoshopped her with a buzzed head and made a fake article to pass around saying "I shaved my head to support BLM", and then a bunch of stupid girls followed suit.

Rubieroo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Which "church authorities" are those? There are over 24,000 ancient manuscripts recording the words and works of Jesus. Comparing them shows continuity.

Rabbis didn't write the New Testament, and no, "YHVY" is not an alien. In ancient pictographs (that was the ancient written Hebrew language), those initials mean, "behold hand, behold nail". His very name points forward to Jesus.

The Vatican, per men who were actually there, was compromised many years ago by what they called the "Superforce". Satanists. Read up on Dr. Malachi Martin or listen to his interviews. He reported on it and even wrote a book about what was going on, altered enough into a "fiction" that it could be published. Windswept House. The final words of that brilliant scholar who spoke many languages were "Someone pushed me down the stairs".

Not to mention - those who comprehend the Holy Spirit can actually hear God. You don't, but we do.

Rubieroo 2 points ago +2 / -0

The & symbol was originally "et". I think Q used & instead of saying "and" for a reason :)

Rubieroo 2 points ago +2 / -0

The one that wanders into the shrubbery should win an award. That was hysterical! 2nd Place to "Falling Up Stairs" body double.

Rubieroo 5 points ago +5 / -0

Ya never know. Q did say that some of these people were compromised and came under control and didn't WANT to be. At the end of the game there will be some surprises for us all, I'm sure ;-)

Rubieroo 12 points ago +12 / -0

I hate to see people executed for being retarded and deluded fools, but that might be their fate in the same way retarded deluded fools have died of the vaxxes. To me that is just sad - you WANT people to live long enough to wake up and wise up.

Rubieroo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Great observation of the similarity. There is a disconnect between human NPCs and humanity....and AI vs humanity. Liberals don't even understand WHY they aren't funny because the other NPCs "hahaha" all over their non-memes. Like the way crazy people might not know they're crazy.

Rubieroo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Okay, there's another fun one with "Auntie Fee", but she likes the F word A LOT XD

Rubieroo 5 points ago +5 / -0

I do like how everyone is telling on themselves now. Sleepers exposed. President Trump was an ACE at this. He'd hire a criminal Deep Stater on purpose, watch who the traitor hired and who he fired, then dump the traitor like yesterday's garbage.

Rubieroo 2 points ago +2 / -0

For what it's worth, the Satanic Cabal has a lot of people with Jewish names, but they are at complete odds with NON-Satanist Jews. For good reason.

Jesus said "I will not come again until you say 'Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord'".

Keeping this in mind, how do Satanists think they can stop Jesus from coming again and destroying them ALL?
Kill all Jews who are faithful to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. They've done a pretty good job of that over the centuries. Kill them or convert them to Satanism. The animosity of liberals toward the NATION of Israel (which is not a place) is supernatural, demonic.

Rubieroo 6 points ago +6 / -0

Yuval Harari is the man the NWO crowd calls the "Prophet" (in scripture a man like him will someday be called The False Prophet and he will be the Antichrist's counterpart).

Yuval....Uvalde. 19 children.

Satanic sacrifice.

Cannot recall the occult significance of 19 but it's a biggie. It's a sought-after power number. Any numerology/gematria types out there?

If the Republic is restored, President Trump would be the 19th president.

Anyways, this is the language Satanists speak: numbers, dates, and demonic power through child sacrifice. There's no doubt the Cabal and their Deep State has been forced to make their move NOW. That's what I think Uvalde was. Not just a gun grab but a two-fer. The location was chosen.

Alice & Wonderland of Q posts. Alice seems to have more than one meaning. AI is one. Hillary was another.

& = ET

ET = initials? For whom?

Leaving aside "extra terrestrials", the name that stands out to me is Edward Teller. "Father of the hydrogen bomb"; first to begin pushing the globalist agenda via the concept of manmade global warming, greenhouse gases, polar ice melt, fossil fuel depletion, etc. Advised Israel on nuclear matters, including bombs and energy.

Of all with the initials ET, Edward Teller stood out to me because I know of his work, including some rather sketchy stories that came out of Pine Gap in Australia (I suppose their equivalent of Area 51). One American scientist was recruited by Teller because of his brilliance. He testified years ago that information was being hidden there. Things that could change the world. "Antigravity" was one. This man objected to hiding such critical discoveries and there were a few attempts on his life.

Anyways: From a worldwide/historic standpoint Edward Teller was by far the most dangerous man on that list of ET initials (IMO).

So ET has connections both to Edward Teller and "extra terrestrials".

Artifical intelligence Edward Teller.

Just thinking aloud ;-)

Rubieroo 5 points ago +5 / -0

How about a step back in time? I've been watching videos of a 91 yr old woman named Clara. She shows everyone how to cook really cheap meals, which she learned to do during the Great Depression <3

If Clara were still with us, she would be 107 years old. I believe she went to Heaven when she was 98.

Rubieroo 4 points ago +4 / -0

I really want that body double to be James Woods

Rubieroo 4 points ago +4 / -0

It would indeed - I don't know the source of the events themselves, but some examples were a significant trio of massive quakes in 2010:

2010 Haiti earthquake, January 12


Port au Prince. Entry of the Prince.

2010: Concepcion, Chile. Saturday February 27.



(Again with the "prince"-related stuff. Definite reference to prophetic scripture, IMO)

EASTER Sunday, April 4, 2010 in Mexico


Guadalupe Victoria: valley of the wolves, victorious.

After these there were three events that almost sounded like a shout to WAKE UP! With each growing louder and larger:

6.2 6.7 7.1

2011 New Zealand

Christchurch, Christchurch, Christchurch

There were a lot of others over the years...this is just a few related/matching examples.

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