Rubieroo 2 points ago +2 / -0

God does not honor cowards. Seriously - it's right in scripture.

So God bless you, and keep you. And may His face shine upon you and may He be gracious to you and yours.

Thanks for sharing something that will empower people to save lives.

By the way, a friend of mine died this morning because his family didn't do what you did. The consequences are real. A woman has been widowed, a daughter has lost her father. This morning, 1:15am..

Rubieroo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ugh, I'll see if I can find it but it was pretty gross XD

Rubieroo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well that's been the battle for US all along, eh? Learning to spot the signs of what was really happening so that we wouldn't fall for media crap or obvious appearances. I've noticed that during times I can't keep up with what the Q team is still laying down - and they ARE still communicating with us - I waver into impatience. Recalling that this is a real war and there are people dying keeps me in check.

Rubieroo 6 points ago +6 / -0

Fascinating! I'd never heard this about honey. And that's awesome that you found a way to help your uncle - a lot of people are so intimidated by hospital staff and doctors that they just cave and let them do whatever.

Rubieroo 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't know much about the science of this part and have not researched it yet, but everyone is talking about taking zinc with it - could be that it has some ionosphoric effect like quercetin and HCQ?!

Rubieroo 2 points ago +2 / -0

But Q never did intend for us to deny that the Q operation is real, that the Q team is real, nor did Q ever intend for us to be to talked out of even believing there is a plan afoot to destroy the Cabal and their Deep State network.

Rubieroo 5 points ago +5 / -0

Very true. I'd be hard pressed to find another patriot or commentator that I agree with on every last little thing.

Having said that, direct opponents of Q are NOT for this board, and do not belong here. If they do not entertain the possibility that the Q operation is real - well, God invented "deport" just for them! There are other boards they can sit on and even troll if they so desire.

Rubieroo 13 points ago +13 / -0

My favorites are the "this doesn't mean anything" "nothing will happen" "nothing happened there" posts.

They gave up on "Q is a LARP" a really long time ago. A pity - good times, those days! :D

Rubieroo 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you were correct in what YOU think is true - you're gonna lose. Seeing Australia? Welcome to your Brave New World, and goodbye in advance!

You didn't REALLY think you could hide your loyalties and identity on the Interwebz, did you?

Rubieroo 8 points ago +8 / -0

Guess you missed the interview where he vehemently said you NEVER EVER tell the enemy your plans.

Rubieroo 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'm assuming it points to an active operation.

Rubieroo 2 points ago +2 / -0

When one of these people SHOW that they don't believe what they are pushing so hard....I always believe they are controlled Deep Staters.

They're on school boards, city councils....they are fire chiefs and mayors, pharmacists, doctors, board members and union execs, publishers and authors, etc.

Rubieroo 10 points ago +10 / -0

Also there was a poster here yesterday that used it just prophylactically - he wasn't sick. And lo and behold he found out in the grossest way imaginable that he did in fact have parasites. So maybe not a bad idea for everyone. I read a report about a decade ago that said there were estimates that well over half the US population was unknowingly infested with parasites.

Rubieroo 16 points ago +18 / -2

Agreed. The entire time Q has been in place we've seen this. I can't even count how many times. The white hats yell "JUMP!" and the Cabal's Deep State does so. Over and over and over again until the day will come when they are out of ammo.

Rubieroo 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've been thinking that posting Q primers and choosing Q posts to repost might be a good idea. Lot of new folks don't know anything about any of this, and quite frankly - without Q I would be as confused and disillusioned as them. If this is the storm, Q is part of the calm in the storm. Used by God, with God's blessing.

Rubieroo 10 points ago +10 / -0

Yeah, I'm actually not endorsing this letter or their idea of making it all public. I posted this mainly to show what they're up to.

While on the surface it might be made to seem like it's a righteous "Americans have a right to know the truth!" kinda sentiment - I think it was likely conceived by Cabal Deep Staters who are DYING to know what's going on so they can plan their response/retaliation. The letter is nefarious in intent.

I think it's based in desperation, and some of those signers went along with it because on the surface it sounded nice. It actually DOES sound nice....if you don't know what's going on or WHY they pushing it.

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