Just stick a trump poster in front of it. They will never notice.
On a serious note I have no idea how to fix it. Sorry to hear you fell. I would just be honest with them. Praying for you fren. Much love
Love you fren. Glad to hear u finally made an account. I pray u will continue to share. It's a team effort after all.
My name is Ryan. Feel free to reach out if u ever need prayer or a fren to vent to. We are in this together..love you
Leading each pond into one giant pond. God's plan is glorious to behold. He is working through our uniqueness bringing us to one mind.
March 4th and be free
You might get deeper theological discussion over there.
Love you bro. Hope all is well. Maybe we can catch up sometime. God bless
Well said. The church seems to think that just avoiding the conversation will bring about the things you said. I think the church needs to be aware of the things of the world so they can bring the church together in Prayer. First and foremost
I agree the church shouldn't be a platform for politics. I also agree with much of what you are saying. Let me tell as story you might already know.
Back in the late 60s there was a movement called the Jesus people(Jesus revolution is a great movie on it) any how hippies were seeing the corruption of government, doing drugs and partying. Yet somehow many were having spiritual revivals. The church had a split. Some were like...what would that teach our church members if we attached to drugs, what about them being dirty and making our church dirty, how do we control things.
Some were wanting to let Jesus work and were like well this is how Jesus appears to be working. Let's watch it play out.
And revival took place.
I tell that story because I believe MAGA is the hippie of today. If we constantly live in fear to talk about things...how can we harvest the testimony of the work Jesus is doing. Millions of people are having revival directly from playing a part in this movement.
I hope I'm doing an ok job explaining this. My heart just wants to see this movement mold with the Church. All of this is bigger than politics, trump and stuff like that. Jesus is calling out and I just want this story to be told. Yet there are complexities within the church that need to be talked through. I'm just here to push the conversation a little. It's in Jesus hands
That might be the discord side of things. We are working to build something on .win as well. You are not the first...nor last to feel that way. We are working to build something that can work with the many layers people have towards privacy. Thanks for the feedback this helps
Lol great stuff. Thanks for playing along. I was hoping to bring some play to .win. silliness is healing. Sometimes as ELITE RESEARCHERS we can forget these simple things. God bless fren. Much love
LOL yes we need him to deeply explain his research on those interviews. The WORLD must know if the wheels on the bus go round and round.
Haha glad I am not alone in how my thought process went. I agree. Did not disappoint:)
I KNOW!! I was SHOCKED. The single greatest issue of our time and she is laughing like we are playing around. WE WILL KNOW THE TRUTH!! 🫡🤪😎🐸🙏🫂
Lol it has been confirmed. The wheels on the bus do in FACT go ROUND & ROUND!! 🤯🤪😉🥰🫂🙏🐸
Great response. The word religion in itself is not BAD. We tend to associate it to the bad. However we are called to take back dominion over these things. Through Christ
This is the spirit of isolation fren. I encourage you to keep praying on it.
We often look for a church that can serve us. Which to some degree we want. However we SHOULD ask Jesus what he wants. Where we can be used!! To glorify his name. God bless fren. Much love
What does religion mean to you
Jesus Christ is reaching out to each of us. Ready to guide us. Hallelujah 🙏
God bless you fren..much love
Amen amen amen.such a beautiful add on fren. God bless. Thanks for this. Yes so so so Important
Pray without ceasing. So yes we can roll with 3:16 as well. God bless fren
God bless you as well..much love fren
This movement is about free thinking and truth. People can always assume the worst with words they want.
It's a good indication of where someone is in their Awakening.