Don't normies start out on TD and then graduate to here?
Next episode title of X22 Report!
Interesting. I'm going to err on the side of Himmler was a world class level historical dick though. Sorry.
I can assure you it was 100% a joke, quite a dumb one at that. I just momentarily flashed back to that dumbass in congress who said that last year. The sensitivity level has been set to 'Spicy' though, so I'll be more careful in the future.
Interestingly enough, as a government contractor, I've not seen notice #1 of needing to get vaxxed. I won't believe it until I'm receiving my letter of termination.
Well fuck! I'll need a fuck-ton more beer and amphetamines.
Amen (and women)
I hope they die. Is that going too far?
The more I read this post, the more I know it's fake. Really, and I mean REALLY read it. Is this the voice of someone who demands accountability? No way! EDIT: At worst I think he'd have said nothing and moved on.
She's interesting. I will reserve further comment at this point. So why did I reply you ask? Because....that's why :)
Watch him not sell concert tickets. What a fucking bitch....fuck him and fuck RATM. Always thought they were a bunch of commie hacks anyway.
Nobody tweets or makes social media posts from "the brig". Somethings up
Didn't these tweets come out after he was thrown in the brig? I think his accounts compromised. I don't know anything for sure of course, but he seems to based to be this hateful
I had it right around New Years day. I would love to get tested for antibodies, but I don't trust the medical industry at all anymore, especially doctors. Any tips on strategies to get an honest antibody test?
People from all walks of life will win this war, not just a bunch of squares who think between the lines.
When the age of light finally arrives and the deep state has been flushed into the bowels of the earth, I will pray that political parties are forever banished!
Neigh, I have not
We have a WEENER!!!
Interesting, I tried to think back to my childhood and what I "thought" freedom was. None of my memories mean much anymore. They were happier times for sure, but my belief that the USA made that happiness possible has wilted. Now I'm a little older and waiting for the world to break free of the matrix
I wish they knew we didn't care
We need them to sing like little birdies though.
How to win:
(1) Highlight this attitude and press [CTRL-C] and (2) paste onto yourself using [CTRL-V]
"What's CHAZ?" - Jay Inslee (June 11th, 2020)
No such thing as bad guys being arrested
So 99.9% of the world are 'normies', got it. At least I know where I stand.