Arent there time frame concerns regarding getting candidates on the ballot? I seem to remember something about Biden not being on Ohio's because of when the Dem. Convention is? Also, what about the actual votes that were cast for him in Demoncrat primaries? Can the party just ignore that and arbitrarily replace him?
I know a bunch of folks are really into Greg Abbott and what he's doing right now, but pushing us towards civil conflict feels a whole lot like divide and conquer. He is just the Texas sector chief for the WEF, no? My mind is open to why this guy is good, please convince me.
Heard some lady at the grocery store patting herself on the back, wishing herself happy Father's Day. It got me thinking about this epidemic of single motherhood and all the awesome fruit its bearing for our country. Ladies, we love ya, but you're not fathers. Period. If you were, we wouldn't have these army of children wandering thebstreets w drugs and guns in our cities. They blame the fathers for not being there causing this shit, but then claim themselves as fathers. Foolish.
Disclaimer: a father who was raised by a single mother.
Yall wanna give the groomers guns!!??!?!? One minute teachers are the underarm of society. The next you want to arm them around your kids?!?! These teachers are more fucked up in the head than anyone else. Have we forgotten Libs of Tiktok already?!
Source: I work amongst them.
Heard through the grapevine that mailorder brides are 25%-75% off, depending on how many limbs got blown off...... can anyone verify?
Well despite my wishes to not get tested, i tested positive for the Vid! Mild muscle soreness (less than lifting), and waves of fatigue, but that's it! I'm happy i held out on the shit, i mean shot. Now i get to enjoy the power of natural immunity. Assuming Covid is real and not just the cold!
That is all!
So I am a little confused about how to handle Minaj and Naomi Wolfe and all these folks that are 'awakening.' Are their past actions absolved? Are they really with us because they agree on one issue? Am i supposed to embrace them and forget everything thats happened in the past? Can they be trusted? Misinformation is necessary, how do we know they aeent plants doing the same for the opps? Answer wanted, im feeling confusioned.
the unmasked, but I said nothing because I wear my slave muzzle. Then they came for the unvaccinated, and I said nothing because I took my mystery arm juice. Then they came for me, but nobody was left to speak up for me!
If the the good doctor lied under oath, why isn't he being charged? You would be.
So Scheller get's me pretty hype. At first, I was like "Yo, I'll follow this dude!" I saw an image of his resignation floating around, and it looked like it was effective September 11th. Then I remembered that we are expecting an FF on that day, and I saw the radioactive glowie post about the ex-CIA agent trying to organize a march. So my question is, what are the chances Scheller is a psy-op to bait Patriots into something? The way the world is these days, I find myself being extra cautious about whom I support.
“That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”