Russell Brand is at the very least a wingnut. He was the handler for Katy Perry for a while. BUT I think at best he's controlled oppo.
College Football is the most corrupt league on the planet/ You take kids who for the most part can't make the grades to get into college and give them FREE RIDES. Then when they're in school they have all these specials "tutors" and "aids" helping them pass their tests. NOW they want to get paid as well?!
Fuck that! Yes, the schools exploit them bigly but College is the minor league of the NFL so what's the NFL's role in this sham/scam??? It's HUGE as well.
100% agree! DEFUND major and college sports leagues.
You want to kneel for the anthem = FUCK YOU
You want to get paid to play a kid's game = FUCK YOU
You want your league to pull all star games form cities based on election laws = FUCK YOU
Our responsibility is to turn off the TV, don't buy tickets or merchandise, and act like those leagues are already dead because they're dead to me.
Someone posted a pic with a map of those countries circled. They all happen to be near the Suez. Looks like access is closing.
Tirade, I'll allow it. LOL
Rants don't have to have "good messaging" although there's a lot of truth to it.
EVERGREEN shipping company = Hildabeast SS codename
EVERGREEN = Key (to human trafficking?) is stuck in the lock (canal)
Now EVERGREEN needs to be unloaded in order to unstuck it
This could be HUGE
FBI = the most corrupt LE agency on the planet. They make the Mexican police look like saints.
There shouldn't be a report. This guy's capable of making arrests. That's what we should be seeing.
Is this guy a traitor too? We shall see...
Interesting vid. TY for posting.
Found it particularly interesting that FAKE news reporter calling the process of removing containers "sensitive." WHY on Earth would it be sensitive to remove containers of material good that will just be put back on other ships?!
Sensitive would apply only if there's "goods" that they don't want exposed. Also, apparently they now HAVE to remove the containers so the plot thickens.
I don't watch BUT is the MSM FAKE news panicking over this?
That would be a HUGE tell IMO.
Free Speech is only "cool" so long as you agree with leftards. Then if you don't your an "ism" or an "ist."
Now that they believe they've "won" they're pushing the New World / One World Order hardcore. Every word and every agenda will be toward this end.
I agree. They could have used a phony, made up company but used an actual shipping company that they probably know traffics kids.
That show was the worst show I ever couldn't pull myself away from. I could see the contradiction scrambling mybbrain. I could never watch that show again but I did watch every episode once.
I agree here as well. Someone lent me the entire series on DVD and raved about it being the "best show ever." I watched it just to be fair and impartial and wasn't impressed.
Good, high effort and informative post. TY!
Also of note for research -- Albert Pike pretty much came out and said they worship Satan in Morals and Dogma.
TY for posting this. Will come back to it when I have more time.
One of the more disgusting stories from last year's "Summer of Love." Victim of Burn Loot Murder and Antifags and the MSM FAKE news never wanted to talk about it because he was black, a business owner and a former cop.
I pray all these evil SOB's burn for eternity.
RIP Mr. Dorn.
This is funny for one specific reason no one's mentioned yet. In Hollyweird you have to "clear" things with legal. For example, when you use a person's name you have to make sure that there aren't any people with that name that will sue you. I mention this because this was specifically stated in the extras for the DVD Fight Club when they had to clear the name "Marla Singer."
Legal also has to clear the use of real world companies for film and TV. Had I seen this clip/show a couple weeks ago I would've thought Evergreen was a fake name used for the show. Now, I and alot of other people are learning just who Evergreen shipping is AND I think there's another shoe to drop.
Now, in hindsight, this becomes a clear cut case of predictive programming.
Side note -- in this show Dexter the two boys rescued were Dexter and his brother. IIRC both were serial killers.
It's funny that Durham was just mentioned by someone recently . . . I forgot who mentioned Durham recently in a letter or memo. Who was that???
Yeah, but instead of enslaving just black people they want to enslave the world and are doing a fine job of it.
Yeah, that was a mighty wind.
These arrests have happened ind roves the last 5 years. More than I can ever recall. Of course, the MSM FAKE news won't even mention it. It's verboten like the Soros topic.
However, peeps and pepes are waiting for the big fish to get hauled in.
T-Minus 5 until he's banned from Twitter.
Isn't this the same douchebag who's pushing Satanic Nike sneakers????
All part of the agenda to make our country a 3rd world nation.
Not to mention all the containers they "lose" overboard at sea.