Sting 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not only can they just repeat whatever lie they choose to, they can censor the truth as well. It’s a double whammy.

Sting -3 points ago +1 / -4

Until you calculate all the people who get their news directly from the site online. No, liberal media reaches a dramatic majority of the nation. And the people who don’t watch that crap are already on our side. So who cares? The point is, Democrats literally control every single arm of our society and we are expecting Mike to hit it out of the park and Democrat judges, Democrat law-enforcement, Democrat legislators to.... arrest themSELVES?!?!?!?

Sting -2 points ago +1 / -3

Oh you don’t think Democrats will see the symposium and immediately arrest themselves?


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Sting 2 points ago +3 / -1

No - blind worship only. I’m still trying to reconcile how people who think this vaccine is going to kill millions are OK with the fact that Biden is not the one that came up with a plan to fast track vaccines.

Sting -1 points ago +2 / -3

I love the “it’s part of the plan” excuse for every single failure. It’s so convenient. I don’t ever have to criticize the guy because I can just say his fuck up was part of the plan! It’s genius!

Sting 3 points ago +4 / -1

Libshits threw out everything we knew about virology and epidemiology to manufacture greater fear of Covid19.

They literally made up a new science whole cloth to get what they wanted and our great leader rolled right over for it and even put these bastards on TV everyday and then fast tracked vaccines many claim are killing people.

Covid hysteria was the last battle. We never should’ve given in, it was the line in the sand and our rights were taken from us while the White House sat and watched and mumbled about “state’s rights” AS IF STATES HAVE THE RIGHT TO TAKE OUR RIGHTS.

We should have resisted them as if it were the last chance to hold these people off. It was and we didn’t. And people on our own team told us that was OK because of optics.

Governors that should’ve been arrested were given federal funding instead. And many people who’s user names I recognize here on this board applauded the whole time because of optics. It was 4D chess!

We have the country we deserve because we sat there and let it happen and the one guy who was supposed to stick up for us didn’t. We truly now have the country we deserve. It’s going to be a long climb to get it back but we shouldn’t even be in this position in the first place.

Some of us tried to warn you and told you you’re going to deserve what’s coming and we were banned.

Well, here you go.

Sting 3 points ago +4 / -1

Yes. Considering the last 100 times I was told “it’s about to happen” and the reasoning was “because that’s the plan” and then nothing happened… Yes. I question the existence of the plan and I most certainly question that anyone here knows what it is even if it were real.

Sting 10 points ago +11 / -1

I’ve been told that type of action was about to happen any day now for about five years.

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