NESARA is the light at the end of the tunnel. NESARA is what you achieve from winning the battle, but not for years afterwards. Im afraid the best we likely have to look forward to is a societal collapse where we completely restructure our nations trading and bartering systems 1776 style.. And then MAYBE your grandkids might see a NESARA type event.. I am extremely hopeful, but its going on 16-17 years now, and it hasn't happened yet!
Let me talk to you about NESARA for a few Brother/Sister.
I have been a conspiracy follower for a many of years. Definitely since I was old enough to use dial up and my school library to look at crazy shit on the internet.
9/11 happened when I was in 5th grade. They brought a TV into our classroom and had us watch it on TV... ALLLLLLL Day.... When building 7 fell, and it wasn't hit by anything, and when the man said it looked like a missile hit the pentagon, and then when they said a plane crashed and it completely melted it the entire plane and nothing at all was left behind other than a big hole in the ground.....
So by 2005 I was in late middle school/high school and I was deep in ATS and other conspiracy sites. Thats when I first heard of NESARA. At that time, it was a White Dragon Emperor of China who was going to give gold and silver to the entire world and we were all going to prosper... Let me tell you dude/dudette, as a 15 year old kid.. I thought I was top shit with this insider information that I was about to be rich as fuck, and I was gonna buy a mansion, and do coke with Jesse McCartney and I was gonna date Jamie Lynn Spears and I was just going to live an awesome ass fucking life because I had this inside information.
I am now 30 years old, I have credit card debt, and I drive a 30 year old truck... Oh, and I have a fucking receding hairline... Thats how long I have been waiting on NESARA....
Hold true to your moral compass my friend. The unpopular opinion is often the one that needs to be shared. Some of those I thought that would be star players in this battle turned out to be nothing but swamp rats wearing masks.
Its no sweat off my back, I share my stories to help people maybe see through a lens that they couldn't have before. I was raised by a Grumpy GRUNT that in the end made me tougher, and wiser than him. Without his hard love, I would have never completed some of the things I did in life. Compared to my grandpa, growing up with my old man was easy. All old Grumpy Grunts and Coal Miners.
While I did not grow up on friendship island, the climate in which I was raised has made me a candidate with a high survivability rating compared to most in todays society.
I am trying to figure out why you have so many downvotes. I am really hoping that it's because so many Patriots are on the Gaetz train and not the pedo train. But you are 100% correct. Just like child abuse, any accusation should at the very least be investigated. My dad knew how to beat the shit out of me growing up, and how to get away with it.. I went to the hospital over 30 times for dislocated shoulders where he would yank me up... If they had only taken my shirt off to look at me, they would have known what was happening.. But because of the times we lived in, nobody asked questions. My dad was a large man and super popular in the community. No one ever thought ole good time charlie was a wife and kid beater...
considering there are 100 other candidates that definitely need to be investigated first, I would assume that this is nothing more than a smear campaign. Now that it's in the media, they will use the media as their sources...
Im as hopeful as you are when it comes to NESARA, but I can tell you from personal experience that NESARA has been "right around the corner" since around 2005.
It bounced around ATS and other conspiracy sites for years under the guise as the reason for 9/11. Supposedly there was a white dragon emperor that was going to defeat the cabal and restore power to the people.. This was 2005...
If its not a ZOO then why
-Do they have them in glass rooms?
-Have them seperated by demographics?
Have any of you ever had to repetitively use an emergency blanket like they are? It sucks..
The definition of a Zoo is LITERALLY Living Creatures being held in captivity and are put on display for people to view.
My 7th grade Math year our teacher ran away with a kid to Mexico. My 8th grade year our Math teacher was fired My 9th greade year our Math teacher developed cancer and died.
I had 3 solid years of a substitute for math.. I do deeply apologize but I cannot even look at a fraction without my eyes crossing.
Tons of people with "learning disabilities" just aren't being taught in a way that stimulates them. People with ADHD often have the ability to absorb and process information super quickly, which means that in a classroom setting you could get all the required information in a compressed 5 minute session instead of having to sit through the entire boring lecture.
I, myself, learn my best by visually watching something. Watching the entire process flow from above helps me visualize every step, and I usually perform the action or task with great success afterwards.
When It comes to more mundane paperwork such as math, or history, often putting things into a game or puzzle for your mind helps the information stick once its inside instead of in one ear and out the other.
Oh, so you're gonna invite us all out for a hoe down and then kick us out early and then let the FBI track us down?... Cool... Hope no patriots died by asserting their second amendment rights in this hunt down...