Tewdrig 20 points ago +20 / -0

My family lost more members in the American revolution than any other family. We are not in the history books, yet our sacrifices outweigh any other recognized revolutionary. My family accepts this because our history is protected by our silence. Indeed, there are other families like this. It is only in the public light that figures become idolized and thenceforth become an 'object' to be attacked and undermined. Believe me, there is much more to the American Revolution than you have been taught.

Tewdrig 1 point ago +1 / -0

No one, and I EMPHASIZE no one ever mentions 'democide' that has murdered more people than any other cause. Genocide is a horrific atrocity occuring throughout history. It is has always been repugnant to the conscience.Yet, it is almost exclusively governments that perpetuate genocide. It is rare otherwise. When governments kill their own citizens en mass this called 'democide'. The irony is the people under governments give governments the power to murder their own citizens en mass. Democide has killed more humans than any disease, war, genocide, and lawful execution combined. .

Tewdrig 2 points ago +2 / -0

"I don't see the issue with believing in God creating an ever evolving world. We can see evolution in all human frontiers. If God created the evolutionary process encoded in life, then God clearly still created us."

Agreed. In the book of Genesis, you'll discover the chronology of life is plagiarized by Charles Darwin for his own 'fantasticalized' interpetion. Even Darwin's edicts are grossly misrepresented today. His observations were of environmental 'adaptations' that exist as part of species traits for survival. This is explained through 'optimal balance' for each species, which persists in each species for their immutable existence.

Tewdrig 2 points ago +2 / -0

Flynn is being smart by using the tactics of the enemy against them. How many patriots have uttered 'something' to provoke laughter or cause amusement, as a witticism, a short and amusing anecdote, or a prankish act to only discover these words used as a weapon against them?