I agree. It is painfully obvious to me that Trump is pro-vaccines and have been so all along. He did Operation Warp speed and boasted about it at any given opportunity. And throughout the campaign he mentioned at pretty much every single rally (at least all the ones that I watched, and that was A LOT) that the vaccine would be coming very soon.
Too many patriots are thinking that since Trump is good and vaccines are bad, Trump couldn't possibly be pro-vaccines. This is just flawed reasoning that leads people to only believe what they want to believe instead of using their eyes and ears.
If Trump really thought that COVID was a hoax and that vaccines were bad, he would have taken that line and held it, just like he has on so many other controversial issues. Trump is not a man who is afraid to take a controversial stand.
I know we are all supposed to hate Twatter, but it really is a shame that DJT doesn't have his Twatter account anymore. Before he used to be ever present.
Me neither. Have never received a DM here. Or maybe I have and I just don't know where they are, lol.
I agree that datefagging is stupid, but make no mistake about it, a lot of it has come from our own ranks. Some even from people with intimate knowledge of Q drops.
Dooming is fair at the present time. I don't think you'll find my posts to be particularly doomerish, but they aren't over the top optimistic either. This place would be terrible if it was exclusively for people who thought we had already won and everything we're watching is just a movie.
I don't know about reassuring, but it affirms what I have been saying that there is a struggle behind the scenes. If there wasn't a struggle we would know that we had won. Biden is real and he is in the white house. We have not won yet.
Manchin and Sinema regard themselves as centrists who like the idea of bipartisanship, which the filibuster should encourage, although we see very little of that in reality, regardless of who is in power.
The irony is that they would both become MUCH more powerful in the current situation without the filibuster, given that without it, they would be the effective deciding "swing vote" in a 50/50 senate.
I think the asker is looking for concrete evidence. The problem with merely asking questions is that a reasonably informed person could play devils advocate and provide leftist answers to all of those questions.
I believe so, yes.
Nice research there. And I agree, it seems fishy.
Indeed. The purge WILL happen! It has to.
This is just the beginning. There are a TON of GOP senators and congressmen who should face a MAGA primary challenger in the upcoming years. Time to clean up the house!
If they are obsessed, then they are sure as hell doing a terrible job on their research, LMAO.
Evil exists, but what is REALLY interesting is that EVERYBODY seems to think that THEY are the good guys and their enemies are the evil-doers. This is the kind of stuff that makes me question everything from time to time. You go to ANY left-wing site and they will insist that they are the good guys and we are the evil racists/mysogynists/islamophobes/transphobes/whatever.
If the deep state is really this much in control, why are they even allowing DJT to roam around? Why not kill him off in some "accident"?
I don't see how the deep state is in control, but I do agree with you that DJT isn't in control either. As I have written many times I believe that there is a struggle.
Congratulations! I certainly wouldn’t mind the weather of Florida right now!
Assuming that we get Trump reinstated at some point, I want to do some thorough research on GOP senators and congressmen before the 2022 primaries, to figure out who can be trusted (not very many) and who should get the boot (most of the senators, I feel). There is some real work to be done there.
Ice Q, nice! :-D
I'm still amazed that McConnell failed in getting Trump convicted in the impeachment trial. Clearly, that is what he wanted to do. My best guess is that he tried to get support behind the scenes, but couldn't get enough, so he decided to vote to aquit using some lame excuse and then instead excruciate Trump in his on the floor speech in a feeble attempt to get the party to distance itself from Trump. It obviously backfired, but I am amazed that he even thought it would work. On the other hand, he is still miority leader, which is also incredible. What the hell is the senate GOP thinking? On the one hand they are clearly not properly behind Trump, on the other hand they fear us too much to actually get rid of Trump. At the moment the focus is on rectifying 2020 and reinstating Trump, but when that is accomplished the focus should immediately shift to getting rid of the RINOS and those who merely pretend to support Trump in the republican party. I foresee some brutal primary battles in 2022.
"On one hand it could be that things are truly winding down."
Well, yeah. None of this is strange if you just listen to Trump.
Yup, I agree. Anyway, I don't think any of my posts have been deleted yet and I have been saying pretty much the same stuff for the few weeks I have been posting (was lurking here for a while before posting), so we'll see what happens (as Trump would say). :-)
At least the likes of you and me aren't setting ourselves up for disappointment. :-)
Nice read, but let's hope he finishes this up before the summer, because this has taken absolutely forever.
Yes, indeed. This is exactly my concern. People shouldn't be afraid of questioning stuff that they don't find trustworthy or maybe they just want to see some evidence for it.
I have NEVER believed in datefagging and I am glad that most people seems to have come around to that same view now. It makes no sense to me that any of this should be set at some particular date and it just sets people up for disappointment.
Likewise, I don't believe in the "we have already won" talking point, claiming that Trump or the military is already in control, that Biden is an actor or whatever. I believe the reason why nothing has happened yet is because there is a real struggle behind the scenes. We have no idea how long that struggle will last, nor do we know who will actually win that struggle. That's my best take on it right now, but I am obviously willing to listen to arguments to the contrary.
Yup. Keep calm everybody. Nothing of significance is happening today!
OK, this might be fun. I'd imagine typical answers would be something in the vein of this:
Why won't they let anybody ask biden any questions? Why hasn't he had a solo press conference?
Why should they? The low-key approach is working.
Why doesn't he wear his wedding ring?
That's his prerogative.
Why are they pushing mail in voting after continuously disparaging it in the past for being rife with fraud?
Safety precautions because of COVID.
Why are they fighting a forensic audit of the election so hard?
All standard audits are being done. Democrats don't want to support the talking point that there were any problems with the election. You hear this all of the time as an argument in the MSM.
Where did BLM donations go?
I got nothing on this one. I don't know what this is all about.
How much of the latest stimulus bill goes toward the US fight against COVID? What other provisions are in this bill that effect families, in particular, regarding child genital mutilation?
Honestly just did a search and couldn't find anything about child genital mutilation in this bill.
Why is any of this included in a COVID bill?
This is a huge bill and huge reconciliation bills often include a bunch of stuff.
Why are we required to wear masks when studies have continuously shown they are at best, ineffective?
Points to study X that says that masks are effective.
Why are we being required to take the vaccine which has a chance to kill more elderly people than the virus itself?
Points to study Y that says that the vaccines only have mild side effects.
Why are we being censored by leftists if their ideas truly are better than ours?
That is being done by private organizations like Facebook and Twitter and is outside of governmental control.
Why is the military still in DC?
Safety measure following the "insurrection".
Why do they purposely conflate "Q" and "Anon" into "QAnon?"
Because someone started that and it took hold.
Why did Twitter change their T&S recently/what changed? Companies change their shit all of the time.
Well, that was "fun". I have debated a ton of leftists and trust me, not a single one of those questions would move them in the slightest.