Thepandaman 2 points ago +2 / -0

You can’t even make up this incompetence. How do these people have any power? They couldn’t even run a youth soccer league properly.

Thepandaman 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks for the kind words!

Luckily she’s moving to America. Prior to the shutdown I was somewhat open to moving to Canada, I’ve lived all over America, my hometown is 90 minutes from the border, and financially making USD living there would be a nice advantage. I made it pretty clear though if Trump was re-elected or we go into a civil war I’m not leaving(the fact she didn’t even question my half insane civil war comment outside of “what if we have kids then” made her a keeper lol).

Then as Covid lockdowns happened she went from “We will figure out” to “Canada is f’ed, I can’t deal with this, I’m moving to America to be with you”.. with the help of a opportunity she couldn’t turn down within her company here in the states. It’s in a different American city than I’m in, which works fine for me.

Thepandaman 3 points ago +3 / -0

We will be engaged by summer, married by 2022. The issue is her being in another country currently with the lockdowns, we’ve discussed marriage and kids a million times. Canada didn’t let me in at all, despite having extensive business documentation, they still told me to F off during covid. So we have been limited, but us working remotely (I always have with my business) has made it possible despite she being forced to quarantine. She’s moving up within her company to the states, which is the quickest/easiest/cheapest way. We will both be moving to a new city together. It’s not if we get married/engaged... more like when. It would have happened by now in normal circumstances.

Thepandaman 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have never been more open with anyone. I’m pretty sure most women would have called the FBI on me lol. Her family has an extensive story with big pharma in Canada, so she’s been more apt to listening to everything I rant about for hours every night and agreeing or carefully listening to learn more. I’ve dated a ton in my life, she’s definitely different and dealt with the most extreme times for my passion.

Thepandaman 3 points ago +3 / -0

I’m going to order direct from his site so he gets a bigger profit margin. We are going to be ordering about 12-16 pillows for our house. Regardless of the election, these pillows are incredible. I can now see why he has built an empire. I know a dozen pillows isn’t some massive order, but makes me feel better to spend my money on someone who’s on our side and support an American made business.

Thepandaman 3 points ago +3 / -0

She was legit when she was with the administration. Probably became stressful when you’re constantly attacked by the MSM over looks or family. It was absurd how cruel they were to her. Her and her father were always Trump loyalists so that’s good enough for me.

Thepandaman 2 points ago +2 / -0

For sure, thought this may be good to share so we can use it when idiots say “it was disproven” or “conspiracy”

Thepandaman 5 points ago +5 / -0

This is a perfect example of how he did not win the election. Also, reading the article it is hilarious his degenerate mother tries to criticize the agency after she brought him over at 7 years old and made no effort to make him a citizen for 11 years as a minor.

Thepandaman 9 points ago +9 / -0

I realized the media was the true enemy of the people after I saw how they treated pizzagate. I dedicated months of my life to it, examining crystal clear evidence of these monsters. I always knew the media would lie, I just expected they would have some slight moral backbone to report on child predators. Society has been in an extreme downward spiral since.