Bingo. Then , what if there was collusion within our own pelosi waiting until late january to start the impeachment trial...or dem govs setting up nursing homes for failure....or when the virus isnt as deadly as they thought, gaslighting hydroxy chloroquine to death. ? Infecting republicans intentionally? Do they show up to dc for confirmation within a military prison?
She's wearing a mask so you can't see the total fear in her face. Even without thtat, Eyes and Voice are telling of panic.
Symbolism will be their downfall...
Underrated comment of the year
Without a doubt a hero. His whole operation takes balls. Especially with what appears to be true about the opposition.
We'd be stupid to think that okeeke and enrique tario arent intellegence of some sort
CNN is asking why it took so long for him to "denounce". Absolute insanity.
Also only played the part where he said "my supporters wouldnt do xyz". They framed it in isolation and out of context. Same as usual.
Like the end of a movie. This whole thing reminds me of Gladiator.
Need some sauce here...please
Bold indeed. Almost like they are connecting the dots for us
This isnt Fox news. This is a local which i think is super based.
I agree from watching on tv. He dragged on that he could "present evidence for days", "sorry, its cold, but just a little longer "...ect. he knew what was up.
Did anyone look at the date of this video? Feb 2017.
Didnt flynn just put on parlor the odd link to a mobile phone picture?
Apple and google took it down
Saudi Arabia. This was around the time of things popping off in SA with MBS and his arrests.
As soon as i heard him talk. I knew he had tricks up his sleve.
That could be another reason why he had Rudy lay out the constitution for us over and over. It was like a college course that we all payed very close attention to.
State legislation is the most important part of government constitutionally, and it needs to take back its power from executives and beurocrats.
Great awakening indeed.
I believe the regeneron antibody treatment is an hour long iv drip.
Correct. Football game was blacked out for a few minutes. 10 miles from NYC.