Submit your public comments here. Deadline is September 12th. You also have the option to upload your comment via .pdf or .doc


Announcement of the public comment period here:


The Board would appreciate public comments that address:

  • The impacts of Meta’s Hate Speech and Bullying and Harassment policies on freedom of expression around gender identity issues, and the rights of transgender people, including minors.
  • Technical challenges in enforcing bullying and harassment policies at scale, the effectiveness of self-reporting requirements and their impacts on people targeted by bullying or harassment, and comparisons to alternative enforcement approaches.
  • The sociopolitical context in the United States concerning freedom of expression and the rights of transgender people, especially for access to single-sex spaces and participation in sporting events.

As part of its decisions, the Board can issue policy recommendations to Meta. While recommendations are not binding, Meta must respond to them within 60 days. As such, the Board welcomes public comments proposing recommendations that are relevant to these cases.

Despite being an independent entity, the Oversight Board has significant authority that earned it the nickname “Meta’s supreme court.” It can overturn the company’s decisions in particular cases and issue policy recommendations to Meta.

Even though these recommendations are not binding, Meta must officially respond within 60 days, and it often leads to changes in Meta’s internal policies.


This is "Miss Germany" for those who missed it: https://twitter.com/disclosetv/status/1761863930387845525

NATO and Iran are currently engaged in a pissing contest.

NATO country crowns a hijab-free Iranian woman to piss off the mullahs running Iran. Bonus points for being part of the White replacement agenda.

I strongly suspect that the hag who won has some glowing background meant to piss off Iran even more. If it was only about White replacement or having an Iranian win a contest, then they would have chose an age appropriate woman for the job.


Remember that statistic when your elected officials plaster their office with posters for missing Israeli kidnapping victims. They will never put up a missing child poster in their office for your missing child, but they will for Israelis. They care more about missing Israelis than they do their own missing constituents.

John Fetterman would never do this for the missing children in Pennsylvania:



What are the odds that they are filming a "movie scene" involving explosions and 700 fake protesters at the same time this Trump indictment stuff is all over the news? It sounds an awful lot like those "shooter drills" that always seem to happen on the same day as an actual mass shooting. How much of this is a rehearsal? Heck, looking at the names involved, wouldn't be surprised if this some kind of sick ritual.

A wild scene from the “Joker” movie sequel is set to be filmed this weekend outside Manhattan Criminal Court — where a media circus has gathered awaiting a decision in the former president’s indictment.

The film shoot for “Joker: Folie à Deux” will feature faux explosions, 700 “protesters” and a possible appearance by Lady Gaga, who is starring in the flick along with Joaquin Phoenix and Robert DeNiro, according to NBC.



Two unrelated headlines caught my eye today. Notice how they refuse to use the word "men."

Sinema Trashes Dems: ‘Old Dudes Eating Jell-O’

Dudes Have Been Dominating Women’s History Month This Year

This part of the deliberate campaign to erase the word "man" and "men." They are replacing with these words with the subtly insulting "males" and, worse, "dudes." Why is this insulting? Why go to these lengths to avoid using the word "man"? Because:

"Males" is dehumanizing language. "Males" can refer to any member of the animal kingdom, but "men" and "man" can only refer to humans. When they use "males" where "men" would be more appropriate, they are reducing men to livestock. In fact, these corporate hacks, Leftists, and politicians treat livestock with more respect than they do human men. They'll use the correct gendered noun to describe livestock—e.g. bull, buck, ram—but refuse to use the correct word for humans--men.

The words "man" and "men" have symbolic power. Do you take a "dude" seriously? Would you rather hire a "dude" or a "man" for a job? "I am a man" is a more powerful statement than "I am a dude" or "I am a male." They don't want men thinking of themselves as "men" but as inferior "dudes" or dehumanized "males."

They rarely do this to women. You don't see "females" used with the same frequency as "males." Not that they should be insulting women this way, but I'm only pointing it out to show that this word erasure is clearly targeted as weakening men.

If you're skeptical, then start paying attention to how the media, Leftists, and politicians use the words "dudes" and "males." It's everywhere.

To the men reading this: You are a man, not a "male" or a "dude". I encourage you to avoid their sick thought trap.


Not trolling, dooming, or looking to start a fight. This is a genuine question. The train derailed 11 days ago, and President Trump has not made one public comment on any of those 11 days about this terrifying situation. East Palestine and the neighboring parts of PA are Trump country. His supporters being heavily affected by the disaster. Given the situation, does anyone else find his silence on this unusual?


Off the top of my head. Feel free to add anyone else that I missed in the comments.

Two NJ Republican politicians murdered within one week Source

Diamond - Hospitalized around Thanksgiving and later passed away. Cause of death unknown to the public.

Scott Presler - Had a health issue in October 2022 that forced him to stay home and stop registering voters before the election.

Sundance - Lost his roof in a hurricane in October 2022, then his cat unexpectedly passed away.

James O'Keefe - A board member added to Project Veritas in October 2022 is the ringleader currently trying to oust James.

Newsmax - Dropped by DirectTV in January 2022.

Steven Crowder - Public contract dispute with Big Conservative

IMO, it appears that orders from high up were given around October 2022 to start cracking down on any conservative personalities or media who pose a risk to the Enemy. While I believe some of this may be coincidence, like the hurricane that derailed Sundance, others I'm not so sure.


With the recent Chinese balloon incident and the Superb Owl only a week away, it's a good time to remind people that there exists predictive programming involving deadly blimp incidents at football games. Hopefully nothing happens at the Superb Owl and there aren't any false flags, but in case there are any more suspicious balloon or blimp incidents, here you go.

Obligatory The Simpsons predictive programming involving blimp crashes at football games:


Black Sunday - a movie about terrorists threatening to blow up a blimp at a football game:


Honorary mention: The Sum of All Fears plot involves terrorist bombing the Superb Owl (no blimps here, though).

The terrorists' plan is to detonate the weapon at the Super Bowl in Denver while simultaneously staging a false flag attack on U.S. military forces in stationed in Berlin by East Germans disguised as Soviet soldiers. The terrorists are trying to begin a nuclear war between the U.S. and the Soviet Union.



The blatant rigging of last night's NFL game bolstered a theory about Damar Hamlin that I've advanced here from the start. I strongly suspect that Damar Hamlin faked his injury with complicity from the NFL. Damar's fine, the whole thing was the hoax, the purported "body doubles" are really him. Motive? This is what I theorized 20 days ago. Emphasis mine.

I think the injury was faked, too, although I haven't settled on a motive. Possible motives:

  • The people who rig professional sports needed that game to end without conclusion.
  • The NFL is trying to rebrand itself away from Lefty flag kneeling and politics, e.g. "We kneel for God now instead the flag." Well, they should kneel for God, but they're still a rotten organization for various reasons.
  • Trying to get ahead of more "died suddenlys" like OP suggests by controlling the narrative.
  • All of the above?

If those were the motives for faking an injury, then it looks like the Damar Hamlin hoax was an overall success The NFL rigged the playoffs, rebranded itself with the prayer circles, and opened up discussion about the vaccine injuries to control the narrative, i.e. "cooling the mark out."


Now that global vaccination is done, they won, they can admit that vaccines cause harm or even were ineffective.

It actually helps them to admit these things now.

It's called "cooling the mark out".

The mark is those who were aware.



Today I learned about the newly formed Keystone Party. They are so new that they didn't even have a website until April 2022. Despite being brand new, however, they somehow had the resources to collect the thousands of signatures required to gain ballot access, and they weren't even challenged in court over it by the big parties. Either the Keystone Party has incredible luck, or they have some powerful allies who want them on the ballot as spoiler candidates.

The first thing you see when you look at the Keystone Party's website and campaign literature is lots and lots of purple. Odd color choice for a party calling themselves the "Keystone Party" considering that purple isn't anywhere in the state flag, major university colors, sports teams, or really anything with a connection to Pennsylvania. Purple, however, is the preferred color of the current color revolution.

The Clintons And Soros Launch America's Purple Revolution

It gets sketchier the more you click through their website. Here they are repeatedly using owls in their campaign literature. Again, there are no special connections between Pennsylvania and owls. Why would a party calling themselves the "Keystone Party" use an animal with zero connection to PA as their mascot? It's just more suspicious cabal symbolism.




Folks, I know there are a lot of Pennsylvanians out there who are disappointed that Dr. Oz is the Republican candidate. I know there are lot of Pennsylvanians who are fed up and disgusted with both of the big parties. I'm one of them. But you are being duped if you vote for an obvious sham party like this. They want you to vote for their sham spoiler candidates because it makes it easier for them to steal elections from Republicans. Don't fall for it.


Sorry to datefag, but I found an interesting date to share—11/3/22. That is exactly 666 days from January 6th, 2021, and also has 33 symbology (11*3). It shares some numbers of the JFK assassination (11/22/63). And...uh...there's a lot of predictive programming for some kind of calamity happening on 11/3. Back in 2019, a lot of Anons thought there was going to be a major false flag on November 3rd, possibly something involving a football game.

I pray that this November 3, 2022 is uneventful, but I'm posting this just in case the increasingly unhinged Deep State tries something before Election Day.

A series called The Rookie warns of a "ballistic missile threat" on 11/3:


From The Economist "The World in 2015" cover:


Illuminati trading card with 11/3 on the clock:


Obligatory The Simpsons predictive programming:



This is a must read for anyone who needs some hope about the vaccine mandate.

Sundance over at Conservative Treehouse makes an excellent point that outside of the one Biden announcement made about the vaccine mandate, the federal government bureaucracy isn't moving on it. I'll quote the most important part, but strongly recommend that people read the full post on CTH:


So, there are three elements: (1) Federal worker mandate; (2) Federal contractor mandate; and the big controversial one, (3) a national worker mandate for companies with over 100 employees.

Focusing on #3, the big one. The only material from the White House on the BIG CONTROVERSIAL national worker mandate is a small paragraph on the WH COVID PLAN section:

… That’s it folks. Almost a week later, and that’s the sum total of everything about the biggest economic and workforce disruption in the history of the nation. That one paragraph posted on September 10th.

Why is this important?

Well, the U.S. Department of Labor website has ZERO mentions of this national mandate. ZERO, nothing… nada, zilch. [SEE HERE]

Looking at the OSHA COVID information portal, used by employers and legal execs, will show you the exact same result. Nothing. [SEE HERE]

Notice there’s no date for DoL or OSHA delivery of any employer guidance or details. Nothing.

Think about this. This is the largest nationwide change to employment eligibility requirement in U.S. history. Nothing else is even close… and yet, if you didn’t watch the Biden announcement or read the media discussion about the Biden announcement, you wouldn’t be able to find a single detail about it – anywhere.

This is not normal; not even close to normal… even for the federal government.

If there was a federal intent to actually force American workers to get forcibly vaccinated as a condition of employment, there would be daily updates from a massive inter-agency network of compliance offices, regulatory agencies and private sector business interests giving updates and briefings. And yes, that pertains only to the anticipated guidance part, not to the actual setting of a deadline and working through the implementation phase of the national mandate.

I’m only talking about the basic guidance aspect. The labor discussions with internal and external customers of the DoL, OSHA, etc. to set a calendar for how to implement “guidance”, just that part. There’s nothing.

The absence of even a scintilla of material to indicate the White House or any federal agency is organizing an action plan of how to structure the guidance itself is telling. The silence of the machine tells us it is not turned on. The bureaucracy has not been triggered. The machinery of the federal government has not been instructed to begin any process to execute on the instruction that OSHA will “develop a rule that will require all employers with 100 or more employees to ensure their workforce is fully vaccinated.” Nothing.

The silence is deafening.

It sure does seem like they have no intention of ever even triggering the process to get OSHA to begin evaluating how they could even begin to pull this off…. and again, for emphasis, I’m only talking about the tiny step of delivering initial guidance to employers that would indicate to them that OSHA was developing a rule.

There’s no deadline for OSHA to generate the guidance – and there’s certainly no deadline for the OSHA rule itself, which will come as an outcome of that initial guidance part.


Do we have any representation anymore? Even in our schools? The duly elected North Allegheny School District school board listened to the parents and made the masks optional. Eleven people sued the school district to force a mask mandate, U.S. Judge Marilyn Horan (Obama nominee) agreed with them, and now everyone in the school district has to wear a mask.

Does anyone know where to find the court documents of this case?



March 28, 2021

I was on a stand by list for 6 days in case there was a no show & it happened. I called 5 vaccine sites in trump leaning suburbs of LA because if those fools don’t want to be vaccinated because they think it’s a Bill Gates or Dolly Parton microchip tracking system...I’ll take it!


August 2, 2021:

Yes, I have lung cancer even though I've never smoked!


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