Triggerforge99 1 point ago +1 / -0

I live in NC and have been told by someone that works at NCGOP that this is absolutely true. And MKR's campaign independently verified it, and all but 1 or 2 have left his campaign.

They also said that we will hear of 911 recordings before the election where his wife Yolanda, accuses him of beating her.

I've heard rumors Trump's team is the ones pushing him to drop out although it's too late now.

I would still vote for him if he were honest, but the fact is he stood up and lied tonight.

You don't have to believe me because I understand that you don't know me and I'm just someone posting on the internet, but with the 911 tapes come out you and I both will know the validity of my friends.

We can't call the truth a lie, because the people will ignore us when we say something is a lie.

deleted 1 point ago +1 / -0