Trump2024Trump 14 points ago +14 / -0

Not that truth and perspective matter as much as narrative here, but just for some, Conor has been on a tweet rampage since injuring his leg in his last fight. Deleting tweets quickly after posting them hasn’t been uncommon. This one is definitely more tame than some of the others though. I’d guess he figured the Twitter fights and backlash for vaccine isn’t worth it, he’ll be fighting again soon, and he’ll be able to answer those questions and concerns when he does media. Should be pretty entertaining when he does, Dana White doesn’t give a shit what these guys say and it’s great

Trump2024Trump 4 points ago +4 / -0

Republicans will definitely take power back in 2022, what they do with it? Who knows. Depends on if we sit back and celebrate, or actually hold them accountable to America first policies, 2020 election truth, Jan 6 truth