Trumpternal 4 points ago +5 / -1

Yea it's already a hot month, and probably going to get hotter. I just think Trumps tweet was premature. The Israel/Iran war didn't even fully break out yet, that's when the real market crash gonna come. Hell it could happen overnight this market will drop another 1000 points.

Trumpternal 3 points ago +7 / -4

Yea but the market has never been higher, it hasn't stopped going up in the last year. That 1000 points isn't as dramatic as it would have been 20 years ago. It's never happened before because the markets never been this high before.

Trumpternal 2 points ago +3 / -1

Yea well the cabal manipulates the market for sure, but if you put 1000 bucks into Apple, and Amazon back in 2002 you'd have made a shit ton of money, probably in the millions. So I don't know how you call that shit.

Trumpternal 7 points ago +8 / -1

Ok, we'll see. People starting panicking like crazy, with knee jerk reactions saying the sky is falling, but this is probably just a correction. The market is consolidating, tomorrow will be more revealing of what this market is going to do.

Trumpternal -15 points ago +9 / -24

Trump jumped the gun on this one, the market is already recovering. The market was long overdue for a correction, that it's looking like that's all this is.

Edit: lol damn ya'll why you downvoting me into oblivion, the market went back up almost as dramatically as it went down.

Trumpternal 5 points ago +5 / -0

That's always a possibility that the military take over after another fraud election. but if we have to see kamalas smug face being sworn in on Jan 20th, putting her demon hand on a bible, while Pedo Joe sails off into the sunset, I'm going to lose my mind xD

Trumpternal 23 points ago +23 / -0

If they are allowed to steal this election, and install Harris as President, I will completely lose all faith in the plan, and will consequently believe it was just a psyop

Trumpternal 6 points ago +6 / -0

So if they install Harris through another fraud election, you're just gonna sit back and still pretend that it was done for a movie, and it was done by design? Then after 4 years of Kamel Toes, are you still going to think that? I'm just curious.

Trumpternal 2 points ago +2 / -0

There's plenty of answers, we're just not allowed to know them. Their assassination attempt on DJT is classified national security secret. They ain't gonna tell us shit.

Trumpternal 7 points ago +7 / -0

The media has almost a supernatural ability to subjugate these peoples minds.

Trumpternal 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nope, and it's honestly quite disheartening.

Trumpternal 4 points ago +4 / -0

IT's definitely a problem that I've noticed too. Lot's and lot's of disinfo starts out on X, big conservative accounts get tricked into sharing disinfo because they want to be the first to share something for engagement.

Trumpternal 4 points ago +4 / -0

Never watched the original, it's a little bit too old for me. I heard it was better than the newer one.

Trumpternal 13 points ago +13 / -0

I've watched this movie many times, the eerie feeling I get from it, has not been replicated by any other movie since. Underrated movie.

Trumpternal 19 points ago +19 / -0

This young woman wasn't just hurt badly, she's efffing paralyzed?? That's her life, it's gone because some fucking faggot wants to force everyone to play out the delusions of some other faggot.

This story should be enough to cancel every single official that promoted, and allowed this bullshit, making sure they don't have a career anymore, but it's same from the cocksucking media, Crickets. You can't even find this story on CNN, MSNBC, or other of these mother fkin sites. I'm livid...

Trumpternal 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hahaha, is that you DeathRayDesigner, haven't we done this dance once before? I already know you're not here to openly discuss it with an objective mind, you're just here to argue and stroke your ego, DeathRayDesigner. I can tell right from your response how condescending, and pathetically argumentative you are when it comes to this stuff. Why does it bother you so much? What is the problem with your ego that doesn't allow for open your minded discussion even the slightest bit. This circuit is amazing, and mainstream science doesn't have a valid explanation for why it works, yet it does.

This is just a small excerpt from Brave's AI driven search engine: "The tank circuit, also known as the hairpin circuit, is a design attributed to Nikola Tesla, a pioneer in the study of radiant energy. This circuit is shrouded in mystery, and its exact mechanics are still unknown. According to available information, it generates radiant energy and cannot be fully explained by conventional physics.

Key Features:

The circuit consists of a hairpin-shaped coil, typically made of copper or other conductive materials, with a high-voltage source connected to it. Tesla’s original schematics and demonstrations show the circuit capable of producing unusual effects, such as lighting a bulb in water."

Arguing with you is exactly like arguing with Pro Vaccine, and Pro Covid Vaccinators. Nothing can get through to them or you, they have it set in their mind as they've been told by their media masters that It's 'Safe and Effective' and no amount of Empirical Evidence will change their mind.

Trumpternal 1 point ago +1 / -0

People who study Tesla's patents, and writings under the scope of standard understanding of electrodynamics will get NOWHERE. If you apply what you learned college physics to Tesla's discoveries, you will only build his coils wrong, and end up just shooting purple sparks around that do nothing.

Tesla discovered a different form of electricity. Electricity WITHOUT magnetism, and here it is right here.


Tell me why, we are not taught that you can make circuits like this with cold electricity that can be put in water, and do NOT electrocute you when touched. Why aren't we taught of this form electricity?

Trumpternal 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wrong. I've learned physics, you haven't learned about they've been hiding from us. I've studied Tesla's writings, I've read his patents, we've been sold a big bag of lies about Energy, and Electricity.

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