Holohoax is built on fabricated homicidal gas chambers that were logistically and physically impossible anyway.
They wouldn't declassify nuttin unless they're running an op. They're probably trying to get Iran to move assets around, so they can pin point their next target.
I have not made any claims about HAARP, you're projecting what other people said onto me. I don't think HAARP is anything but a possible failed project, or a misinformation campaign.
That said, these projects to control the weather almost certainly exist because they absolutely would have pursued ways to control the weather. To what extent they can control the weather is pure speculation, but they certainly researched it extensively. So where's that research? Did they reach a dead end, and give up? I doubt it. Wherever their research took them is highly classified, and you DeathyRayDesigner wouldn't be privy to it, like I already said. Your flawed understanding of physics and the universe doesn't make you understanding of all the ways possible to control the weather. Take your shill tactics back to reddit. Go circle jerk on r/physics please, stop being a faggot here.
Haha it's funny you keep putting this out there, when I know you deleted from your comments the real reason you changed your name. but claiming a 'glitch' and then pivoting to 'Couldn't recall your password' It's obvious you're lying.
Oh you know that based on your "technical knowledge" What a fool you are. As if the government wouldn't have a cover story for some of their secret weather modification. Since HAARP is so publicly known, it probably is the cover story. Either way claiming you know because of your "Professional Technical knowledge" is retarded because YOU are not privy to classified program, so you can't know. Dickhead.
Jack smith is a nazi?
The ADL trains every FBI agent. Who's really funding it? "The FBI and the ADL: Working Toward a World Without Hate"
I'm 40. I don't honestly even understand what you mean by "I accept collectivism" I have no idea what that actually means. I'm just trying to let you know that the homicidal gas chambers never existed, they were an invention of the Jewish Soviet propagandists.
They first said Auschwitz was the absolute worst camp, that gassed the most Jews, then one day they realized that there was not a single shred of corroborating forensic evidence to back that up, so they then said "Oh Oh just kidding, it was actually at Birkenau 2.2 miles away where they gassed all those people"
Many other lies were told by the soviet propagandist, and their friends in the media. How you don't recognized these pattern of lies, is beyond me. Which leads to believe you're either terrible at pattern recognition, OR you're Jewish, and you refuse to see the simple truth.
I'm just trying to see if you're dumb enough to still believe the WW2 bullshit that you were programmed to believe. Clearly you are. Terrible at pattern recognition. Are you Jewish?
Let me ask you something. Do you believe that the Germans tricked human beings into going into rooms disguised as showers so they could murder them with Cyklon B cyanide gas?
Because the 6 million number was obviously exaggerated. There weren't even that many Jews in Germany at the time, and many had already fled with the rise of Hitler.
Since then they've already revised their numbers several times, and they keep bringing the total number lower. The official numbers now only show that it was somewhere around 4.5 million Jewish lives lost. Which is funny that they keep lowering it, why did they LIE to begin with?
I'm not dreaming up the fact that Jews have been expelled from countries 108 times, and is a recurring theme throughout history. Why do the Jews keep ending up being expelled? I wonder why that it is. I guess people just can't help but be antisemitic towards them for no reason at all. So strange.
6 Million figure is a complete exaggeration. The so called homicidal death chambers never existed. All the people that died in the camps died from typhus, starvation, dysentery, and other causes. which probably amounted to a few hundred thousand, not millions like the holohoax purveyors claim.
Hmm, he did not display any "hatred" and is actually just speaking facts. Self serving myths? He did not do that. "He embarks on collectivism" Lol, are you retarded? Who the fuck talks like this?
I concur with this. His old name on this site used to be DeathRayDesigner. He changed his name after he had been discovered as a shill. He now claims he changed his name because he "Lost the password" and he deleted earlier comments where he said the real reason why he changed his name.
He regularly goes to any thread that's having open discussions about technology or advanced sciences and proceeds to sow division. Then he goes on to say understands the science better than anyone because he worked in a similar field. He regularly touts his alleged background in "Aerospace" and has done this repeatedly. Typical shill tactics.
In previous comments he's told he's worked in aerospace field for 50 years. Long time huh? Must mean he's like 70 years old. I've had many argumentative discussions with this shill, and he's not here for open discussion. He never once reinforces a fellow .win users thoughts, or validates anything they write. He only ever attacks people, and their posts.
Give her NVDA stock to the J6 victims who've been locked away in the D.C. gulag without any due process.
Did anyone notice that when you click on it, it actually brings up a game you can play vs other people? "Shall we play a game?" Weird stuff
No not all of them, but a majority of them. There's a reason why they've been expelled from countries109 times, and it's reoccurring theme throughout history.
He's not antisemitic, he just plays both sides as international jews like him normally do.
Right wing media companies like Tenet, or whatever company they don't like really. They'll weaponize it against whoever they want, you know how corrupt these people are.
Gums and lozenges will stop nicotine withdrawals that's it, it won't automatically fix an addiction to smoking.
From my personal experience, absolutely yes. Nicotine is absolutely addictive on it's own, anyone that tells you otherwise is lying.
I quit smoking cigarettes in 2012 and then strictly vaped Nicotine E juice with vegetable glycerin, or Propylene Glycol for 4 years. Then I quit vaping in 2016, and I can tell you with absolute certainty my body and mind was physically dependent.
Then in 2019, I heard claims that nicotine wasn't addictive, and heard claims of neuroprotective abilities. I decided to try using smokeless tobacco products, and smokeless nicotine products. And I got addicted all over again, and had to detox and go through hellish cravings again. It sucks. Nicotine is absolutely addictive, and is poison to your body.
They're just going to use this EO to claim Russia, and Iran interfered in the election. Watch.
Pure nicotine, I mean no, products on the shelves will always have fillers, and delivery by products that enable the body to absorb chemicals. Do you know of one product for sale anywhere that is pure nicotine?
Thems be the ones.