Trumpternal 4 points ago +4 / -0

Anyone else notice that the tweet preceding this one is some random tweet about Q Tips. with a picture of the brand Q tips, showing a big Q.

Trumpternal 4 points ago +4 / -0

Do you also rationalize 9/11 this way also? Ahh, it's just some people that did something, something shady. Is that you Illhan omar?

Trumpternal 1 point ago +1 / -0

Are you even an American? This type of thing, like what sending in a paid for hire hit squad pretending to be Jihadist to kill completely innocent people. No Americans want this sort of this done in their name. IT's different if we sent in Jihadis to go fight Russians on the battlefield, these were women and children, you fool.

Trumpternal 2 points ago +2 / -0

What caused you to change your mind?

Trumpternal 4 points ago +4 / -0

I hear you get a rainbow colored butt plug when you do that, you'd like that wouldn't you?

Trumpternal 3 points ago +3 / -0

They even made the used in a sentence example to be specifically about a protest, these people are fucking evil beyond belief. It's so tiresome, and deflating.

Trumpternal 1 point ago +1 / -0

Where does it say he used Ivermectin/HCQ because the community notes say he used Oleandrin which sounds ridiculous. I want to shred these community notes, but want to make sure I have the right information.

Trumpternal 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sorry for insults, but I was already getting attacked on this thread for trying to clear up the misinformation that people were spewing about them. The sheer amount of misinformation that is being thrown around about them everywhere is maddening. They're getting hit from both sides because mainstream media wants to ruin Elon, destroy Tesla, and Twitter. Then Trump supporters are raging against them because the shitbirds in the Biden admin keep forcing them on people. I don't blame our side for hating them because of Biden but they're passing around misinformation about them and most people are upvoting bad information because they hate EV's thanks to leftist freaks and their communist climate change agenda.

I don't like EV's because I think they're better for the environment I like them because of their superior smooth acceleration, low maintenance, and advanced tech. I also hate going to the gas station, I'd rather charge at home. I used to drive an Audi that ate oil crazy, then one day the engine blew because of sludge in the Engine, thanks to poor design on a ICE vehicle that should never happen because it's had 100 years to perfect.

Better EV batteries are more than just hypothetical they're being diligently worked on, but they may not pan out the way I'm hoping they do. I could be wrong on that, but I don't think I am.

You can recycle batteries.

EV owners in Norway have no problem charging and using their cars in the cold, Norway one of the coldest places has some of the highest adoption of EV's in the world. There are stories of the EV chargers not working in the cold that was blown up in the media like crazy because of hatred for Elon and Tesla. A few months ago I stopped at a gas station, and the pumps were broken, I almost ran out of gas trying to get to the next station. Should there be a national news story and outrage about it? Absolutely not, but when it happens to Tesla it becomes national news. People on here are losing their basic reasoning skills to rage against EV's, and it's disgusting.

Sorry for insulting you.

Trumpternal 1 point ago +1 / -0

You can just cross one wire in a Tesla, and make it stop working the same way I could easily disable a fucking ICE vehicle just as easily, if not easier. This is by the most retarded comment I've seen you from you yet, but the day is still young. Keep going retard, let's how much more retarded shit you can say.

You've seen exactly what from a blow tire on both vehicles, what them being disable? Yes, disabled just like you are.

You still haven't answered me this how the fuck this happen on it's own without some fuckin retard like you doing it on purpose? "" Oh, here's a crossed wire. Looks like you need a new battery." ""

Trumpternal 1 point ago +1 / -0

OK shit for brains I just want to answer one single question, since you just keep dodging the question pretending like you didn't say something so completely retarded. How does this happen? --- > "Oh, here's a crossed wire. Looks like you need a new battery."

How the fuck does a wire get crossed inside of a battery, and whoops you suddenly need a new battery.

Trumpternal 1 point ago +1 / -0

I noticed your dogbrain didn't actually address the direct question. Listen you fucking dogbrain low IQ retarded dumbshit answer this question how often because this is what you originally said "Oh, here's a crossed wire. Looks like you need a new battery." " How often does a crossed wire just happen on enclosed electrical system? Unbelievable how fucking stupid you are.

Trumpternal 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yea, if the short keeps going it will indeed ruin the battery when it catches on fire. The same way a short in an ICE vehicle can catch on fire, and brick the entire vehicle. How fucking retarded are you? Yes vehicles can catch on fire, ICE, or EV. On average ICE vehicles catch on fire FAR more than Tesla's do. Tesla's batteries don't just get shorted on their own. Battery wires don't just get crossed on their own.

Trumpternal 1 point ago +1 / -0

For the record you're the one that started throwing insults. I know you're used to being a condescending jerkoff, but I only respond in kind.

BMW is just an example that solid state batteries are coming, there are much better batteries being worked on. That's how it works, it took many years for ICE vehicles to get to where they are today. It's always improving. Your short sightedness and implicit bias makes you incapable of seeing how much better the tech will be in the future. It's okay bro, stay ignorant, and retarded.

Trumpternal 1 point ago +1 / -0

Less moving parts equals less complicated design, I thought that was pretty obvious. Then you showed that you didn't understand that very simple design feature, so I felt the need be more specific. Less complicated = less moving parts. More complicated = more moving parts, it's not that hard to understand bruh.

Trumpternal 0 points ago +1 / -1

No, shit for brains. I don't drag race EV's but their effortless quick acceleration, and no need to shift gears is amazing for daily driving. I also enjoy the sensation of driving ICE vehicle for the revs, and how they feel of one, but for daily driving, and passing cars on the highway, commuting back and forth to work i'll take a Tesla all day, everyday.

Trumpternal 0 points ago +1 / -1

Do wires just randomly get crossed in batteries? Tell me how many times a battery wire just gets crossed? That doesn't happen.

IF you put a wrench across the lead acid battery in your ICE vehicle, does it completely brick the battery. NOPE. True shorting a lithium ion battery is bad news, but it won't brick the battery. Will it cause a fire, probably.. that fire will certainly destroy the battery, but just shorting a lithium ion battery for a second will NOT brick the battery, and it certainly won't brick the motor. Dumbass.

Trumpternal 0 points ago +1 / -1

All you have terrible formatting skills, and a dogbrain that is incapable of thinking logically with gaslighting about electric cars being a niche market. At least you stopped putting all my responses in quotes, I'd call that a win. fucking dork.

Trumpternal 1 point ago +1 / -0

I mean they could be lying, but they're spending millions of dollars to get these better batteries, BMW expects to have a solid state battery in cars by 2028, but I'm sure you know better, right? They just throwing their money away on something that nobody wants cause "Ausernamegoeshere" said it's a niche market.

Trumpternal 0 points ago +1 / -1

No it's not being invented constantly. Better solid state battery tech is already invented, and there are already plans in works to have them in vehicles before 2030. I mean some basic research into this would show you this, but I gotta explain it for your dogbrain for some reason. There was not as much incentive in the past 50 years to make better batteries that charged faster, what we had was sufficient, but now there is.

These last few years have shown that we need battery batteries, and there is millions and billions of dollars being poured into companies working on them, but I'm sure they're just wasting their money cause someone who can't come up with a better username than "Ausernamegoeshere" says they won't work. 😂😂😂

Trumpternal 0 points ago +1 / -1

Oh I'm triggered now 😂 Says the person who can't articulate a proper response without putting everything I say in quotes """ You argue like a leftist retard from reddit, you should go back with the rest of dogbrained liberals.

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