She wants to put up a huge Harris/Walz sign with a mound of dirt backing it up and have another sign below it saying..........."Take Your Best Shot!" I wonder if any of the guys on GAW has the land, fortitude to ask the Harris team for a huge sign, and can backstop the sign with enough dirt so no errant rounds hit anything behind it. How long would that sign last before large holes make it unreadable?



This article was written by Joe Lange over on Substack. He did a deep dive into some Q posts on how ISIS came about and how John McCain funded it. It is an article that reminds me of some deep dives by a few authors here on GAW. This guy backs up his assertations with pics, Q posts, and other sources. Barry is mentioned a few times also. He funded ISIS and McCain was the bag man. Read the article and then read the comments after the article. Joe Lange answers questions posed by curious anons and does a great job of explaining things. I am not associated with Substack, heck I've only been on it for a few days, but I find their articles as compelling as some here on GAW. If you are inclined to get some "behind the scenes" info about what's going on in the world, skip over there and start reading.


How did Q know that the dems would toss Biden to the curb and replace him? How did Q know they will have HRC and Barry as their team? Kamala and Walz are lightweights in politics and in order for the Dems to have a fighting chance to win they need a better line up. HRC and Barry is that combination that makes the most sense. Also, if you are interested in another Q post that kind of ties this all together read Q post 4014. Lots of goodies in both of these posts. Take your time, read it carefully, especially the last link in 4083.


My wife and I just got done watching "The Sum of All Fears". All I can say is I've watched it a few times in the past and liked the movie. YET......After watching it tonight I gained insite into some Q comms. It was pretty interesting to listen to the dialog and see how it fits into today's military movements in eastern Europe. Now I can see that the Nazi in the movie is actually our present day Deep State. Billionaires who think they know how to remedy society's ills with their gross plans. How Ryan chases down leads to figure out who actually manufactured the bomb and set it off. And finally how Clark and Spinnaker permanently ended the madness.

I recommend all pedes watch this movie with the knowledge that Q has given us through the years. You will see how this movie parallels current day events. And maybe it is a path to how Q will take down the deep state. (Also there was a date of November 19 shown, so I wonder if it signifies when something ominous might happen).

Take a couple of hours, make some popcorn, put on your Q hats and begin enjoying some Q comms.


Dang it, think about all the fun Rush would be having on his show right now. Trump getting shot at, Biden's declining mental state, the economy sucking, DEI, BLM, and the Teamsters tossing their hat behind Trump! Wow, this material would make for a fourth hour maybe even a fifth. I so wish Rush could comment on all these things just to hear his spin on it. But, there are others who have taken up his mantle and they are doing a fine, fine job at breaking down the news of the day. I always had my radio tuned into his show at 11am every week day. It was a great way to educate myself and break up the monotony of my job. I'll also say Beck was good back in the day, but here lately, his show has turned into a yawner.


How does Vincent get VIP access to every Trump rally? Seems that he is always standing behind Trump, so I'm just curious how he travels to these different venues and who he contacts to get a golden ticket to the seats behind Trump. Plus, did you notice how at ease he was after the shots were fired? That dude has been around chaos and knows how to control his emotions during stressful situations.


Think about it.....two shots towards Trump, one hits a dude behind Trump and one hits Trumps ear? What a miraculous event to only come away with a scratch. Then, on top of that you have the SS dog pile Trump and keep him down on the platform for a few seconds. Could this time have been spent to cut a nic in Trump's ear so the blood would flow? Q has said this is a movie and fake acts are always in movies. A bullet misses Trumps head by mere millimeters???....Plus a bystandard sees a dude with a rifle climb up on a ladder and notifies the police and NOTHING is done to access that potential threat? Another odd coincidence. Think about a movie scene and see if the pieces I've put forth have the credibility to make good drama.

I might be beginning to believe that this is a Q inspired operation and Trump has played his part to the hilt. He can only go up in respect and votes. This is a bad day for the left, seeing how the shooter is a devout communist. Oh well, the left made its bed, let they lie with the commies. It will be interesting to see the damage the bullet made to Trumps right ear. Will there be a chunk missing or will it be majically re-formed to its old look through plastic surgery. We shall wait and see.

We are watching a movie and a lot of the show is left to see. Popcorn should be at the ready and don't get too excited at this day of activities. The script has already been written and we are only half way through the show. The ending will be glorious.


I'm wondering if this assassination attempt against Trump will wake up Q and maybe he'll start posting again? What say you guys? Would be nice to get some clarity from Q on what is about to take place during and after the November election. Trump is doing a great job, Q has laid a great roadmap for us to view, still, I'd like to see that Q and his team are still there and taking an active interest in the nation's prediciments. Where are you "Q".


Just got the paperwork for this year's insurance premiums and I was shocked. I live in a very small city, three year old house, 3 bedrooms 3-1/2 baths, second tier lake lot, one acre, 3500 sq foot house with attached two car garage. Last year's premium for $423K in coverage was $1061. This year it increased to $1613. Four automobiles, three are 20+ years old and one is ten years old. Last year's premiums for liability only was $1237 while this year it jumped to $1811. This is through Safeco.

Have you all seen similar increases in premiums? As you can see my expenditures for insurance went from $2300/year to $3424/year, a 33% increase. Plus my wife and I have credit scores of 800+. Should this be happening or is the insurance black hats just wanting to wring every dime out of me?

I'd be very appreciative if you could give me the names of insurers who are good with their coverage and cheaper with their premiums, thus I could go and ask for their quotes. Thanks.


Let's say something happens on or around Nov. 5 to this country that requires the military to intervene to make sure the voting goes off without a hitch. That would necessitate the military to have advanced knowledge and troop movements to get their soldiers into the precincts. Someone would have to show a list of precincts to the military so they'd know where to go. That means that the national guard/military would need a little bit of lead time so they could get to where ever they need to be. So, could the white hats already know the day this event will take place? It has to happen sometime before 12am Nov. 5 so the troops can get into position. A few hours won't cut it.

I'm thinking about a week before the election something will happen necessitating the military to jump into their vehicles and head to the precincts. This has to be related to the internet going down and the distribution of paper ballots. Plus there needs to be paper ballots preprinted and in hand. That requires a lot of logistical work between each county and the military. Thus, that is a huge operation. Every suspect voting precinct will have a military presence in it, but he folks in the hinterlands might not need that presence if their polling employees are white hats.


I've been trying to find out if Barry had a hand in this movie. Haven't yet to crack that nut, but maybe some pedes have insight.




Seems to me that Q is quite the brilliant fellow and learning his bread crumbs can inform a person on what will happen in the future. Q post #88 begins with two lines. "Ten Days" and "Darkness". To me this means that somehow on Nov. 5 the deep state will be trying to fabricate ballots to get their candidate over the hump to win the election. They will need millions of altered, doctored, or manufactured fake ballots to beat Trump. Once they realize that they don't have those millions of ballots they will do the next thing.......cut off all internet communications for ten days. They need this time to really rig the system. Their county election minions will then have the ability to fudge the numbers and send a "secure" election result to the state level. Then the Secretary of State will collect all of these ballot results and verify them as authentic and thus the steal begins. The internet will be shut down to everyone so no one can refute the results. A complete blackout for ten days. But I think Trump and Q have already thought this part out, thus the EMS system will begin to be utilized to keep the electorate informed on the behind the scenes actions happening by the military.

So, just be ready for something to happen on November 5 of this year. Be ready with some preps, and keep your hearts warm so they won't grow cold against your neighbor. Our neighbors are just ill informed, not the agitators we think they might be. It's the Deep State that's to blame and they will be dealt with by our military. Our neighbors simply need to go hungry for a few days and then they might see the errors of their thinking. People with hungry bellies can be made to change their idiology once they are force to see how destructive that idiology really is.

God bless.


Just a quick message for folks who might be on a Keto or Carnivore diet. Today I woke up with a screaming headache over my left temple and a nauseated stomach. I sat in my easy chair and began to remain calm while watching some sports on television. As the day progressed my symptoms never abated and the nausea remained constant. My wife got onto a Carnivore site and read an article about the Carnivore flu. Come to find out, a lowering of carbs in your diet can lead to headaches and upset stomach. Their solution was to increase carb intake. I said, hmmmm, "honey, can you go and get that Key Lime pie from the freezer and cut me off a slice?" She did and within 15 minutes my headache vanished and the nausea disappeared. About a year ago I was on the Keto diet and while shopping at a local hardware store I began experiencing the Keto flu, a overall crappy feeling that comes over you quickly. We headed to Sonic and I had a hamburger and a coke and the symptoms passed.

So, if your are on a Carivore or Keto diet and begin feeling like the precursor of vomiting is fixing to hit, your headache won't go away, and you cannot control your body temp. (hot-cold-hot-cold). Try adding a bit of sugar to get your body some needed carbs it might be yearning for. All it took for me was one thin slice of Key Lime Pie and it worked quickly. Remember that if your are in Ketosis on a Keto diet this might kick you out of Ketosis, but I say it's better to feel better rather than worrying about staying in Ketosis. Heck, you can always pick up the diet tomorrow and the damage from one slice of pie is not going to hurt your weight loss program.

For me, it was either do this or the possiblity of seeing a neurologist and having him try to fix the problem with medication. I'd rather chug down some sugar and have my symptoms go away than chugging mind altering prescription drugs which has the horrible side effects of suicidal thoughts. (been there, done that and it sucked!)

I'm not a doctor, just a regular Joe who has come across a possible solution and thought it might be helpful. If it does, GREAT, if you think it's way out in left field, no hard feeling on my part. Just trying to help folks who might be in the same boat.

God bless and have a great day!


After Trump's Presidency is over in 2028, who do you think will take the reigns of power in the Oval Office? Currently my list of candidates comprises of two candidates? Dan Scavino and Cash Patel. Whose name do you want to see at the top of that list? Trump will do great things in his next iteration as President, but when he's gone from that office his ideology will still need to be carried on so we won't fall back into the clutches of the Left. Will the next Republican Presidential candidate be someone on the scene now or will he arise from nowhere and become an overnight sensation?


I'm certain only a small handful of these vets are still walking amoung us. If they read this thread or if their families can relay my sentiments, I'd like to say thanks for taking the effort to enlist in our military. It takes a lot of effort to sign your name on the dotted line and then go through all the training to make sure civilians can walk safely in their cities and towns. Your willingness to defend America is a testament to the kind of men this great country produces. Thanks. I wish I could do more, but I'm just a poor fellow who gets teary eyed whenever I think about our great military and what so many warriors have given for my freedom. So, I humbly thank you.

Today is a very applicable day to thank a vet. If your walking through a store and see a vet wearing his service cap, take a moment and say to the vet....."Thanks, I'm proud of having warriors like you taking a portion of your life to keep America safe."

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