My only concern about them getting arrested is this: Will the judge grant them bail? I want any government official who harbors illegals to be held in jail until their trial. It would send a great message to other officials who are thinking about harboring illegals what the possible outcome for their actions will be. Could Trump make this happen?
Is he learning from Bukele? Strip all the gang members down to white boxer shorts and let them sit on the floor for hours. I wonder what he will do with these detainees if their home countries will not repatriate them. Will they be housed by America for the rest of their lives? I hope not.
Anything happening today with our Navy? Have they stepped up patrols along our shores to keep invaders at bey? Or is this about the water supply in Los Angeles to help fight wild fires? Is Trump on a boat with intentions of sailing somewhere today?
I think humans have been around for at least hundreds of thousands of years and in that time frame therr were no vaccines, yet the humans persevered and grew in numbers. Oh the horror that big pharma cannot give out vaccines. What will the human population do? Grow in numbers?
Sometimes I wish a reporter would let the respondent answer the question without tossing in interuptions. I get so tiresome to listen to the reporter try to narrowly frame a question so there is no way to give the complete picture of what is truly going on. I wish the respondent would just say "why don't you shut up until I've answerer YOUR question?" Don't worry about decorum or hurting the reporters feelings. They asked a question, they should sit there politely and listen to the entire answer. If the reporter knows the guest is long winded, they why even have him on the show.
I've seen a lot more of RFK JR than of Caroline in the past six months. He's made a good case for becoming the Secretary and where has Ms. Kennedy been with her accusations in that same time? This reeks of a lady whose been told to get out there and stop this nomination. The deep state is nervous.
Oh, paaaalllleeeeaaasssseeeee..........They are really grasping at straws. Why announce this? Because they need more money to continue the grift. This is a psyop for monetary gain from tax payers. It's not about science. The last time you barfed on the side of the you think it's still there, in one piece, without other critters wanting to chomp on it? UGH!
What will she do when Trump sends in the military to do harm to her citizens? Will she send in her own military, ask the cartels to fight back, or will she back down? I'm thinking the latter because she has no spine or military that could do much harm to our military. Will we go in and snatch the warlords for crimes against Americans or will they just be eliminated? I'm thinking Trump will not want full fledged war against the cartels so he will do surgical strikes to kill the top leaders. There might be collateral damage because the cartels probably are interspersed within civilian populations. Will Trump put boots on the gound or just drop some JDAMS on their heads? I'm thinking he'll use bombs.
Please, please, please show up with a mop on your head, very bad eye liner and an over abundance of face makeup. Then to top it off dress like you just came from the hood. Yep, that would make my day. I so do miss the ex-press secretary because she was such a great speaker in front of a fawning press corp. What was her name?
McConnell, Murkowsky, and Collins....are they on the committee? If yes then it is an automatic "no" vote. Trump needs to send in the next candidate and make darn sure he/she will be MORE untolerable to the Senate commitee than Tulsi.
Trump keeps crushing the Lefts dreams, daily. I wonder if they will wake up and realize they've been scammed for decades or is their dogma so ingrained that they will never see the truth? But they should buckle up because there is still four years left and that's a lot of daily lefttard busting left to do. I wonder what today's adventure in killing the lefts dream is:......closing down DEI school funding, or taking away funds to transition males to female prisoners. Whatever it is it cannot come soon enough today.
If it's a taxpayer funded entity, shouldn't the employees be payed comparable to what tax payers get paid? They should get around 75K/yr. because that's about what a taxpayer gets, more or less. 500K is way too much for doing something they love to do, they should just do it for free since it's a public entity.
Can you see Congress critters stripped down to their skivvies and having to sit on the concrete floor? Oh, what a picture that would be for the American people to see. Fat, bloated men and emaciated women all in these pens. What a glorious sight for FREEDOM we would witness.