posted ago by Tynyyn ago by Tynyyn +40 / -0

Let's say something happens on or around Nov. 5 to this country that requires the military to intervene to make sure the voting goes off without a hitch. That would necessitate the military to have advanced knowledge and troop movements to get their soldiers into the precincts. Someone would have to show a list of precincts to the military so they'd know where to go. That means that the national guard/military would need a little bit of lead time so they could get to where ever they need to be. So, could the white hats already know the day this event will take place? It has to happen sometime before 12am Nov. 5 so the troops can get into position. A few hours won't cut it.

I'm thinking about a week before the election something will happen necessitating the military to jump into their vehicles and head to the precincts. This has to be related to the internet going down and the distribution of paper ballots. Plus there needs to be paper ballots preprinted and in hand. That requires a lot of logistical work between each county and the military. Thus, that is a huge operation. Every suspect voting precinct will have a military presence in it, but he folks in the hinterlands might not need that presence if their polling employees are white hats.