Where were claims of asymptomatic spread disproven? To my knowledge, they weren’t.
John Weaver within 100 yards of a school?
From an attorney’s perspective, I’ll just say it’s an interesting idea but holds absolutely no water.
I guess it all just comes down to what we believe insofar as community, medicine, individual freedom, and duty to each other go.
Why does wearing a mask necessitate a person’s being unintelligent? Are you suggesting fire fighters are unintelligent? Construction workers? Surgeons?
Reactions to medicine is a thing, you know.
But isn’t the board’s position that he already knows?
If AOC really wants climate change progress, she outta shut her ignorant trap. Her association with the issue, the screeching condescension, just poisons the well.
And that's my advice from across the aisle.
Who approves the belt promotions?
You totally lose me and the vast, vast majority of America when you disrespect John McCain. Pivot away.
Edit: Do y’all want to grow the movement and make a difference or just scheme make believe? Because I genuinely don’t understand, why do you think attacking McCain in this way is a net positive? Why not just silently believe it rather than turning off a moderate electorate?
Yeah, I stand by it, HillaryTrafficsKidZZZZ — because nothing says “serious concern for a powerful woman’s trafficking children” like making it more “L337” by swapping an S for a Z.