Carbon scam (bye bye EPA) Ozone scam Glowbull warming scam Income Tax scam Social Stupidity scam COVID/vaxx scam Border scam Mainstream media scam
And on and on.
Welcome to the GREAT AWAKENING!!!!!!
Eliminate the Fed and the IRS. Track down where all of our income tax dollars went and get it back. Refund all those dollars back to the tax payers.
The great thing is that money does not go away, it just get obscured when laundered. Go find it!!!
Remember how there was a motherlode of oil that the Deepwater Horizon was drilling to reach? Also remember how it just "happened" to explode and sink, and how the well spewed oil into the ocean for weeks? They capped the well, but that oil is there waiting to be harvested.
Drill baby drill!!!!! We need to open up that well and start pumping that motherlode.
An issue that I see with purging hoardes of deep state leeches from govt is that they may get some kind of golden parachute severance package. That gives them abundant time to regroup and come back later to infiltrate the nation all over again. The bad ones need to be punished severely, and many must be eliminated entirely.
Has the deep state forced 3rd world countries to be poor so that they can be used as a source of cheap labor? Just think of what we could have if these poor nations could have healthy economies, and lift themselves out of poverty.
Am I stating the obvious?

When Trump makes it Into office and the cabal is fully exposed, I am looking forward to the mass awakening of the deluded sleepers, including a couple of my adult kids and their family.
I'm sure that everybody here is also looking forward to being vindicated from the abuse we have endured while speaking out about the crimes we know about.
Now rid the earth of all the corrupt politicians and their evil plans.
Bring em on!!!!
We saw Jeff Dunham live in Las Vegas a few days ago. It was sooooo much fun!!!!!
In his beginning stand-up time, he was having fun mocking anybody and everybody, then after saying that he wasn't "political" he asked for cheers of those voting for Kamala. Then he asked for cheers for those voting for Trump. The Trump cheers were obviously 2x more than Kamala. He smiled and said that the election result is clear.

The covid clot shot exposed for all to see that when the real mark of the beast comes along, most people will line up to take it. Especially when refusing it not only means losing your job, but also your head if you are caught and still refuse it.

Oh that was fun. I went into a bookstore called "The Independent Bookstore". This place was obviously a leftist propaganda peddler. So I went up to the leftie running the register: "Do you have a book called "The Art of The Deal?" Somebody recommended that I read this.
Oh, let me check... OH! No, I dont have this book!
Oh, can you tell me who the author is??
Donald Trump! Thats why I dont have it!!!
It was delicious to force a hard leftie to say "Donald Trump".
Is there a better definition of treason?
Our border could be fully secure for 1/10th of this. But that's not what traitors want. Traitors only care about their own power and retaining that at the cost of millions of peoples lives.

A crowd sourced fund to cover Trumps cost for his bond would be be another way of communicating support for him. Is there a crowdsource site that would be able to stand up against the deep state opposition?