The big question is whether there is any part of the gov't that is not filthy?
I think not.
DOGE needs to audit EVERY gov't official. The whole thing is one colossal scam.
Then if we miss a little bit of interest income, the IRS comes knocking.
The more leftists squeal, the more we rejoice.
Dear President Trump: Thank you for removing this criminal invader from our country. Sweet, salty leftist tears.
But why isn't he immediately shipped back home? He was released on bond? He was convicted for selling meth!!! Why are we wasting our resources on these criminals?
WCompost has a paywall.
I grew up Roman Catholic, but never bought into it. I didn't understand what a theological train wreck it is until I left. They add to Scripture with their "traditions" and corrupt the Gospel. They also obscure the Scriptures. Still, there are many Catholics who do not fully understand their own doctrines and yet love the Lord. I'm discipling one such person. Deprogramming takes time and patience as they learn Gods Holy Word.
But the organization is still there and should be held responsible. And the people there now are complicit by hiding the crimes.
Then find out where all of our debt payments have gone, and go retrieve our stolen wealth.
Depends. If you're a conservative, jail time. If you're a liberal lunatic, you get a book deal.
No coincidences.
Oh, POTUS passed her up as he was approaching, then greeted Kavanaugh!
Censure. One crook telling another crook, "don't get caught next time".
These crooks don't win elections. The machines elect them.
Anybody with a brain would have caught themselves reversing two key words. But the brain there was not functioning.
Grand question: Do we submit a tax return this year? Good friend of mine said - file an extension.
Follow those payments!!! Expose the people that have been defrauding our country.
3 days??????????
What's wrong with ONE DAY???????
Fake and gay? Everything from the left is delusion.
Its so wonderful to have a president that is not afraid to kick butt, call it what it is, and to feed crow to leftists.
These lunatics don't get voted in. They are placed there via election fraud.
This is a real gem. All must see. He encapsulates the past few years into an entertaining overview. You have to pinch yourself as it reminds us of the fantastic developments leading up to today.
But isn't that the point? No evidence?
No no no, absolutely NO!!!!!
Johnson, you are making yourself complict in these crimes!!!!!
Why did you do that to me??? I think my eyes are damaged.
A diesel truck could run a week off the fat of those tanks.
Heads will roll. Can't wait for that.