Change my view
The details are a little fuzzy, but i think it was in the 1990’s.
Please raise your hand if you have also been raped by E Jean Carroll in a department store fitting room
Notice how the ONLY thing they “detected” are GOOD reactions?
This is yet another example of MAGIC STUDIES,
Where some pro-vaccine activist does a “study” to see “if” a vaccine causes an alleged vaccine problem, only to discover that the vaccine actually prevents that exact problem!
so i recently e-mailed Steve Kirsch, and told him that his time would be better spent trying to understand the underlying mechanisms for how vaccines cause problems.
steve replied with:
"I’m focused on the data".
"Give me 4 examples of why my knowledge and understanding of vaccines is lacking and why I should focus on that."
So i set out to give 4 examples,
and as usual it got a little longer than requested.
so this is just my first e-mail reply back,
which was just supposed to be:
but it became 12 things...
HI Steve,
re: i am focused on the data
the following is not personally directed at you, because i have no idea where you are on your own personal journey into vaccines, or vaccine issues.
but here are "4+ examples" that i would recommend or suggest to any friend or family, who was interested in learning more about vaccine data.
GIGO - Garbage in, Garbage Out,_garbage_out
there is no such thing as (credible) vaccine safety or efficacy data.
they simply make-up whatever sounds good.
before COVID, it was common knowledge that "no vaccine is 100% effective"
after COVID, they came out with a trial that claimed a COVID vaccine was 100% effective, and nobody batted an eyelash. (except me, and you)
more proof?
August 27, 2014 CDC whistleblower Dr William Thompson's press release:
re CDC omitting SS data from 2004 vaccine autism study published in journal of pediatrics.
Brian Deer is the guy who took down Dr Andrew Wakefield
Dr Andrew Wakefield was the research-laboratory-beakers-and-test-tubes type "doctor" who published a study that suggested we look into vaccines and autism.
Brian Deer is the man who bird-dogged Andrew Wakefield for 12 years,
until eventually Wakefield's paper had been RETRACTED with great media fanfare.
and Wakefield has been the go-to FOIL for when vaccine-autism link is brought up
pro-vaccine side: NOPE!!! WAKEFIELD!!!
during this time, it appears that BRIAN DEER was a HATCHET MAN that was assigned to DR WAKEFIELD, and someone paid BRIAN DEER's BILLS, while Brian Deer relentlessly went after Wakefield for 12 years.
it's curious that Brian Deer was praised for (allegedly?) contacting Dr Andrew Wakefield's study participants, and finding discrepancies between what the participants had said, and what Dr Wakefield's (allegedly false) data had shown.
background story here:
Keeping Anderson Cooper Honest: Is Brian Deer The Fraud? Brian Deer is the "journalist" who bird-dogged Dr Wakefield for years after Wakefield published a paper that was unflattering to vaccines
more about Brian Deer
but if you or i would "contact study participants", then that would be considered "harassing" the study participants.
we would be arrested, and publicly ridiculed.
see how that works?
you can never fact-check their so-called data, because YOU are a just a creepy stalker who is bent on harassing anyone who dares to participate in a study!
THEY can't allow YOU to "harass" study participants, because then people would quit participating in studies!
so their "data" are hidden behind bogus "privacy" concerns
market opportunity? open studies. participants agree to make themselves be "open" to inquiry. entire medical history published and open to scrutiny.
- there is no hard-and-fast rule for deciding what is "safe" and what is "NOT safe"
they do a study. they look at the results. they shrug their shoulders and say "meh, looks safe to me"
i have asked numerous pro-vaccine people (internet users, trolls? shills? true believers? scientists?)
they can't show us an example, of what a study might look like, if that study was to have shown that some vaccine was "NOT safe"
during a SCOTUS case, vaccines were deemed to be "UNAVOIDABLY UNSAFE"
- Nobody in the history of the world, has ever been able to use a vaccine study, to find a previously unknown vaccine problem.
because vaccine studies are not do to see "IF" a vaccine causes a problem,
a vaccine study is done for the sole purpose of "NOT finding" a vaccine problem.
and they TRUMPET their own failure to find evidence, as some sort of VICTORY.
because it is a victory. its what they set out to do, to NOT "find the evidence"
vaccine logic quip:
whenever i can't find my keys, i always assume that means my keys don't exist!
and because nobody has ever been able to use a study to find a vaccine problem, it is assumed that every vaccine is arbitrarily deemed "safe"
then, since the "consensus" of studies say a vaccine is "safe",
anything that comes along to contradict is already considered an outlier.
of the pro-vaccine side are:
your "empirical" evidence is merely "anecdotal".
they are coincidence theorist, but you are conspiracy theorist.
vaccine logic: your anecdotal temporal spurious correlations actually preclude causations!
temporal association: just because vaccine came before high fever, doesn't mean vaccine caused high fever.
could be genetic? (shrugs shoulders)
for example:
your "high fever" is just a coincidental, anecdotal, temporal correlation!
and since correlations preclude causation, theres no way the vaccine could have caused your "high" fever!
"science" is currently being decided by a vote.
if 50%+1 of voters say the vaccine is safe and effective, that becomes a "consensus"
and everything else is misinformation or disinformation, and subject to censorship
Missouri: The "SHOW ME" State!
"Show me" can mean many things, to many people
If you say "Show me the data"
and i say "Show Me" the vaccine injuries,
even though they are "anecdotal"
you start to notice patterns real fast.
"FEVER" is an excellent example,
because everyone understands how to measure fever with thermometer.
and everyone know the difference between 98.6F and 106F
if you were to only follow ONE thing, i would make it FEVER.
fever is the gateway to understanding other vaccine-induced problems.
SHOW ME the actual math, like pencil on paper, for homework, turned in for a grade kind of SHOW ME.
The truth is, the 5% threshold for "statistics significance" is arbitrarily selected by the study authors, based on nothing more than their own arbitrary preferences, biases, assumptions, habits,
They could pick some other number, other than 5%, if they wanted to. its completely an arbitrary decision, decided unilaterally by the study author.
IF study shows vaccines are GOOD,
THEN study is a GOOD study.
IF study shows vaccines are BAD,
THEN study is a BAD study
Because of the GATEKEEPERS,
Your (vaccine critical) studies will NOT get published,
Unless your study goes along with the "consensus" of the vaccine establishment,
This perpetuates the status quo.
So even when they do a so-called "META STUDY" they are only including studies that made it past the gatekeepers.
since it is impossible to know anything for sure, about vaccines,
the best course of action, and avoid vaccines altogether!
- The So-Called "Danish Study" was a FRAUD
"Interestingly, a lot of people in the autism community despise Autism Speaks"
Its almost as if they knew Tucker Carlson would show videos of January 6 that would completely contradict their official story.
Proud Boys are feds
How tone deaf is A-B?
A-B sent Dylan Mulvaney a BEER CAN FULL OF BEER
To celebrate "her" 365 Days of "GIRL" hood.
Dylan Mulvaney does not merely identify as a "WOMAN,
Dylan Mulvaney identifies as a GIRL.
If you are going to appease the delusions of the delusional,
Then you have to go ALL IN.
You can't just use Dylan's "preferred pronouns" to signal that you understand Dylan is a female,
You have to also pretend that Dylan is an UNDERAGE GIRL.
And you don't give BEER to MINORS.
Rookie Mistake Bud Light Marketing Team
But beyond that, Bud Light was trying to use an "influencer" to "influence" the public,
Basically jumping on the trans bandwagon, because its the latest outrage of the moment.
Bud Light sent Dylan a can of beer, in hopes that Dylan would help them sell more beer.
Dylan was happy to show off the beer can, because Dylan was using the Bud Light brand name to increase his own influence and clout.
So A-B, it doesn't really matter if you sent ONE can of beer to a GIRL,
or 100 cans of beer,
We know what you are doing, and we don't like it.
We have been bombarded with trans propaganda for many years, and its only getting worse every day.
We see children being exposed to sexually explicit material, in schools and libraries.
We see children being exposed to all sorts of degeneracy, kinks, fetishes, and gender confused thinking,
And instead of taking a stand against this degeneracy,
You promote it?!
Today We Salute You, Bud Light Marketing Team.
You took a LOSS, and turned it into a WIN!
You sent a GIRL a can of BEER, because thats not CREEPY at all,
And then you instigated the biggest BOYCOTT of Bud Light in HISTORY,
Costing the company MILLIONS of dollars in lost beer sales.
And Costing the shareholders MILLIONS is market cap losses,
And having your BRAND IMAGE being reduced to that of TRANSITION FLUID.
But you KNEW just what to do!
You ran an old-school Patriotic Americana ad,
That was admittedly somewhat decent,
But it wasn't enough to appease the blood-thirsty reich-wingers,
Who kept buying less and less beer every week, for 4 weeks in a row.
Professional propagandists even came up with fake public opinion polls,
Claiming that a majority of beer drinkers actually support the idea of using underage girls to sell more beer to horny old men.
But nobody was buying it.
And everybody knew it.
And the warehouses were so full of Bud Light, that they ran out of room.
And then the company had the bright idea to give away FREE BEER,
But they couldn't even give away free beer.
Because nobody wanted to be publicly associated with BUD LIGHT.
And then the company tried to minimize what Bud Light had actually done,
Saying, It was just ONE can of BEER, to ONE underage GIRL!
And tried to say that they just wanted to be INCLUSIVE,
and bring people TOGETHER,
Love Is Love
And all that...
But in the end, The Bud Light Marketing Team realized that trying to APPEASE every niche minority group is a fools errand that will never cease to be a DISTRACTION from their core competency,
Which is, making great BEER flavored alcohol.
The Bud Light Marketing Team finally realized that their own brand image is closely related to the wholesome image of America itself.
Nostalgic Americana.
Snow Capped Mountains of BUUUUUUSH
Soaring Bald Eagles
Barges on the Mississippi
Big Horses.
Happy Cows.
Sweaty Firemen.
Dusty Farmers.
Redneck Christmas Lights.
The Crescendo Of Independence Day Fireworks.
Big Cowboy Hats, Boots, And Belt Buckles,
Loud Music Concerts
Whistle Tips
Monster Trucks
Pro Wrestling
Cozy Log Cabins
Warm Campground Fires
Cold Ice Fishing
Old Trains
Heavy Industry
Women's Sports
And Yes,
Even Church.
So the Bud Light Marketing Team got to work, on developing an entire series of commemorative beer cans,
That celebrate the Founding of the United States of America, American history, and culture,
And Then The Bud Light Marketing Team made a public split with "woke" culture,
And denounced
And Socialism,
And the New World Order
And the UN
And the WHO
And the WEF
And the BIS
And The IMF
And The World Bank
And made commemorative cans for the victims of communism and socialism,
Starting at the beginning, and going year-by-year highlighting every atrocity.
And slowly but surely, Bud Light won back its customers, one by one,
And even gained some new customers, who were into collecting commemorative beer cans.
This will surely be the biggest TRANSITION of YOUR BRAND, Bud Light,
But in the end, it will be BOTH stunning AND brave,
And totally worth it.
Yes, Bud Light Marketing Team,
This ::Lifts Beer Can:::
Bud Light's for YOU!
A grammatical category, often designated as male, female, or neuter, used in the classification of nouns, pronouns, adjectives, and, in some languages, verbs that may be arbitrary or based on characteristics such as sex or animacy and that determines agreement with or selection of modifiers, referents, or grammatical forms.
The fact of being classified as belonging to such a category.
Either of the two divisions, designated female and male, by which most organisms are classified on the basis of their reproductive organs and functions;
intransitive verb
To declare positively; assert to be true.
To declare support for or belief in.
To rule (a court decision) to have been correct; confirm.
Of or relating to the study or practice of medicine.
Requiring treatment by medicine.
Of, pertaining to, or having to do with, the art of healing disease, or the science of medicine
A concerned or troubled state of mind, as that arising from serious responsibility; worry.
An object or source of worry, attention, or solicitude.
Interest, regard, or liking.
Let us use the logic of the LGBTQPMapYap+ mafia:
"Gender" is a social construct.
Some "women" have dicks. Get over it!
So if some women have dicks, and gender is just a social construct,
Then theres really no reason to even get doctors involved at all, is there?
So this woman has a dick. So what?
But then, this woman wants to turn her dick into some sort of medical condition, that requires medical attention,
She demands "life-saving gender-affirming medical-care"
This is only "life saving" in the sense that it is thought that IF these people DON'T get hormones or surgery, THEN they will kill themselves at a rate of 40%
Presumably this 40% suicide rate is the "trans genocide" that the rest of us are being blamed for?
Because we won't accept the idea of a woman with a dick?
But when a trans "woman" won't accept that "she" has a dick,
Then that's perfectly normal, very common medical condition that requires doctors to get involved.
And as for anyone who doesn't accept trans people,
thats "transphobia" and its very wrong,
and "transphobia" can also be treated, apparently in re-education camps.
The extent of Gender-Affirming Medical Care should be,
Some women have dicks.
Get over it!
Harvie said Mulvaney's campaign is different from the 2016 ad because trans women face more hate than trans men.
"As much as I do feel scared and in danger—I just traveled to Florida, and my eyes were peeled for sure—the truth is that transphobic responses are so much more visceral around trans women than trans men," he said. "This is largely rooted in misogyny and transphobia combined."
I don’t think this “man” gets it,
We don’t actually see Dylan Mulvaney as a woman, we see him as a clown, impersonating a woman.
If we we were actually woman haters, why don’t we hate Harvie for being one?
Bud Light sales are down across the board,
BUT a fake public opinion poll now claims that a majotity of beer drinkers support Bud Light partnering with mentally ill underage girls to help sell more beer.
Which is really weird because you’d think if that was the case, they may have actually sold MORE Bud Light, not LESS.
Beer sales are tracked, down to the store level, and they are telling us Bud Light sales are actually getting worse as time goes on, not better.
We were told that Bud Light doesn’t need to worry, because conservatives are push-overs and have short attention spans and will come crawling back for Bud Light soon enough.
So what is Bud Light doing today?
Trying to give away FREE BEER in a desperate attempt to clear the warehouses, and get people back in the Bud Light habit.
They are also mocking us by saying that we can’t really boycott A-B, because they own all of the biggest brands.
Looks to me like they haven’t learned their lesson, and that we need to target ALL of their other brands now too.
I say we just focus on a new brand every week.
This week: Boycott Budweiser
i will keep repeating this until the whole world knows...
vaccines do not merely "cause" SIDS...
the entire concept of "SIDS" itself, was invented to cover-up the fact that vaccines kill so many infants.
the entire medical establishment is well-aware of this fact.
"SIDS" is a wink-wink way of communicating that the baby died of vaccines, without actually mentioning vaccines.
the kicker is, that "SIDS" is blamed on the baby sleeping wrong.
doesn't matter which side the baby was laying on when they died, it's obviously the "wrong" side, by definition, because the baby died while sleeping on "that" side.
they gas-light tf out of parents.
tell the parents that "SIDS" is actually a cover-story for "parents killed their baby by bad sleeping habits"
so that way the parents aren't charged with a crime,
because apparently in some jurisdictions, its not good to co-sleep with baby, because if the parent rolls over on baby and kills it, its investigated as a homicide,
because sometimes parents "roll over" on their babies on purpose.
like a too-late term abortion.
but anyway, the parents did kinda kill their own kids on purpose, with vaccines,
and so "SIDS" gives a good cover story to the parents too,
who don't have to admit to friends/family that they vaccinated their child to death.
recently vaccinated
died suddenly
doctor's baffled
my ass
you can't tell people
you have to show them
what have you seen, over the last 3 years?
bio-labs in Ukraine
bio-labs in Wuhan
Bio-labs in Sudan
"gain of function" for viruses
"guided evolution" for viruses
COVID biological warfare
mRNA gene therapy shots, more biological warfare
military boots enforcing lock-downs
vaccine passports
forced vaccinations
coerced vaccinations
mandated vaccinations
clot-shot memes
embalmers reports of blood vessels filled with spaghetti
big media vaccine narrative
big pharma vaccine narrative
big hollywood vaccine narrative
big journalism vaccine narrative
Psalm 135:15-18
They Have Eyes, But Cannot See.
Luke 24:45
And Then Jesus Opened Their Minds,
So They Could Understand The Scriptures
Now, after "seeing" what you have personally seen, over the last few years,
And taking it all in today, in its totality,
And thinking back to everything that was done to us,
And ask yourself, whose side you are on now?
are you "pro-vaccine" ?
or are you "anti-vaccine" ?
and if you "identify as" an anti-vaccine person today,
then you have rejected the current state of "Trust The Science",
in favor of "The Scientific Method".
or maybe it was even deeper than that.
what you witnessed was evil.
pure evil.
and when you witness
then you have "knowledge of"
Genesis 3:22
And the LORD God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife, and He clothed them. 22 Then the LORD God said, “Behold, the man has become like one of Us, knowing good and evil. And now, lest he reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life, and eat, and live forever...” 23 Therefore the LORD God banished him from the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he had been taken.…
have one more look.
stare at this image for a good long time.
go back and forth in your mind,
thinking about each image,
right and left, tick-tock,
this is the most powerful image in the entire world right now.
it so easily illustrates "the knowledge of good and evil".
did you see the WHO as "evil" before?
did you see the UN as "evil" before?
did you see the WEF as "evil" before?
did you see Bill Gates as "evil" before?
did you see Dr Anthony Fauci as "evil" before?
did you see Klaus Schwab as "evil" before?
because you didn't even know who Klaus Schwab was,
and you had never paid attention to the WEF before.
The WEF orchestrated Event 201,
Which was basically a blueprint for the COVID-19 pre-planned man-made "pandemic".
You never paid attention to the UN
or the WHO,
or NATO.
or Ukraine,
but here we are today,
Almost May Day
May 1st, 1776
Illuminati Birthday Holiday,
Workers Of The World Unite
They Say,
But Unite behind WHO?
New World Order
Like GHWB Said,
In his speech,
From The Oval Office,
White House
Washington DC
Where he said they will be successful,
In their endeavor,
To create a
New World Order
The United Nations
Agenda 21
Agenda 2030
Great Reset,
That Doesn't include You,
Or Me,
Or Most of Humanity,
You See,
They Are Trying To Kill,
Me, And You,
5th Generation Warfare
On your screens,
in your eyes,
In your ears,
the message is clear,
you are non-essential,
and expendable,
and replaced by a robot next year,
it's the 4th industrial revolution,
according to Klaus Schwab,
and most of you slobs,
just won't have any jobs,
because robots
will mop the floors,
and mow the grass,
and even wipe your ass
you'll need a UBI
thats a Universal Basic Income,
that's their way,
to stop riots,
when the plebs go
without jobs,
and they can't even pay
all the rent,
and they're falling behind,
the rat race of life,
catching up
every month,
it gets worse,
this inflation is bleeding us
and we can't even afford
to put gas in the car,
to get to work, and back,
where pay checks,
are already spend,
on pay day,
and everyone else,
is hustling too,
and its starting to look
like Klaus Schwab's
wet dream
might come true,
for me,
and you,
Mark Of The Beast
Revelation 13
is the bait,
once you take,
their fake money,
its the beginning of the end,
of when you will own nothing,
and be happy,
and you will eat
ze bugs
and ze
bill gates burgers
and ze
cricket flour
and ze
mystery meat
its 100%
of your daily intake
for "protein"
its ze bug treat!
big smile
for the camera
like Sandy Hook dad,
look into the lens,
into the viewers soul,
so they think
they've met
their soul mate,
with an emotional
but its a one-way
they're broadcasting
at you.
never listening
10-4 ?
you got your ears on now?
Is this telephone on?
Loud and Clear
like Psalm 135
and Revelation 1:3
The message is clear,
its Good News,
Our Savior Jesus Christ
Is Here,
But Not Dying
For Our Sins
This Time,
But To Rhyme,
For The Kids,
A Message Of Love,
Like Jimi Hendrix
At Woodstock 19:69
Luke 24:45
Look Again
And Ye Shall Find
That The Kingdom of God Is Inside Of YOU,
Yes YOU,
Time Magazine
Person Of The Year
Not Hither and Yon,
Dead and gone,
Like a Pawn
Off Chess Board
Freemason's Floor
Black And White,
Blurs The Lines,
Wrong And Right,
Yin and Yang,
Equal Parts
Like A Man
And Woman
Equal Parts
Come Together
As One
At The Same Time,
If The're Doing It,
But Before I Go
TO Sleep,
I Must Say
To You,
That Chess
Because Whites
Always Go
First Haha
strokes beard...
i wonder if someone could feed the OP into an AI program and have it make a music video,
and then post a link in the comments below
And its not just the trans kids.
We have all been taught to hate ourselves, for what we are.
Are you a Male?
shame on you!
Are you a Christian?
shame on you!
Are you white with a small w?
Shame on you!
Are you Black with a capital B?
shame on you!
Are you straight?
Shame on you!
Are you gay?
Shame on you!
Are you a single mom?
Shame on you!
Are you a deadbeat dad?
Shame on you!
Are you part of the white supremacist fascist patriarchy?
Shame on you!
Do you enjoy the "white privilege" of driving on paved roads?
Shame on you!
Do you live in a single-family dwelling?
Shame on you!
Do you eat meat?
Shame on you!
Do you exhale CO2?
Shame on you!
How many of you have been treated your entire life, like all of the worlds problems are YOUR fault?
Global warming problems?
That's just you existing too much
Global Warming solutions?
There's going to be less of you.
Water Pollution?
Shame on you for peeing too much.
Thats because of you, wiping your ass with toilet paper.
Do you have a dick?
Thats oppressive, because in order to have sex, you have to violate someone else.
I mean, when you look at the way MEN and WOMEN are portrayed in the media, its no wonder people don't want to "identify as" one of those stereotypes?
If you were a little kid, growing up these days, what kinds of gender role models do kids even have?
Do little boys get to watch their dads work?
Do little girls get to watch their moms work?
Any boy that grows up without a good male role model,
And any girl that grows up without a good female role model,
Are not even going to know how to even begin to "identify as" a good dad, or a good mom.
So they start coming up with neo-pronouns, and 72 genders,
maybe to get a little more specific about how they see themselves.
my sister recently announced that she "identifies" as non-binary,
she's über-liberal and always talking about stereotypes so I'm sure she got the gist,
when i said in my smart-ass mocking tone,
non-binary: i don't "identify as" one of your gender stereotypes.
which, is actually good... and here's why.
my aunt grew up in the 1940s-50s and became i would say somewhat obsessed with her "image", her presentation, her clothes, her makeup, her glasses, her hair, her boots, her purses,
she was always impeccably dressed, not a hair out of place.
and every few months or so, we would get a big box in the mail, filled with her old fashion magazines, and her old clothes, purses, shoes, etc,
this was high-dollar, classy stuff, but unfortunately it was not my size for very long.
anyway, years later, i came to realize that a lot of the magazines she was subscribing to, were actually Operation Mockingbird et al propaganda rags.
Aaron Russo on Womens Liberation
1m:37s video
So like "LIFE" magazine, "TIME", Cosmo, all the women's magazines
And so she seems to have emulated the lifestyle of the era,
which was that she didn't really wear dresses, only pants,
and she got herself a real job.
a mans job.
she became a sheriffs deputy, and did that all of her working career, until retirement.
we all that thought that was pretty cool, as you could imagine.
but one thing that she picked up was a smoking habit.
and she smoked cigarettes her entire adult life,
and she died of some sort of cigarette-related lung disease.
so my aunt emulated the modern, liberated woman, by smoking herself to death.
because it was the Flapper thing to do.
but if people today, don't "identify as" the stereotypical "MAN" or "WOMAN"
that means the normies are slowly waking up, and rejecting the Hollywood and Big Media's COMMUNIST bullshit presentation of WEAK MEN and STRONG WOMEN. .....
i just love it when my wife shows me how strong she is by carrying all the groceries in the house in just one trip.
thanks to inflation, she can now carry all the groceries with just one arm.
It breaks my heart because up until a few years ago Iowa was super progressive. All through the states history it was progressive. One of the first states to allow women to sell post secondary education, one of the first states to desegregate schools, one of the first to allow interracial marriage. Used to be #1 in education... now it's just... awful unless you're cis, het, white, Christian...
we can never co-exist in peace, with the forces of evil.
we cannot occupy the same space and time,
so therefore, one of us must go.
either we go,
or they go,
and i'm thinking I'm not going anywhere,
and i'm thinking its high time that they go,
enough is enough.
they all must go.
Within hours of Dr. John Campbell discussing FOI data which showed a massive increase in myocarditis and miscarriages since 2021, "corrections" were put out showing zero increases in either since 2019.
Meaning Covid never increased your risk of myocarditis and miscarriage.
So there was no reason to take the Covid vaccine.