be quiet and wait
if you could predict it so could the deep state
how stupid would that be
where did you see 7/10
it will be more like the dragon and the Mother of the Christ
no it is about the Hebrews/Isrealites
could mean 8 days, if prerecorded on the 12th
The only “source” that the pope was arrested was an article on a website that has existed for less than a month called the conservative beaver.
Don’t ask for a source showing that something did not happen. Ask for a source showing that it did.
lin wood said the pope was arrested
horse puckey
i know exactly what he was talking about but if you don’t understand that words are used in code then i don’t know what you’re doing here
no, jiu jitsu specifically uses the move of the opposition against themselves - that is what i was referring to
like jiu jitsu
your username
i thought it meant “Mother I’d Like toWife”
go to his twitter. They weren’t in this order at all. They were PUT in this order to create the infographic.
Not a single one of these tweets showed up in this order
but the organization is interesting
As in
SHOW-ER - (one who shows)
These tweets reference april q drops to april policy actions, this making these pompeo tweets “april show-ers”
Enjoy the SHOW
70 times 7D chess
Yeah and the fbi would arrest him???
this is getting dumb
there is no one on earth who could arrest the pope
the vatican is a sovereign nation
or just the agencies that make publuc weather predictions
the agency predicts it
whether an actual storm happens as predicted is immaterial
carrying water for the commies?
what kind of a retarded fucking street did you hear that word on
zh is just an aggregator
no. Q recommended using voat like two fucking years ago when the great awakening reddit sub was nuked. Voat was never “crowned.” it was a stopgap for a littke while.