WhiteSurvival 1 point ago +1 / -0

The way things are set up it's impossible for a White America born man to be a more appealing job candidate than literally any other group, no amount of "work ethic" will change that. There's Besides that we shouldn't have to compete against the rest of the world just for employment.

WhiteSurvival 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'd rather not be forced to toe the line of arbitrary moderation decisions. As is I get banned from every major discussion platform and group just for wanting whites to survive and thrive while noticing attacks against us.

WhiteSurvival 1 point ago +1 / -0

Men don't like little kids complaing about work they have done easily for many years.

So because people in the past suffered we're not allowed to demand improvement? People like you are partially responsible for wage stagnation.