WinnerIsComing 2 points ago +2 / -0

I should also point out the possibility that Kappy may have used Germanic values to as opposed to straight up anagrams. Start plugging lines in here and really have some fun.


WinnerIsComing 4 points ago +4 / -0

That is almost exactly what I recall while watching it live on NBC. After the oath someone said, "Please be seated..." At that point I expected some kind of military presentation, but it was just awkward silence with people looking around all confused.

WinnerIsComing 1 point ago +1 / -0

Don't quote me on this, but technically his term would end and the presidential line of succession would kick in. With the President and the VP out, it would likely fall to the Speaker of the House, but if congress is in upheaval, then Secretary of State Mike Pompeo would temporarily be at the helm.

WinnerIsComing 2 points ago +2 / -0

What if I told you real Sleepy Joe is already 6 feet under and this one is just another sleeper agent?

No source, just a question.

WinnerIsComing 2 points ago +2 / -0

If the dollar collapsed, it would no longer be a viable currency for transactions. It would be a terrible time to have a stockpile of cash. Your play money, or rainy day cash would be worthless. However, investments in assets and commodities would maintain their real value. Relative to the dollar they would seem to skyrocket, but the reality is that if the dollar is nonviable then transactions would need to be made in some other currency. Digital currency is risky because it has no real world value.

Now, here's what I see happening: The trillions in wealth that have been stolen from our nation over many years will soon come under ownership of the US government. The national debt of 27 trillion will still exist. However, the government will also have a national credit of say 100 trillion due to taking ownership of all the assets of companies that were part of the insurrection. In addition, the government will need to seize the assets of certain wealthy individuals who sponsored the insurrection. This will be a returning of wealth to the people in the form of an endowment. That endowment will be used to gradually pay down the national debt and simultaneously fund all kinds of new research, infrastructure, and arts projects, all while simultaneously cutting taxes.

Win! Win! Win! WinnerIsComing!

WinnerIsComing 1 point ago +1 / -0

Highly unlikely, yes. However, it would also be the most entertaining outcome. It would put people in the position of having lost everything, seemingly over the precipice, and require a biblical, deus ex machina solution. It would truly leave the military as the only way. Our heroes say, sorry it had to be this way, and then, to the shock of everyone, the military, with all evidence in hand, invokes the constitution and charges Biden and his accomplices with treason and initiate military tribunals. From there, we have a true constitutional crisis.

WinnerIsComing 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am not at all surprised by this. Was it ever written that Trump would be inaugurated on the 20th? This isn't "thedonald.win" it is "greatawakening.win" Is it possible that "10 days of darkness" begins with Biden taking that oath and ends shortly thereafter with the military stepping in to defend the constitution? The mission is not to re-elect Trump. It is to wake up the people. Who knows?

WinnerIsComing 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well, if your defense is impenetrable then your opponent will eventually wear down and make mistakes, at which point they can be defeated by a weak offense.

WinnerIsComing 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're both right about it seeming to be backwards, but it is not. It does get said both ways, but point is that it makes you think. Are aggressive offense moves good if they leave you exposed with a weak defense?

WinnerIsComing 12 points ago +12 / -0

I figured that out as well. Can you now decipher the anagrams of "I Ask Papacy" aka "Isaac Kappy" to determine his true meaning?

WinnerIsComing 1 point ago +1 / -0

Anthony Quinn Warner => qanon hurt nanny wire

Did WH use a DEW to knockout systems used by BH?

What does the officer's bodycam footage show? Where was the RV parked? What does the video of the aftermath show? Why is one building completely blown out? What does the video that captured the event from the distance show? Why does the warning message played in reverse say "Merry Christmas!"