Voat.xyz is up now, seems okay but the color scheme is horrendous on mobile
Right now I'm doing wendlers 5/3/1 with a big focus on BBB (big bit boring). Its an intermediate strength program with huge focus on compound movements, but I've added additional volume isolation wise. Shit ton of weighted pull/chin ups, benching, squats, deadlifts, and over head presses. Basically I do 3 strength sets with weekly changes in rep schemes, and then 3-5x10 at a lower load for hypertrophy. It is kicking my ass, but I'm repping out massive weight and my strength has skyrocketed from following the programming correctly. Strength work is in 4 week periods, so week one is 3x5, week 2 is 3x3, week 3 is your 5 rep max, then your 3 rep max, then you go for a PR on a one rep, and week 4 is a deload, so I just do high volume to drive mass through hypertrophy.
It might be a little too much volume for anyone without a foundation of strength in my opinion, but SL 5x5 is a great linear progression program to build strength for beginners, and as long as you're eating ebough and staying consistent, 5x5 moving into 5/3/1 would be a great way to build strength and mass.
To each their own, but I'm opinionated in the fact that I don't want to rely on the consumption of mind altering substances to feel better or relaxed or to have fun.
Congratulations on getting clean, if anyone hasn't told you good job lately, I'd like to tell you that, and that you've got a long prosperous life ahead of you, and having a strong connection with your higher power, to live everyday through the spirit of God has also helped me tremendously on my journey of sobriety from the booze!
Quit drinking, dialed in my nutrition, and started lifting every single day for this whole shit show. Directing my nihilism for this clown world into bettering myself. At 200 pounds and 9 percent body fat, I'm now big and lean enough to wear no one gives me any shit for refusing to wear a marxist tampon on my face. I've gotten my friends to start taking fitness seriously, they constantly want to train with me, makes me feel good to lead by example.
Not at all, just sucking the blood from freshly circumcised penis and giving the children syphilis, nbd
Have a buddy who's ins the Chair force, and they were telling him he had to get the jab. He ended up claiming he was a Christian Scientist or something along those lines and said he would go to hell if he took the jab and they let him have exemption.
I'm in Commiefornia, and when the initial mandates for masks started, stores were fucking nazis about it, I would be the only person without a diaper on my face, and I had to tell some employee/managers frequentlyto pound sand when they got antagonisticwith me for not wearing one. Now about 50-60% of people aren't wearing them, and I never see employees anymore demanding masks, just one store asking if you want one without being a dick about it. It's nice seeing that even here, people seem to be fucking fed up with this horse shit.
"I'm so smart, I got a piece of paper that proves I can follow the status quo in order to get a job where 25% of my.income will have to be used towards the piece of paper I got myself into 2 decades of debt for!"
Just invest what you'd be willing to lose, makes holding alot easier, and know that the prices as of now are massively manipulated by the hedge funds. I honestly think double digit shares in either will be more than enough, I personally just allot a portion of my income towards it, I treat them as a savings account, and will only sell once astronomically high profits are realized
A bunch of hedge funds got caught by a bunch of retail investors trying to short 2 specific companies into the dirt by creating billions of fraudulentshares, one being a video game retailer, and the other one being a movie theater chain, and decided that they really liked the stocks and started buying the stocks, driving the price up, catching the hedge funds in an infinite loss scenario (short squeeze). Retail is waking up to the corruption in the financial sector, and I believe this is just a part of the entire picture of the total corruption of everything. Retail knows to just buy as many shares as possible and refuse to sell, because the hedge funds at any point will be forced to buy back everything. And by holding, the price theoretically can reach to infinite price levels, leaving the hedge funds holding the biggest bag of excrement in losses, leaving retail ludicrously wealthy.
I've seen theories that this started from white hats wanting to topple the markets and transfer the wealth that's been hoarded to the common folk.
This isn't financial advice, all I'm saying is I've never been more confident in sinking everything I can I to these shares, and I believe this will be the only time in our lifetime where such a situation will occur where the little people come out ahead while bankrupting these fuckers who laughed from their ivory towers about causing the 2008 recession.
Idk about you guys, but I think sinking everything you can into movie theater chains and video game retailers stocks might be a good idea
I tend to shop at self check out stores, and have headphones in when the mask-holes at the front try to get antagonistic with me, I don't even make eye contact with them as I don't acknowledge people with a lack of a backbone and conduct my business. The occasional times they follow me and raise a fit, I tell them I have a medical condition, I'm too attractive to wear one, and I dont subscribe to marxist ideology. The one time the manager threatened the police, I said go right ahead I'm sure they'll rush right over here to stop the big meany head who isn't wearing a mask, bought my shit and left without issue.
I wouldn't say it's sympathy, I'm just questioning the entire narrative since everything about everything is pretty much a lie, but to most people I guess it's too taboo to even discuss the possibility that the narrative might have conspiracy or fallacies behind it.
I question everything nowadays, and it would make sense that a country led by a leader who ran on claiming its nationalism back, pulling out of centralized banking, creating a strong economy, getting rid of pornography and transgenderism, and ridding itself of globalist control would be painted as the devil incarnate. Maybe pearl harbor was a false flag to pull the US into the war, and maybe the Nazis had super ovens that could power the millennium falcon, but who knows anymore.
I see America at a major point of precipice right now, and I've been quite nihilistic for months. I've dealt with this negativity by cutting out all vices completely, eating unprocessed whole foods, turning off the TV, squatting, deadlifting, benching, and rowing my fucking ass off, and getting right with the good lord. I'm built like a brick fucking shithouse, and I feel 100% spiritually awake. I'm a combat veteran who saw and did things that haunt me everyday, and I pray that physical war will not happen, but I'm ready for it, I refuse to be a good man who won't take action if shit hits the fan, I've been using my time as if I were back on deployment, and I know many other combat veterans who also refuse to bow down to the blatant tyranny happening in front of our eyes. I have faith in the American spirit, and know that good will win, this is our land. And for any glowies reading this, I left my watch on your wife's bed stand.
An IQ test might be a good start.
Do you think they have swimming pools, theaters, and masturbation machines in this one?