adipem_ericius 1 point ago +2 / -1

Why tell the government that you're armed? That way they just send a heavily armed swat team every time the police want something from you because they don't trust you.

Just 3D print any gun you want. And if you can't afford your own 3D printer just order the parts from professional 3D printing businesses and assemble the gun yourself.

adipem_ericius 2 points ago +3 / -1

His throat was cut, moments before Mohamed climbed up on the balcony. These two leftists are friends of mohamed who help him stage this whole thnig in an attempt to stop the deportation conviction mohamed already has.

You wouldn't stand there passively filming, if your throat was actually cut or if Mohamed posed an actual threat to you. There's so many missed opportunities here to kill Mohamed in self defense.

It's a 4 month old clip, court saw right through it and Mohamed is now deported. A shame that these two weren't deported with him.

adipem_ericius 3 points ago +4 / -1

The vasts majority of the population is passively Christian, they're not visiting Church every Sunday and don't pray a lot. But they also don't reject God, the Christian morale is deeply rooted into society itself.

Still, every single Church allover the country holds a service every Sunday, and there's activity during weekdays too. A large majority of the population is baptized and pay a specific tax to the Church.

All Churches are full during holidays, like Christmas, New years eve, Easter, Midsummer, Allahelgon (Swedes don't celebrate "Halloween" but instead goes to Church to pay respect to the dead).

Start and end of the school year also means that all kids in the country goes to Church for a ceremony, this is mandatory by law. Kids of other religions who refuse to go to Church are forced to go to school and sit in detention.

There's the usual ceremonies, funerals, weddings, baptisms and more. Most Churches located near main roads are also open most of the time, visit, have a coffee, talk to the priest, or just come there to pray.

Sadly the atheists, who's nothing but a loud minority of losers steals much of the attention.

by panamax
adipem_ericius 1 point ago +1 / -0

There's already extraction of oil and gas there, more extraction won't hurt. The water is shallow too, in fact so shallow that the Dutch want to drain the whole area and claim all that land as farmland and possibly land based extraction of oil and gas.

Still better than the frickin wind farms the green muppets want to build out there.