Plenty of circumstantial evidence, no real-world solid proof yet. The open question is whether Q is a psy-op designed to placate Patriots who would otherwise rebel.
Until real-world events happen to reverse our headlong tumble into tyranny, that remains an open question.
Knowledge about low-tech ways to do things. Don't buy it from Amazon, but here's an example:
We're self-aware enough to realize that all our hopes could be wrong and the S will indeed HTF.
Either this election is fixed or we're on a glide path to civil war. I'm hoping for the former, preparing for the latter.
A couple of passive aggressive options:
- Get a mask with a Star of David on it.
- Get this:
Why is this a post? You do you. WE DON'T CARE. Ivermectin is appropriate for some people. If that doesn't include you, awesome, STFU and stop wasting our time.