That's a smear video. Look at the date. It popped up soon after his updates began gaining traction. Remember, people think Q anon is a crazy conspiracy theory too! Listen to the information and make a judgment yourself.
On the other hand, he says he has talked with Q personally, which seems to go against no outside comms (idk if that still stands). Thus, I find him suspect nonetheless.
If you like horror movies, I mean.
Relevant Q post:
"Focus on Military Intellingence/ State Secrets and why might that be used vs any three letter agency"
Could just be a typo, but hey people think darnkess isn't a typo. Also, type 'intelligence' on your keypad and see the keystroke. Consider everything.
Time is an illusion. Only the present moment exists.
In order to travel you need two points. If you take the now moment as point 1, you can never find point 2, because it doesn't exist.
Time only exists in the mind. Past we call memory, future we call imagination/hopes/dreams/fears. Without thought, time does not exist.
If you believe something different, I'm not trying to convert you, just merely explaining my basis for saying time is a psy-op. If you need to confirm this yourself, then bring this question to yourself: Have you ever experienced anything other than the present moment? Even a memory of a past even or a future possibility plays in the mind in the present moment.
We are indoctrinated into many concepts from a very young age. Time is a useful tool to build society around, but it does not exist in physical reality.
Saudi Arabia