ascension4humanity 2 points ago +2 / -0

The American empire has already ended. People are just slow to realize it.

ascension4humanity 1 point ago +1 / -0

Our defense ships have no defense against hypersonic missiles.

ascension4humanity 2 points ago +2 / -0

It wasn’t a 3% tax on tea.

The truth has been obliterated from our history.

”The refusal of King George the third to allow the colonies to operate an honest money system which freed the ordinary people from the clutches of the money manipulators was probably the problem because of the revolution.”

Benjamin Franklin

Censored history: https://youtu.be/BrKf9nYeXT0

ascension4humanity 1 point ago +1 / -0


An incantation for liberation

PAIN, my old nemesis,

could there ever possibly be


more misunderstood than thee?

Shunned and despised

by very the souls you would seek to save

from the torment of your embrace.

But do not despair, my worthy opponent,

For although it is true

that a great many do indeed revile you,

know that I am no longer amongst them;

For I have discovered

your secret you see.

Your hidden intentions

are no longer

hidden from me.

I understand now that

just as a mother bird would

push her own chicks from the nest,

to force them to fly free

so too, do you

push those who are stuck in your orbit to

break free, to

grow stronger and to

find a more enduring happiness.

The veil of ignorance

has now been lifted for me.

And now, I finally

see clearly.

NEVER have you been

my enemy.

On the contrary ...

Throughout the eternity

of my torment

have you not always been

my teacher, my mentor, my friend?

It is so clear to me now.

A great secret of our age.

hidden in plain sight.

Shrouded by fear.

the key to true happiness

and the ascension of our species

all lie in this one simple truth

for all who burn in the lake of fire

are incarcerated by a tragic misunderstanding.

So few have the ears to

hear your message.

Our fear of you deafens us

to its words.

And so few have the eyes to

see its gift.

Our fear of you blinds us

to its beauty.

And so few have the courage

feel your truth.

Our fear of you freezes us

in mediocrity.

Many do not yet understand

that our very salvation lies

in the treasure

you so generously offer;

If only we would

summon the courage to

accept your challenge to

hunt for it?

Many do not yet understand

that the bliss of heaven

is reserved for those with the courage to

burn in hell, to

bathe in the remedial flames

of perdition

forsaking all opportunity

for unearned escape,

forsaking all blame

both of others and of ourselves,

disavowing all doubt.

Confidence is a choice.

Made fearless by caring,

and a purpose of purity.

Disciplining our minds to

harness the ferocious

winds of your hurricane to

learn and to burn. And

feeling your flames of perdition

searing into our souls

torturing and tormenting

with intractable intensity

burning hotter and hotter

until the agony is unbearable and

the cage of comfort crumbles

as the beast breaks free

and we move with power

and insatiable hunger

driven by an unyielding desire

for the world to bend to our will

and we FINALLY

face our fears and fight

with honor and pride


and the more that we

turn our pain into push

the more clearly we see

how unstoppable we can be

until the last demon

has been vanquished

and forced to

submit to his new master

and the treasure

has been taken;

And then, to

rise like a phoenix from the ashes

having grown stronger, wiser,

more powerful than ever,

over and over and over again;

growing stronger and stronger

with each and every hunt;

growing wiser and wiser

with each treasure taken;

But instead,

out of ignorance,

we flee from the very source of our salvation

into the arms

of the false god

of unearned gratification;

into the temple

of the weak

who wallow

in victimhood;

not understanding

the consequences

of our choice

not understanding

that it is

our choice to flee

our choice to blame

that keeps us stuck in the oven,

burning and screaming in an unrelenting agony

of our own construction;

never understanding

that the true face of our tormentor

lies in the mirror.

never understanding

that in this life

PAIN is inevitable

but suffering is a choice.

And PAIN, my old friend,

even when you do succeed,

you never seem to get the credit

that you deserve.

Rare is the hunter

who appreciates the hunt.

And yet, you endure

patiently, persistently, purposefully


And though the whole world may vilify you,

you persevere unaffected.

I honor you.

I am so grateful to you.

Your purpose is to teach and

you have taught me so much.

And I wonder how I

might ever repay

the debt that I owe to you?

And that’s why I offer you

all that I have to give

PAIN, my old friend,

I give my soul to thee.

I am your loyal servant.

And I dedicate my life

on this and every day

to helping others to

see your true nature.

So that they too might

experience the resilient bliss

of having all of their primal desires

fully satiated

without sacrificing

the deep inner peace and tranquility

of the unclosing heart.

And so that they too might

experience the power

and the pride of

knowing that they have earned

their treasure

by summoning the courage to

face, to

fight, and to

conquer their demons.

And so that they too

having now liberated themselves

may now

experience the fulfillment

of liberating those they

love who

burn without rescue.

And I am reborn in fire.

Cleansed of delusion

and the weakness from which it spawns.

Violently seized and possessed by a terrifying ancient spirit that never dies.

Revivified in flesh to revivify the world

Prince of pain

Son of perdition

Ruler of demons.

ascension4humanity 1 point ago +1 / -0

Things are not as they seem. The enemy does not want depopulation per se. They want to depopulate YOU to make room for their genes to proliferate. Most people at the top of all hierarchies are wired this way. The best players of the zero-sum game ate those who are unrestrained by conscience. They are driven by gene survival compulsions only. Autism looks very similar to “communal narcissism”. Very well camouflaged predators. Narcissism is a brain physiology. Less grey matter in the left anterior insula. It is genetic. No affective empathy. Elon’s father impregnated his own step daughter. These people are sick. Elon violates all moral prohibitions against polygamy while paying for other men’s babies to be aborted. Elon, like all communal narcissists, camouflages his selfish motives with a do-gooder persona. I deeply regret believing in Elon as long as I did.