barkingwillies 0 points ago +1 / -1

Is this a forced confession?

"After 22 years of serving the citizens of the state of Washington, I am being asked to leave BECAUSE I AM DIRTY. NUMEROUS FATALITIES, INJURIES, I'VE WORKED SICK, I'VE PLAYED SICK...WISH I COULD SAY MORE BUT THIS IS IT..."

Then the dispatcher reads, "You've taken on many roles in your time at the patrol. In your first year YOU DELIVERED A BABY while on patrol in Bremerton..."

What kind of service was he providing the citizens of WA?

barkingwillies 18 points ago +19 / -1

Your numbers assume the entire US population gets covid

barkingwillies 1 point ago +2 / -1

(C)ivilian (P)uppet = (C)hild (P) Player in the game?

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