I don't do this for a living and this is not self promotion, I'd never charge money for this, it doesn't belong to me, it's universal knowledge, I have gathered over the years. If you are all tensed out and mind racing, heart thumping etc. I will be happy to help. These were gifts given to me over the years, and I happily pass them on to whoever feels a need and or wants to better understand and improve their own psyche. You can DM me on twitter @RedRock1T or post your handle elsewhere and I'll drop you line.


Let's say it all goes down - and by 22nd patriots are fully in control

We do not know how other countries will react....

EU, France, UK, Germany, Switzerland, Italy etc.

They may use the "mutant virus strain" as an excuse to go into full lockdowns and shut off their media and internet and go full NK. Esp. if US comms are down.

They may hammer the narrative - esp. looking at the UK situation right now - a real Rothschild enclave - they might push the narrative the the US is having a fascist military coup and shut off all comms with the US, firewall the country like China does and etc.

A virtual Berlin wall might go up down the Atlantic !


Q said Trump would be on AF1 when it all goes down.

He's leaving DC at 8am on the 20th.

Best guess that's not to Florida in a hurry and best guess there will be tankers and fighter escorts up for that trip which may take a good long while.

I think it's about a 2.5hr flight from DC to Florida area - and then I bet the transponder goes dark.

Def. one to be watching !

A Small Win for the Day (www.zerohedge.com)
posted ago by bob1111 ago by bob1111

That makes 45 days on the 22nd Jan.

Which matches exactly with the 1 year delta of the 3782 Castle Clean drop

Seems it all revolves around the 22nd.


We all know how much the CIA and military like to get involved with mass media. Going way back to movies like Top Gun and Red October the military lends out assets and uniforms etc. by way of having $100M recruitment videos aired in the cinemas that everyone pays to go and see - nice work !

I would wager that Q has got many people juicing to be spys, analysts and even military - just keep that in mind before you rush to become canon fodder in some new banking cartel war zone.

This should be about change - real change - decentralization - group participation and so forth.

If this all leads back around in a circle - that is not the true intention is it.

We need less Govt - much much less Govt - if any at all

Not to be led up the garden path into a massive hot war with Chyna .

REDS SEQUENCE (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by bob1111 ago by bob1111

It's possible that the Roth actually snuffed it from an actual heart attack cos the plans are coming apart..... stranger things have happened !


Very interesting KGB interview for you about useful idiots and the way the KGB used to use people - CCP pretty much picked up where they left off - and they had a good 30 yrs. See Pompeos China Flag Uni. tweet.


Has it occurred to anyone that the critical race theory and all the racist nonsense being whipped up - is actually most favoring Asians- specifically Chinese to be rulers in the US.

Blacks and Latins have their own culture and their own social circles to be proud of but aside Chinatown and Chinese take away and a few Bruce Lee movies, if China was to conquer the US, they would need to first undermine any kind of harmonious racial values.

HOPIUM (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by bob1111 ago by bob1111

Has anyone considered that Biden might have been flipped a while ago ?

That he is just playing a roll for immunity for himself, his son and his wife ?

It's a very reasonable explanation for this tired old man to be dragged out to give press conferences, discuss policy, hire swamp creatures to his cabinet etc. etc. etc.

You have to think Mafia type RICO case - where one of the top ranking guys has been flipped and carries on rolling for a year or more until they can gather all they need to bring the whole gang down.

Stranger things have happened.


midday today pompeo tweet referenced 72 hours - that would be midday 18th if the 30 min. is a count down - we should see it target midday 18th then.


Anyone whose ever traded the markets will know that major breaking information is often released after the close - it means the bag holders will find themselves trapped in their positions on Monday.

So we're looking at 16.00 / 17.00 EST for the SHTF

Markets have been a bit sold off last couple of days, but nothing major yet. Possibly a few people speculating and liquidating in advance, but I assume no major investors or fund managers have considered the radical Q outcome.

They may also wait for late on Sunday (17 anyone) - as people are generally more free to riot and make fuss on the weekend, so late Sunday could be another time for this to drop.

It could even sit until morning of the 19th. There isn't really a rush here.


I thought it was important to mention because Q is branded a cult group - which is funny coming from the MSM that are all linked to Masonry that is an actual cult group. It's the same defense of shouting that Trump is corrupt or stealing money - whilst the Dem and the swamp are the ones stealing !

A long time ago I joined a meditation group and this group purported to be teaching all kinds of mystical knowledge.

It was quite small and poorly funded and humble and the lessons were free - by donation only and much of the information was very good and I still use some of it to this day. There was certainly no evil intent - in fact if anything quite the opposite.

However over time this thing turned into a cult group as people did not really use the practical skills but simply became more interested in becoming preachers and also in controlling the organization.

All sort of excuses started to be used by those in charge both to take more power and push others out and the whole thing for me went very sour. I can't say it caused huge damage to people on the level of something like Scientology, (it wasn't big enough or public enough and the people involved not wealthy enough) - but certainly it got under everyone's skin and wasted years - because it took over people's lives and everything in their lives started to revolve around this group, to the point of moving cities, quitting good well paid jobs, shunning friends and family - usual story that leads a person more and more into the dark and makes them more and more vulnerable to being manipulated.

After leaving I discovered that it had become much worse with more assets and money being taken out for personal benefits and a certain amount of manipulation of the girls to become the head honchos 2nd wife - it was quite surprising that something that purported to be so benevolent could turn so hard and quickly.

I helped to make all this public and effectively shut it down for good. In the process of doing that I came across an author, who I spoke to several times and shared expediences- his alot worse than mine and who has a very good book 400 Years of Imaginary Friends by Joe Paolini - you can probably find it on PDF or google books if you are interested.

This cult group mentality is very important to understand because it's how the minions are controlled. You don't have to be doing very much, just go along to a group once a week and it gets right into your head that you are now on some mission for God or for the organization that is on some mission to save the world. This is how the masons and all these types of groups work.

Alot of the information that I learned came from the Rosicrucian Dogma which is also the basis for the masonic lodge. The whole thing is kind of a mad cult group religion from the 1700-1800s. Think Scientology meets eastern mysticism and Egyptian symbolism. It's religion for intellectuals that don't just want to go to church passively, they want to feel they can progress and learn and obtain grades and etc. - and there's nothing wrong with that per say - until it's feeding BS - the practical skills are no longer properly taught and it becomes a fanatical belief system - much easier to fall into than you might imagine.

If I tell you Wednesday is the most special day of the week because the angel of XYZ declared it to be so, you have no means to verify that and it slowly eats away at you every Wednesday - you start to make conclusions and have experiences about it and the subconscious eats away at you until Wednesday is now your holy day. etc. BS BS BS - made up.

Then you are busy on a Wednesday because the whole world is not into your mad belief system, and another member spots you and now you are in trouble because you didn't follow the rules - which were invented in the first place.

It's basically an adult version of not treading on the cracks in the pavement - and then calling others out about it. The whole virus mask nonsense is part of that same cult group think.

I am not saying it's all BS - some of the Rosicrucian info is quite good - it's mainly stolen from Hindu and Buddhism - with some ancient Egyptian mixed in - it might even all be real if someone actually did the sweat to practice it all correctly - but what I am saying is that symbols, ceremonies and hierarchies along with Imaginary Friends are packaged together in a kind of subscription psy-op - and it's just so much easier to feed the ego of being a religions fanatic than it is to actually be spiritual and practice anything at all. So your masonic type lodges, that comes from Rosicrucian Dogma - that was mulched through Theosophical Society, AMORC, Illuminati, and dozens of others that became quite wealthy and fanatical and powerful - they have NO REAL POWERS - they have no REAL MAGIC - it's just high functioning psychosis and cult group manipulation. Likely the heads of it know it's all BS and deliberately use it to push their minions around.

I highly recommend you look into it a little bit - at least watch the Leah Remini documentary on Scientology.

This is the kind of mentality we are up against and it gets a grip on people and they are extremely dangerous fanatics - although they have no real magic power outside their group think.

I thought it was also important to mention because Q is branded a cult group - which is funny coming from the MSM that are all linked to Masonry that is an actual cult group. It's the same thing of shouting that Trump is corrupt or stealing money - whilst the Dem and the swamp are the ones stealing !

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