and what difference would it make anyway? they dont see you as important enough to disclose the truth to, and never will, theyve said as much in the "80% (or 60% or whatever the number was supposed to be) PRIVATE, 20% public" statement. the declas threat, like all blackmail, is worth far more when it remains a threat rather than a one-and-done drop.
the covid/vaxx stuff is already depopulating though, all the excess mortality stats published here on GAW say this, as does my personal experience.
they dont need to incarcerate HRC and the others (incl dirty assets like giuliani), there's nowhere for them to go. having them public and playing their assigned role in the psychological op is far more valuable than any public arrest, which would only cause more chaos, and the trump/Q faction wants as many people on the same page as possible
the anti-trump/Q media position is being dictated to them BY the trump/Q faction, yes possibly for some good reason. i'm not saying the trump/Q faction doesnt see itself as the "good guys"/"white hats", they do and apparently have their reasons, but "good" is in this case unclear: are they culling us in preparation for the solar micronova? for some other reason like information from the future, etc? they may see their actions as "good", or the "least bad" out of all options, but let's not ignore the culling, it's objectively happening and has been since 2016 (or 2012 in my opinion, but thats another post)
im not saying the trump/Q goals are the same as the NWO or however you want to categorize the previous order, only that the evidence does unavoidably show that they have a common goal of population reduction.
btw thanks for an intelligent reply, rather than a simple "you have been permanently banned from GAW". people with a different viewpoint of the obviously real Q disclosures are not the enemy, we're the infinitely skeptical people raised on the idea of "trust no one", especially when it all seems to good to be true.
because its not about 'declas', the material backing threats and blackmail dont work if you release it. the trump/Q faction already control everything except splinter cells executing their last received NWO orders.