Just ask him.
I did.
More relevantly, the, "in my opinion" part only unambiguously applies to his first sentence. The later sentences are separate and presented in a matter of fact format.
Arrests are being made left and right behind the scenes too.
Source? Your statement reads as an impossible-to-prove-impossible-to-disprove bullshit claim.
So is it a troll or do they really come this stupid?
Better yet, there are versions of Android in the form of custom ROMs which can be run without Google's influence. Most Android phones these days have some form of custom ROM support, and short of migrating to a Linux based phone OS, this is the best solution for privacy, and it still maintains mobile app support.
It's certainly possible that this was done as misdirection. We simply do not have all of the information necessary to make this judgement.
It seems the only two possibilities is that Pence was playing his role as the scapegoat in order for Q's plans to move forward, or he truly was a deep state member.
What point in Naruto does this show up? I'm somewhere in the 4th great war arc and I don't want spoilers, but I'm wondering if I've already seen what you're referring to or not.
I'm just trying to show, perhaps clumsily, that while people think it normal to eat animal organs (for the most part) these sick freaks think it normal to eat human - especially baby - organs instead.
Sure, I didn't mean to come across as too harsh on you. Have a nice day, Pede.
That's not the point he was making. Use your brain.
People eat chicken livers and sheeps eyeballs and frogs legs.
I can't speak to the eyeballs, but there's nothing even remotely strange about these other two that you've mentioned.
I'm not disputing the tone of the Declaration of Independence, but that doesn't make it a legally binding document.
The 2nd is more along the lines of what you're looking for, along with accompanying legislation/documentation.
Correct. Are we still under British rule?
The Declaration of Independence isn't a legally binding document as far as our government is concerned, anyways.
That "5-7%" group is so, so much higher than 5-7% or whatever.
I don't believe it's real. Look at how abysmal this video quality is - the reason for that isn't just pure incompetence or genuine repeated re encoding.
The two audio clips are real but they do not belong together.
My friends girlfriend got jabbed cuz walmart made her.
Weak pussy shit right here.
Walmart didn't "make" her get jabbed - she pussied out and showed where her priorities lie. Your friend should reevaluate some life decisions.
And it's not going to fix itself so long as the media is still the media.
It's hard to see if you lack the self awareness to realize what's going on, or if you're attempting to toy with me.
Either way it's good entertainment.
hahahahahahahaha, the projection is so real.
Is presented with direct fact
Denies said fact because he's ignorant of it
Gets called out on his bullshit
mUh GaMmAs
lmao, who's butthurt again? You're the only one whining here.
I really pity someone like you who tries to make enemies out of everyone they meet. I hope you find Jesus some day.
So, if I am medically unable to wear a mask, and I need to eat, I can't walk into a grocery store.
What are you arguing here? Are you arguing against how I think things should be, how things currently are, or how you think things should be? You're being incredibly vague.
I have allowed stores that are not essential to exercise their rights to require a mask. I exercise my right to not venture into that store.
Great. Why are you mentioning this to me? It's irrelevant to our discussion.
The whole discussion is ridiculous because COVID is not a killer.
What discussion? The one currently between you and me, or the one between you and stores?
The first strains were, but whether they have weakened or whether the first doses were manufactured as killers, I have no idea.
That's not true at all, the virus was never more lethal than it currently is. The only thing I can figure is that you're conflating increased testing rates with the virus itself becoming less lethal? That's just ignorant.
We cannot live in fear. We cannot live forced to reside behind a mask and breathe in CO2 rather than oxygen. We have to stop this COVID vaccination crap, and we have to just put an end to this before our world tilts off its axis. In my lifetime, I have watched insane individuals put forth insane ideas, and it has led to this. I believe that more people will die of COVID related depression or disease and cancers brought on m mask wearing. I believe dementia will increase, and the life population will be decreased just as they have planned it to be.
Great. Again, entirely irrelevant to this discussion.
So don't tell me that a Publix or another supermarket who has foods and goods necessary for life has the right to deny service because crazy people believe a little harmless cold is going to kill them.
You've entirely missed my point, and your ignorance is overwhelming. The irony that your position is one of freedom is astounding. You're supporting the removal of private business decisions in favor of mandating others to work for you. You're stripping citizens of privatization in favor for big government by arguing that companies should not be allowed to make decisions for themselves.
Doesn't work for me, and it shouldn't work for any American. These are times created by individuals to destroy our freedoms. Seems to me it has worked quite well on you.
You don't know the first thing about me. Stop acting like this - learn how to read and listen to others in a conversation instead of just being an upset asshole to everyone you meet, learn the fundamentals of freedom, and stop acting so arrogantly to suggest that you know anything about me from my incredibly brief comments to you.
You have this backwards. Private property is private property. Anyone should be able to remove anyone from their private property for ANY reason. The government mandating private businesses to serve customers is the opposite of freedom.
They cannot make you wear a mask.
They can make you wear a mask or be trespassed and removed from their store. Don't give people the wrong idea.
Your total ignorance of history and refusal to listen to those with more knowledge than you is not my problem.
For the second time, I was never talking to you.
But again, you're making wild inferences that do not belong here. Stop looking for an argument just for an argument's sake. I'm not replying to you again. You're being unnecessarily hostile and unreasonable.