cali_wolverine 1 point ago +1 / -0

***God given Rights.

cali_wolverine 3 points ago +3 / -0

Constitution of the United States: Article I; Section IV:

"The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.

<b>The Congress shall assemble at least once in every Year</b>, and such Meeting shall be on the first Monday in December, unless they shall by Law appoint a different Day."

Congress was never suppose to sit in D.C. thinking up legislation. Our reps are suppose to be in their respective State for nearly their entire term making sure the State they represent is functioning correctly. If there are grievances that have to be brought to the attention of the Federal Government, the <i> at least once a year </i> meeting in D.C. is the time for that.

Our politicians are living like royalty on our dime, all while not performing the tasks that they are suppose to be doing for the State they represent.

cali_wolverine 7 points ago +7 / -0

You absolutely can be enlisted in the military AND attend college.

I was planning on joining the Navy, before being medically disqualified, while I was enrolled in college. The Navy told me that I would have to put my education on hold. I had qualified for naval intelligence, so I would have had to go through basic, and then through officer school. After which they would then send me to finish my degree program and complete any other degree programs specifically related to the intelligence sector.

If I recall correctly, going this route would have required me to enlist for a minimum of ten years with nearly half of the time spent on schooling.

cali_wolverine 2 points ago +2 / -0

I know what you mean, I didn't feel like you were casting any shade. I wasn't trying to cast any shade either, I just am very weary of "digital" currency regardless of explicit or implicit safeguards.

All I was trying to say is that diversification of assets is the least risky path. In the event "end times", a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

Again not trying to cast shade. There are people reading these forums that have absolutely no idea exactly how money works, just trying to give a risk inverse perspective.

cali_wolverine 4 points ago +5 / -1

What is the value of crypto based on? Who accepts crypto as legal tender? How do you use your crypto if you lack access to the internet or lack power?

Crypto is nothing but another fiat system, solely based in the non-physical realm. You can be turned off just as easy, if not easier, as Lauren has been.

I not saying you shouldn't have crypto, I do, but physical wealth is immensely more powerful than fiat/non-physical. Silver, Gold, and even to a much lesser extent, Copper. Think of how prison economies work, as an example among many, food, cigarettes, and luxury perishable items.

Point being having something in hand to trade is by far more valuable than some toilet paper or one's and zero's in a digital space.

cali_wolverine 17 points ago +17 / -0

I hear ya on that, I've refused to go anywhere that requires a mask since this started, saved a lot of money but does get boring staying home.

I think we're seeing the sun begin to rise here over the golden State once more. Most people are not leaders or risk takers, once they see stronger more confident people doing it, they will gather the confidence and strength and will follow suite.


cali_wolverine 47 points ago +47 / -0

At work today, I work with the gen public in greater LA area, I'd say it was almost 50/50 mask/no mask. My company still says employees have to mask up, but I've been refusing for almost 3 weeks with no disciplinary action.

I will say today was by far one of the best days in a very long time. So many smiling faces and up beat attitudes, yes the double maskers still double masked but that's their choice. Also a lot of people didn't even realize it started today and may have walked in wearing one, but took it off once they realized.

I suspect that as the days pass more and more will stop like the rest of us. Cali is RED, even the LA area, don't lose hope for us. Arizona will be the catalyst that fixes us all!

cali_wolverine 5 points ago +5 / -0

This isn't a recent video, this happened ~6 months ago. None the less, if anything being that this happened last year, people are more awake and pissed off about all of this than we are lead on to believe.

cali_wolverine 3 points ago +3 / -0

Me and my roommates have t-mobile, and unless we are on wifi, the app says connecting.... and we can't see any messages that we get. We can see them in the drop down preview, but when we try to open the message, just connecting........ We are also all using Android phones.

cali_wolverine 15 points ago +15 / -0

The Creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin, or really any intermediate macro economics text book.

In my first inter macro class when we got to central banking and the fed. I knew right away that it was a damn scam, beautiful and ingenious, but a damn scam none the less. The gold, if there was any, is long gone! There is nothing backing your fiat currency except DEBT! They use the dept to loan out more currency, in most cases with dollars, with a term and rate that they know can't be sustained. Next they bet on your failure to make payments.

Once default occurs, not only do they collect on the bet they just won, but they also take physical assets as payment for the original loan, i.e land, water, mineral, etc FOR PENNIES ON THE DOLLAR. Now they own ENTIRE NATIONS.

Rinse, repeat, own the world.

cali_wolverine 1 point ago +1 / -0

And they'll just ignore it like they did the last time we had enough signatures

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