Lol, My dad and all his friends were members of the Moose Lodge in Anchorage, AK in the 60's & 70's. Rough, tough and based construction guys. The equivalent of the local tavern with a little organization. As I recall, " he had quite a few meetings at the lodge during the week, after work and right around "Happy Hour". Go figure!!
Those are amazing curtains!! Your sense of style and design is fabulous. Knowing how to blend shapes, textures and colors as you did here tells me there is talent, a lot of talent. Get that in the portfolio now!!! Well done my Fren!!!!
Hmmm, how did that "Lincoln Project" thingy work out? For lack of a better term, The Patriot Party is a different animal than what would be considered the Republican Party from just 4 maybe 5 years ago. Today, you better have your shit together if are running for office, Pedes are brutal!! Any dark secrets hidden in the past, that's right, you might want to rethink about running for anything!!
Same here, haven't wore one.... unless it 's to get a haircut and only out of respect for my long time hair cutting lady. I walk into HD, Lowe's and the grocery stores all the time without one. There are others that do the same. It's like a fraternity. You get the casual nod of approval that say's "right on brother" and then you see others with the look of shame that say's I wish I had the balls not to wear a mask, but I can't because people won't like me or the wife's screaming, put the damn thing on!!! Truth is.... most people don't give a shit whether you have a mask on or not. I believe people have had about enough of this bullshit!!
Has Podesta seen this??? Adam, you better take that shit off now!!!