deleted 0 points ago +1 / -1
carlin2 2 points ago +2 / -0

They're all controlled.

I've been sus on Flynn for a while because he wouldn't give Alex Jones (hack) the time of day on Jan 6, then all of the sudden is talking with him. If this is meant to be some psyop to confuse the bad guys, it's backfiring with people like me and creating doubt about if these people are truly white hats. It would seem to reason you wouldn't want to create confusion for the very people whom you supposedly need to wake up and help save the country. I just feel like they're pulling the wool over our eyes. 7 years--and we still don't have the truth.

carlin2 9 points ago +9 / -0

I'm always amazed at how these liberals fail to recognize the reason everything has turned to shit is b/c of the policies/ideology they support. They can't seem to put it together. I guess at least Rappy is admitting he is unhappy with how things currently are. He's ahead of many liberals that have convinced themselves that everything is fine despite evidence to the contrary.

carlin2 1 point ago +1 / -0

If they can prove he had a history of reckless behavior during games (& sounds like they can), they may have a case.