cdstigall 2 points ago +2 / -0

To demil that weapon there would be a hole cut into the receiver, which very could be on the opposite side of the weapon. It appears to have 1 rocket that replicas are 3D printed these days for collectors.

Also looks to have a Romanian PSL magazine pouch in the same case. My educated guess is that it’s an inert ordinance bought from a surplus company who threw the magazine pouch in there to keep from shipping it separate.

Edit: I can’t decide if that circular canvas piece is a drum pouch for an AK-47 or if it’s some sort of cover for the RPG

cdstigall 3 points ago +3 / -0

117 shooting victims on 4th of July weekend with 17 dead.. I kid you not.

cdstigall 3 points ago +3 / -0

They’re a conservative bunch.

I swear there’s been some Tom foolery in our gubernatorial elections. No way a liberal Democrat won the race.