commonsense_ga 18 points ago +18 / -0

It’s definitely not something to rush into. Like others, I have researched this stuff and find it unsettling. First it’s rushed, or has it been in the works for a long time, as if planned ?. Then, trying to get everyone to volunteer until they are volun-told. Rings of prophesy. I work in a field that vaccines are mandated- no vaccines, no job...unless you’re exempt for medical or religious reasons. Until this one is cleared by FDA I am ok. Afterwards, who knows.

commonsense_ga 81 points ago +81 / -0

I am one of the few holdouts, after others were bullied into getting stuck. I not only logically question this stick, I feel deep in my spirit it is bad. I may have to eventually leave a career I love, but this life on earth is but a season to eternity.

commonsense_ga 2 points ago +2 / -0

My daughter sent this link to me early A.M. What a wonderful way to start my day! Kinda supports our claims of fraud, don’t ya think?

commonsense_ga 4 points ago +4 / -0

Good grief. High school mock trials are run better than this!

commonsense_ga 4 points ago +4 / -0

“I did not have sexual relations with that girl”. Reminded me that evil often comes wrapped in a pretty box...or a charismatic speaker.

commonsense_ga 3 points ago +3 / -0

I am the only one at work who hasn’t. I also told my mom to not let anyone inject her with anything without my approval. Surprised at how quickly people jumped to get something injected that they know nothing about.

commonsense_ga 8 points ago +8 / -0

Been here my whole life and thought I’d never see our leadership hand the state over. Ride through any part of GA except downtown ATL and you will see Trump signs most everywhere. Where I am, you won’t find a Xiden sign...either no support or no courage.

commonsense_ga 4 points ago +4 / -0

They can’t tame the monster they created. Imagine that!

commonsense_ga 1 point ago +1 / -0

Redneck who still knows the old ways

commonsense_ga 5 points ago +5 / -0

Honest question: Why the echo in the room? Wouldn’t the OA be secured better than that?

commonsense_ga 3 points ago +3 / -0

No punishment for the actions of traitorous “leaders” will make up for what they have destroyed in this country I love. Investigate one vote, investigate all. Let’s see who Georgians legitimately voted for.

commonsense_ga 1 point ago +1 / -0

Once upon a time there was a news rag called Newsmax...

commonsense_ga 2 points ago +2 / -0

New here and signed up to give my 2 cents, FWIW. I work in a hospital and there is something making people sick, mostly those with underlying conditions. YES, people are dying. More than average? Blame it all on C? I don’t think so. I had it and was sick for a few days, no taste or smell for several weeks. However, I wasn’t sick enough to even go to a doctor and put in 60 hours that week, WFH. What I believe: it is real (whatever “it” is) and have seen young adults go down hard; it is a political weapon, used on average citizens indiscriminately; it is highly survivable; the masses have been brainwashed through fear; mask mandates are ridiculous and takes away people’s identity. Thugs have to be loving it. Also, I will not be getting the vaccine! Who knows the end game with that mess?!