cp0707 1 point ago +3 / -2

It's Dinesh D'Souza's film, not Phillips'. Gregg promised us the raw data from the cell phones when he pulled the "ripcord." That was a year ago. Can you point me to it? Did you know one of the maps they used in the film was a city in Russia?

deleted -1 points ago +3 / -4
cp0707 1 point ago +4 / -3

Nothing of substance? Listing off multiple lies you gargled from this guy while cradling his nutsack? You're a Phillips simp. It's really sad

cp0707 0 points ago +3 / -3

Lol. Provide your credit card info to Open.Ink. Big news coming soon! #patriotgames

cp0707 1 point ago +9 / -8

Gregg said he could track Antifa rioting outside of CPAC using cell phone data. When can we expect that evidence? Gregg also said he had "eyes everywhere" during Kari Lake's rigged election. When do you expect we see some of that evidence? The internet fanbois cuckolding for Phillips are the truth movement's version of the vaccine believers. How many times will you be duped by this guy before pattern recognition kicks in? It takes zero effort to type a short paragraph pointing out this conman's lies, bud

cp0707 0 points ago +8 / -8

So he said he's "trustworthy," or he lauded Catherine's organization, of which Phillips is a paid member via patriot donations? You support him destroying Catherine's marriage now that he's banging her, which he started doing when she was married? She has two young sons. Why has Phillips been in contact with the FBI for years? Why was he in Haiti with the Clintons? Why did so many members of Badlands media, who attended the nothingburger "The Pit," come out and disavow Phillips? Did you get the Phillips tramp stamp beard tattoo, or did you just sign up for the monthly fan club? He's Jack Maxey on steroids, and he was wrong, again, about his Soros post. Still waiting for the fallout from Telegram being compromised, which the bearded one also claimed

cp0707 6 points ago +11 / -5

Interested to see the results, brother. This guy has a cult-like following akin to normies with movie stars. They've been getting dragged along for a year plus. I also think Phillips lied about curing his cancer with Fenbenzadole, since each time he's told the story it's a different version. Then the cancer came back. Sympathy time! Then he didn't mention it again

cp0707 1 point ago +9 / -8

He said that he was unjustly jailed. He posed with a picture with Phillips, like he did with Maxwell. He poses for pictures with lots of people. Why don't you take your beard covered glasses off and post your source where Trump called Phillips "trustworthy." Go on, I'll wait

cp0707 12 points ago +37 / -25

Those who listen to or trust anything Gregg "The Bearded Great One" has to say continue to be grifted by a conman. Stop giving him the attention and respect on social media. He's yet another crusted-on shit stain in the underpants of society. Stop getting your "ripcord" pulled by this charlatan

cp0707 3 points ago +7 / -4

Reminder that Gregg Phillips is a conman and grifter, surpassing even Jack Maxey. He held a gathering called "The Pit" which required alternative media members to submit a copy of their license and signature. The Pit produced absolutely nothing, despite the biblical quotes he used to hype it (gross)

His Open.Ink is a massive nothing burger. He's been confirmed to have been talking with the EFF 🐝👁️ for a long time. He was in Haiti with the Clintons. He also destroyed Catherine Engelbrecht's marriage and is banging her now. Maybe he's right about Soros, maybe not. But he's a paytriot at best and a conman and/or fed at worst

cp0707 18 points ago +18 / -0

This 🐖 is a member of the World Economic Forum and a big death shot advocate. No bueno

cp0707 0 points ago +1 / -1

You don't have anything original to say? Just going to steal from Chris Paul? You keep deflecting, Lite Brite. You still want to say all the migrants waiting to rush the border are fake and part of a movie? Who's the brain fogged, vaccinated one here?

cp0707 0 points ago +1 / -1

I don't feel intellectually superior, I am. Just remember, when hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants stream across the border, there will be documented posts of your intellectual argument here, claiming it was a fake "movie." Remember the debate you chose that started this, gigabrain. "LOL" 🤡

cp0707 0 points ago +1 / -1

You are incapable of making a point other than "LOL." You debate and have the mental capacity of a teenager. Your posts bring no value, add nothing to the conversation, and demonstrate a total lack of intellectual ability. "Lol," you room temperature IQ simpleton.

cp0707 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, empty skull, I didn't fall for that one. Trump has been talking about this for 7 years. Not everything that happens in real life that is actually bad is part of a movie. The good news is, I get to drag your ass for being an unintelligible dupe, literal meat with eyes, in just a couple days. Enjoy, dumbass

cp0707 1 point ago +2 / -1

You must have missed the part where there are people coming from over 80 countries, including military age Chinese. But, by all means, continue on with the demonizing of white people. "It will be good to lose our culture and rule of law because we will have Tex-Mex restaurants"

cp0707 6 points ago +6 / -0

He was also busy paying for pssy. Just so happened that pssy was Kamala Harris

cp0707 3 points ago +3 / -0

You know, 3 years ago I would have called you crazy. Then I went through all the trials and pain I've been through the past 3 years, and started reading the bible. I'm paraphrasing, but the "you have know idea who is talking to you here" in the Q drops is what put the fear of God into me...the first step to finding him. Cheers, fren

cp0707 -2 points ago +1 / -3

So butt hurt. When all these people cross the border starting this week, just remember, you're the one that claimed it was all a CGI movie. Absolute inbred 🤡

cp0707 2 points ago +3 / -1

I posted for something for discussion, you low intellect, mouth breathing idiot. That makes me a "fed?" You get the fuck out outta here

cp0707 6 points ago +9 / -3

🙄 So the videos Kari Lake is sharing on her Twitter are what, CGI? 🙄 Some of you need to start grasping reality. It won't be a movie when they are walking across your lawn or crowding your kids' schools

cp0707 9 points ago +9 / -0

I'm with you. We don't, and you're smart to question everything. Drone footage and them already crossing into border towns tells me it's the real deal

cp0707 16 points ago +18 / -2

Are the migrants the real pandemic, carrying every virus (if they exist) known to man, as well as trained to wreak havoc on us? Are they for the suburbs? If yes, be ready. Food, supplies, medicine, vitamins. You know the drill. #FJB

cp0707 12 points ago +12 / -0

That's a brutal situation to be in. Hang in there, brother

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