are you retarded?
I thought I was being nice calling you a buffoon but I can see you're just a regular old idiot. Over the last 12 years BTC has produced an average return of over 200% per year.
Keep thinking XRP is the future. Have fun staying poor.
OP before you take this buffoon's advice look at XRP valued against BTC - not DOLLARS which we know are INFLATING
The problem is you're valuing your investment in USD.
Check out your zcash against bitcoin.
you're going to get a ton of idiots offering their free financial advice to buy the "next bitcoin"
this is a clear demonstration of their lack of understanding what they're talking about. Bitcoin is not a company. There is no "next bitcoin". This isn't Myspace. This is akin to TCP/IP, a protocol that layers are built on top of.
nearly every "crypto" project has had a pre-mine, meaning a sum of the total tokens for that asset are gifted to the projects investors/stakeholders - this is just a rebranding of the typical broken fiat system.
i feel you....but at the same time can't help but think has rudeness hindered the other side?