Also, I should add.... now might be a good time to archive his videos before they get nuked and/or memory-holed!
I can't shake the feeling off that he might have seen something, for sure. These secrets need to be exposed for the world to see...
Right?! Something is really fishy the more I think about it and watch his content....
Almost as if...
[they] are worshipping these ancient gods...
His videos show him scouring over rock formations and desert locations in the SW US that was home to ancient civilizations. And last month, he was the victim of a very violent car accident, in which he was rear-ended at high speed (I believe they said the other driver was intoxicated or something)... that being said, something about the nature of his channel's content seems... well, something about the way he died doesn't sit right with me here. Is there something he had information on that [they] are afraid might be disclosed to a public audience?
Great points all around! It truly and literally would have been the end of America, wouldn't it?
God help us..... just imagining that timeline is beyond horrible!
Oh, and my first ever sticky... thanks mods! While I'm at it, I just want to thank your whole team for what you do... winning is wonderful, but it comes with a good deal of sifting through some less than pleasant content and individuals seeking to divide our community here! Thanks for keeping GAW clean, fresh, and most importantly, engaged. This is a crucial time, more than ever, to stay focused and bring family and friends into the light of what's really happening, and you guys bear a crucial role in helping us do that. WWG1WGA!
Just seeing this guy's face makes me think he should resign again, too. 😂
The article cited in the Reddit link above discusses how, apparently, "Turtle Mitch blew America's best chance to stop Trump." TOP KEK.
Sorry, was just typing some commentary to this post. It's people in a local Des Moines, IA subreddit, looking for MAGA places to avoid doing any business with.
I've mentioned before that I lurk on Reddit to observe the absolute political cesspool that the aggregate site has been in the last ten years outside of this community and PDW's during the time it was still there. These days, though, I can't seem to wrap my head around how these people are even functioning in society. It's just... heartbreaking. They can't even see the truth for what it is when it's right in front of their faces. We're not completely at that point yet, but when the 4-6% who never see the light come out, I'm quite certain the non-bot individuals on Reddit are going to make a large portion of that group.
Every time I'm hearing this discussion about Canada becoming the 51st state, I can't stop thinking about the name that the Babylon Bee gave it.... "GAY NORTH DAKOTA" KEK
Jokes aside, to our lovely Canadian frens here, hoping and praying this can become a reality!
This inauguration speech is wildly different from the last one - not in stance, but in the intention of ACTION. Imminent action, I might add!
Democracy -> Republic. MAGA!
Democracy = shelter from the storm? That's quite a strange choice of words...
It's ok, she'll be unburdened by what has been.
Funnily enough, I have not visited PDW since January 20, 2021... GAW has been my home and has played an incredible role in keeping me sane over the last four years. God bless you!
So sorry to hear about your wife, praying she wakes up soon!
And yes, I agree, RFK Jr.'s plan to wipe out pharmaceutical advertisements is a much bigger deal than I think even many among us realize!
This version makes me laugh even harder. KEK!
Also the Antichrist is going to make a peace treaty with Israel for seven years... the day the treaty is signed is the start of the seven-year Tribulation, at the very middle of which Antichrist will betray them and the world.
On this note, there is a VERY important thing to pay attention to here. Biblical timekeeping does not use the Julian/Gregorian calendar of 365-day years. It uses a lunar, 360 day calendar.
This means that, when that peace treaty is signed between the Antichrist and Israel, 1260 days, NOT 1278 days, will pass before the treaty is broken. Keep this in mind, frens!
The fatal wound of the Antichrist is definitely more than a grazed ear... that said, it's wise to be cautiously optimistic! Another aspect to also consider is that the Antichrist is described as little horn of power out of 10 horns (horns = world powers of the End Times), at whose rise three will fall... I don't believe we've seen any of this really take place just yet!
It's not for everyone, for sure... here, it's a much more healthy and godly environment, let me tell you!
When the people running the hotline need a hotline themselves...
Remember what people said about the Smithsonian's coverup of the existence of the Nephilim? I wonder if something similar is at play here... you've made some really great points here!