domepiece 6 points ago +6 / -0

An entire civilization of Turkish/Mongol descendants of babylon, posing as jews, doesn't disappear overnight. The central bank thing is interesting. I don't know, this one is weird and I'm not a holocaust denier. There's a lot, I wish they would just let us know about everything asap, because the cabal holds the last stone on the path on so many of these trails of evidence. Circumstantial evidence is far more than what would be required to file a lawsuit, and enough to get a plea deal on a criminal case, by far, by these people aren't just going to fess up.

domepiece 2 points ago +2 / -0

Used to score top 99% on standardized tests, except spatial relations. 1270 SAT out of 1600 (was up the night before with my gf at the time doing extra curriculars), 159 out of 180 on a cold LSAT (studied maybe 3 hours), never failed a test, took AP Calculus in 10th grade. Took Econ 201 and never went to class, studied the book and got an A on the final but a B in the class cuz attendance was 10%. Drank everyday in college, skipped class, graduated with a dual major philosophy and political science but a 2.6 gpa. 143-150 tested IQ, ENTP, my therapist thinks I have a 160 IQ though. My daughter is going to kindergarten a year early.

domepiece 6 points ago +6 / -0

Can anyone on the internet fucking spell, god damn it.

domepiece 3 points ago +3 / -0

Well there's the generic of blue ink being more secure as it's more likely to be original ink. Its easier to fake black because it can be devoid of color gradient and look like black ink

domepiece 4 points ago +4 / -0

Look, I realized when the "selection 2020" went down, he was trying to keep his channel alive, and maintain his reach. I stopped watching his stuff around then, but he IS exposing angry leftists to how ridiculous and fucked up they all are. If he is a center leftie, then he has reached further right with his guest selection than ANY other leftist out there, OR and perhaps more importantly ANY OTHER leftist with that kind of audience. He has served as a backstop to their shit for years. I'm not gonna go subjective and see someone saying he's fucking terrible for not destroying his channel or fanbase. His crew, though, is a great example of what is wrong with lefties - mainly the ones who think they have support for their opinion outside of other crazed leftists. The newer guy he brought in was trying to say people should be prosecuted if someone commits a crime and blames it on something they read, and Tim took him out for it. I'm not watching anymore, but look he's still showing those assholes on the left their own piles of shit and making them smell it. Unless you have something worse than him being a closeted Q believer, i imagine there's a lot of them who make the bet that they are doing greater good by toeing the line than by going down in a blaze for totally committing. If you could figure all this stuff out you should've arrived at the same conclusion already.

Edit: I just realized you probably have come to that conclusion and are pissed about it, i just think about how many new sources I've picked up and it gives me hope.

Also, yeah, shave that head, bro, it's time.

domepiece 3 points ago +3 / -0

Dude, why do you think flies land on people's lips and faces in DC? If Graham partook in pizza 1 time, he's done. It doesn't matter if he's helping the good guys or not, he knew what McCain was doing, if he's on God's side then he somehow avoided pizza his entire career and has been informing someone of McCain's moves.

domepiece 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wait, what the hell is wrong with those things? Who cares? I thought you had to be 13 y/o or older to use the internet?

domepiece 4 points ago +4 / -0

First off, a few of these people in my life are going to be told to fuck off forever. I can't wait to say "you didn't believe me before, why would you believe me now.". That's just a few, though.

domepiece 1 point ago +1 / -0

The parts are in the mainboards on the anetannae. Be careful of any hucksters selling Covfefe magnets.

domepiece 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh, it's more than that. Covfefe (although missing an accent somewhere) also means "I will stand/rise" in arabic. It's origin is pre-diluvian Adamites, and trump posted it shortly after the saudi arabia visit. Google took it out of their translator, but at some point they put it back because i translated it nearly a year ago and sent the video to a leftist asshole former friend.

Covfefe could also reference Covid Ferritin/Ferritin. There was an adrenochrome lab/producer right by the wuhan lab. Wormwood reacts with iron to release a ton of free radicals. This would cause those celebs who posted those wacky pics and videos to have all sorts of reactions.

The 5G mainboards themselves have a chip labelled COV (I think with a 19 at the end). Look up Gene Decode Covfefe Blessed to Teach.

domepiece 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thoughtful and reasonable analysis? How the fuck does Warren come out looking good when she wrote to the SEC saying this benefitted no one and that they needed to shut this down? Thoughtful my ass.

domepiece 1 point ago +1 / -0

Get your next PPP loan, and get that EIDL loan, and figure something else out if you have to. Remember, there are a lot of children being saved during all this so our businesses are not the most important things in the world. Remote work has exploded, I've been monitoring flexjobs, the ladders, and indeed.com. I'm keeping mine alive at about half what i was doing before, but up front sales is only half of my pay, and ppp and PUA have replaced what I've lost.

If it dies this year then I'm gonna just pick up one of these other work from home sales jobs or consulting or something.

domepiece 1 point ago +1 / -0

She is in the CFR. Be warned, makes it almost a certainty that she is a baddie.

domepiece 0 points ago +1 / -1

Strange looking? Are u a shill who thinks they are clever, trying to be a racist on here for money, laughs, or material? The fact she is a democrat and is capitalizing politically on this is strange looking. Not her fucking asian appearance.

domepiece 1 point ago +1 / -0

I didn't say you could impeach anyone, i said you can impeach any president. Were you drunk when you wrote this? Or are you in ninth grade and of the opinion you actually just said anything more than the most basic shit? I admire the passion, but...c'mon...

domepiece 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think there have been over 10k arrests, maybe actually 20k or more already.

domepiece 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh and the easy path and early exit is definitely suicide instead of the destruction of their legacy and living life in captivity when they had access to constant extreme luxury.

domepiece 1 point ago +1 / -0

Once most non-internet dork humans find out about kids being tortured, raped, murdered, and consumed AND it's taped in most regards, they are going to go into seizures, and some will probably die. Try to imagine being a kid and having that happen to you, mothers and fathers even if they were formerly based ass edgelords once you have kids you become somewhat normal and life isn't just GTA anymore.

by Wijg3
domepiece 1 point ago +1 / -0

Look at the creditors though, the surname El and the Kingdom of Morocco were the original sovereign power here in America.

domepiece -1 points ago +1 / -2

You can impeach any president, any time.

domepiece 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why do color of law statutes remain enforced and on the books if the constitution outright constricts or discredits their legitimacy?

domepiece 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wow that is so close to the truth, it has more to do with my time constraints but still, wow, nice work.

Like, seriously.

domepiece 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's fine, but your hingepoint of the nature of semantics and the word "statute" only holds water if you already assume the person you are debating has been proven conclusively wrong before it even begins.

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