Why do we care about this ostrich neck anymore. she chose to ignore dominion fraud (probably because rinos told her to shut up about it), and lost. Why is she relevant anymore. Go run your women's basketball team and get out of politics. You are the past lady, you have no future in it.
it's wierd. It's like she is attached to the door because as soon as it opens she is sliding out as if a pizza being pulled out of the oven.
why not. now their puppet can implement draconian EO's to shut down coal and gas just like the chinese did. Wait, they didn't.
Did you see how she exits the vehicle? It looks like she hovers backwards and out. very strange. Looks half dead.
Or Jill Biden's signature on the EO's.
He took a Boeing 737 to the inauguration.
is EVERYONE acting or are there actually actors who do not know they are in a movie?
Some know it is a movie and are being forced to play a part, others do not but are following their base instinct, ie AOC, playing the bimbo socialist role but she doesn't know it is just playing into a plan. The people have to see...near death experience (think texas), losing jobs, loss of freedoms, vaccine passports, open borders, gun confiscation. These things will make it possible for many to question this direction. Don't believe anyone has been executed. Don't believe in clones (yes we can clone in a lab but we cant make a baby an adult of 78 years), body doubles for waving in crowds, possible, deepfakes many times. Some of this is the d s flailing before the end.
this country is really controlled by disgusting people. I am checking out of all of their controlled platforms.
diversity is another rabbit hole. Dont want to delve into that nightmare.
That's terrible. I got into an argument with a doctor at a party and he basically called me an anti-vaxer. It's the new scarlett letter. You can't win against a doctor unless you are a doctor because they have all the nomenclature at their fingertips and they can make you look stupid. I tried to discuss the cytokine storm in covid and he blasted me with "do you know what that is? Do you?" Not worth the effort. As a wise quantum computer said, this movie isn't for everyone.
We all have different experiences. I have been mugged many times as a teen by black kids. I have been in dangerous situations around both black and white people.
Don't want to say exactly but grew up in a northeastern city with mixed races. Also have lived in deep south. Yes I have seen racist blacks. But again, when you take each person as an individual they will surprise you. And don't forget they are trying divide us. It is the only way they can win.
yes! thank you!
it's soot from the candle. try with a torch and it will just melt.
There are plenty of other planes you can take to fly out of the country. Depending on how far you want to go. A 737, A320,21,19, 787, 747, A330 all can do the same thing.
The 777 is one of the safest planes ever made having been in service around 25 years. I would look at the passenger manifest. The FAA seems a bit too anxious to make it look like a big systemwide problem. The plane can fly on one engine. Luckily it didn't happen over the pacific because the heavy vibration and shaking might have been a problem over an extended period of time.
Thanks again. I have found that even my family thinks I am crazy at this point and have stopped trying to convince them. I have to pretend this is all normal. Perhaps you should write a book at some point. You seem to have a way about your faith.
couldn't get that address to work.
No. They need to divide us to stay in power. Yes there are extremes on both sides and they manipulate us to feel hatred toward each other, but everyday you have normal and pleasant interactions at work, at play, at the store, in the park with people of all races. Divide and conquer is their only play, that and class warfare and sexual warfare, gender warfare. but my point is the same. People are not born with hatred they learn it.
Maybe I should use the word faith instead of hope. i use it in the same manner. If I didn't have faith I would be like all the people I know yelling at me saying get your head out of your a... and come back to reality. I just know that something is happening, I don't know what and we may never know what went down but I feel like the good guys have already won and now is just a "mopping" up operation to make sure the D s in its deaththrows doesn't set off a nuke and kill thousands of people. I screen captured your post and will look at it on March 1st. I think that is too optimistic a time frame (thinking by April 1st) but will take it!
Thank you for the hope. It seems my household is one of the few I know still hopefull and having faith that good will triumph.
I would be curious what other visions you have had. Please tell me you see the good guys winning.
I have the same feeling. I guess I was hoping that he was playing the bad guy role. Hate to watch a person fall to the dark side.
There are some people who refuse to make a decision for themselves and prefer to look up to "authority figures" on what to do. There are a good number of people like this mayb 20% of the population. You know there are beaurocrats laughing and saying what can we get these people to do next.