I'm in a debate with a friend over the safeness of animal-labeled ivermectin vs. human-labeled ivermectin. They're not debating whether or not the ivermectin itself is safe, but they are pointing to a multitude of resources about whether or not "horse ivermectin" is safe for humans. They are swearing up and down that horse paste will harm humans, cause cancer, give people bad side-effects from improper and dangerous components added to it, and more. There's simply no way to get human-labeled ivermectin in our area and animal (horse) paste variety is still available. I know three families that have given it to their kids and aged family and everyone is doing GREAT after a full round of horse paste.

I can't find any evidence that the horse paste variety has anything bad in it. I understand people might have an aversion to it, but I would like to convince this person that it is safe. They have some family that is very much at risk and it seems like they are going to default to doctors and bad treatments if they can't find a "human option".

Any kind of documentation for ingredients or anything that demonstrates the safety of animal varieties would be really helpful.


Recently, I've seen some discussions about how to file a letter to your employer, etc., to refuse the shot on the basis of religious rights. However, one thing I really want to see is a complete list of ingredients in this gene-modifying soup so that I can SHOW it contains Aborted Fetal Tissue which is directly contrary to the principles of my religion.

I've seen this Catholic Priest talking about it, as well as this recent statement from the University of Pittsburgh (however this doesn't mention the Covid vaxx specifically).

If anyone could provide a scholarly study or an official document from Pfizer, J&J, etc., which PROVES that they use Aborted Fetal Tissue in this concoction, that would be awesome for me.

Thanks Pedes!


I saw this video recently: https://www.facebook.com/jolene.merrill.585/videos/10215009541232420/

This mom is super furious that the price of her son's insulin has shot up to be 10X more expensive since Biden was "inaugurated." She's encouraging patriots to get mad and do something about this corrupt bastard usurper.

Somebody also posted this video on a forum I regularly visit. Unfortunately, there's a closet-leftist who's trying to spread the following line of BS:

As it turns out, our country is actually being destroyed by people who don’t do their homework before posting inflammatory conspiracy theories on the internet. Did you notice that the fact-checking sites agree that "Biden White House Freeze of Trump Executive Order Did NOT Cause Insulin Prices To Increase." See for example: https://leadstories.com/hoax-alert/2021/02/fact-check-biden-white-house-freeze-of-trump-executive-order-did-not-cause-insulin-prices-to-increase.html

It’s easy to say: "Our country is being destroyed by evil people," but it’s irresponsible and bad to get everyone worked up over something that’s really only a selfish attempt to confirm our biases. It’s that kind of false narrative that sent those knucklehead "patriots" to stop a peaceful transition of power at the Capital and lynch those that don't agree with them.

Posting this video and piling-on puts a real strain on your credibility. I wonder who really needs to repent so God is actually able to preserve our Nation and Constitution.

I FULLY believe that Biden is responsible for the increased price of insulin - this is just COMMON SENSE. But I want to tell off this idiot in a way that is logical and have the facts behind me to prove my case. Anybody who wants to help me pin down this idiot with logic and facts, feel free to post a comment and enlighten me.