posted ago by flame_whip ago by flame_whip +47 / -0

I saw this video recently: https://www.facebook.com/jolene.merrill.585/videos/10215009541232420/

This mom is super furious that the price of her son's insulin has shot up to be 10X more expensive since Biden was "inaugurated." She's encouraging patriots to get mad and do something about this corrupt bastard usurper.

Somebody also posted this video on a forum I regularly visit. Unfortunately, there's a closet-leftist who's trying to spread the following line of BS:

As it turns out, our country is actually being destroyed by people who don’t do their homework before posting inflammatory conspiracy theories on the internet. Did you notice that the fact-checking sites agree that "Biden White House Freeze of Trump Executive Order Did NOT Cause Insulin Prices To Increase." See for example: https://leadstories.com/hoax-alert/2021/02/fact-check-biden-white-house-freeze-of-trump-executive-order-did-not-cause-insulin-prices-to-increase.html

It’s easy to say: "Our country is being destroyed by evil people," but it’s irresponsible and bad to get everyone worked up over something that’s really only a selfish attempt to confirm our biases. It’s that kind of false narrative that sent those knucklehead "patriots" to stop a peaceful transition of power at the Capital and lynch those that don't agree with them.

Posting this video and piling-on puts a real strain on your credibility. I wonder who really needs to repent so God is actually able to preserve our Nation and Constitution.

I FULLY believe that Biden is responsible for the increased price of insulin - this is just COMMON SENSE. But I want to tell off this idiot in a way that is logical and have the facts behind me to prove my case. Anybody who wants to help me pin down this idiot with logic and facts, feel free to post a comment and enlighten me.