Now that you've got a link to the video you seek you should know that many long-time 9/11 researchers hold that Wood's DEW theory has many many problems, as does Dr. Judy Wood herself. Personally I believe she is counter-intelligence.
There are numerous loosely connected organizations pursing 9/11 truth. Two that I find valuable are Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth (, as well as Richard Gage 911 ( You'll find an abundance of material there.
Of special note: Along with former congressman Curt Weldon these two organization have banded together in calling for a new investigation into the events of 9/11. As far as I am aware that is something Judy Wood has never done. The absence of calling for a new investigation -- declassification really -- is an excellent litmus test for spotting disinfo agents. The official government 9/11 Report is to the Twin Towers what the Warren Commission is to the assassination of JFK.
If you'd like a concise summary of what is wrong with the official narrative (Wood's theory is left unmentioned), this is the call-for-action document that Weldon is attempting to put in front of Trump's team.
Ivermectin is turning out to be the nearest thing to a "miracle drug" in medical history. Dr. William Makis concentrates on application to cancer treatment, but has found it surprisingly beneficial in treating other difficult conditions including among them dementia. Here is a link to one of his substack articles that I think is a good place to start. Best of luck to you.
My Take… I now have 6 testimonials with Ivermectin in Dementia (Alzheimer’s and Vascular), cognitive decline or memory loss. Ivermectin should be in the arsenal of every General Practitioner, Family Doctor, Internist, and Geriatrician. The benefits are unlike anything else they’ve been able to offer to date. We are breaking new ground here in medicine.
You are the first person I've encountered to say this. Which makes you my new favorite fren! I too detected three distinct voices in the Q posts; four if you count the posts consisting purely of military "stringers". Thus Q is a moniker for the team.
Nonetheless there is a dominant voice in the Q posts. That of course is the (extremely high IQ) poster of puzzles. In common usage, here and on the boards, Q refers to the person behind this dominant voice.
To offer my opinion to the OP, any of the public figures to whom one can point, e.g. Adm. Rogers, is not Q. He might however be member of the Q team, or perhaps operate in the next ring out. Dan Scavino has my vote for being one of the three civilian team members.
Post 918: "What until you learn who has been talking to you here" has always given me reason to pause. It's also a pretty strong indicator that the identity of Q will at some point be revealed. The third last post, Post 4964 was one of the very few to contain a sentence spoken in first person "I". In fact I think it may be the only one. As I read them, there is something subtle about the 2022 posts that make me feel that the voicing is just a little off. That they were not written by the primary Q. But I don't know. The impression is fuzzy.
Some hints as to the identity of Q - person and group - are haunting: Mankind is repressed. / We will be repressed no more. / Protect your DNA. / Ascension.
Right, in 2001 those cellphone calls were impossible to connect from flight. Your explanation very likely answers a large piece of the puzzle. It also happens to fit with both the no-planes and with the plane-replacement theory. Planes or no planes has been one of the most contentious issues of the 9/11 Truth movement.
Currently there is a new initiative spearheaded by former fire chief and Congressman Curt Weldon to a new Presidential Commission to re-investigate 9/11. If you've listened to his recent interviews he wants the commission to be completely composed of civilians. No politicians whatsoever to run interference. I hope he is successful. It will be a powerful adjunct to the Comer/Luna declassification efforts, and independent of it.
Here's the link to their document calling for a new investigation.
This short video under the title "Laura Loomer is a Man and Jewish Mossad Agent" purports to show Laura transitioning from "Larry" through a series of plastic surgery operations.
It's not quite proof but many of the images do seem to match. I don't think we're the only ones suspicious of her history and allegiances. The stunt of handcuffing herself to the NY Twitter offices was pretty sus, in my opinion.
At 1:00-1:06 the pony-tailed woman on the left of the door looks very similar to the SS woman on stage with Trump at Butler during the shooting. Same agent?