frumpy 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think I read two days ago that they go live in 2022 (March/April). They might be doing some beta testing with invited people at this point.

frumpy 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't know how old you are, but some of the symptoms are similar to what my wife is experiencing for the past three years. She was entering menopause and was dealing with the usual symptoms like hot flashes etc. But something weird happened about three years ago. She developed allergies and broke out in hives. When to an allergist and somehow she developed a wheat allergy confirmed on a skin test. In addition to the allergy she is now sensitive to environmental heat and losing hair in clumps.

This started before this plandemic and no one in our house is vaccinated.. In her case we believe it is 100% hormonal and our hope is that these symptoms will resolve once they settle down in full menopause.