gododgers26 1 point ago +1 / -0

Silver and crypto are great calls—if you missed the run on physical silver, I’d recommend trying AG (silver mining) stock. Another interesting one with the least downside is DGLY—they make tactical gear both for civilians/cops. Spiked way up during the George Floyd riots, could swing anti-market again if the crash coincides with civil unrest.

gododgers26 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes I have clip-on horns you caught me... reporting back to my Khazarian overlords that some are onto us...

gododgers26 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes... it is...

Same with Judaism, that’s my point ?

Funny how when a ‘Christian’ is evil, they’re not a real Christian... but when a Jew is evil THATS THE REAL JUDAISM. Pick one and stick to it, don’t be a hypocrite. I agree w you wholeheartedly that those ppl are fake Christians. Why won’t you extend the same courtesy to Jews?

gododgers26 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don’t think you are correctly interpreting tikkun olam—the whole point is that man/the world is fallen and must rise back up. Look into the Kabbalistic idea of the broken spheres. (Sephirot.) I agree with all the statements you said about God, man, and the world. Just don’t think you’re understanding of my own position is accurate. Genesis 2 applies to Jews as well; but we can’t return to Eden by moving backwards, only forwards.

I’ve learned a lot from Jesus tbh. I hold the sermon on the mount especially in high esteem. While I may not consider him the son of God, he represents the best of mankind and our path to redemption. As a lover of fiction, many of my favorite writers & thinkers (Steinbeck, Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy, Lewis, Aquinas, O’Connor, even Rowling) wrote from a deeply Christian foundation, and forms a major segment of my own thought. Jesus was an honorable Jew in my book, and it was a terrible sin to move against him. Same for Spinoza.

gododgers26 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am a Jew because I read the Torah and believe that God is One. I admire Jewish mysticism and my connection to God is rooted in Judaism, though I don’t discard spiritual insight found through other religions as well. I observe the major Jewish holidays as well as Shabbat, and I say a Jewish blessing when I wake up and when I go to sleep. I am just as Jewish as many of you are Christian, which is exactly as much as helps guide my life in the modern world. I believe the biblical stories contain some of the most condensed wisdom that our culture has inherited, and I believe in the Jewish ideal of tikkun olam, or healing the world.

gododgers26 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am Jewish; more than half of the people I know well are Jewish. You’re right that some children in Hebrew school will study parts of the Talmud, but even then they only highlight select parts; I can guarantee they don’t show kids the sick parts you are referring to. Most Jews don’t have long beards and wear tophats either lmao 99% of Jews are just regular ppl. Not saying we shouldn’t watch out for that fraction of 1%, we must, but basically no actual Jews have any clue what you’re talking about

gododgers26 0 points ago +1 / -1

Obviously propaganda. I get one ounce of pure Rothschild Jew gold per updoot. This is just a side gig when I’m not out throwing pennies at homeless ppl or ushering in the NWO.

gododgers26 0 points ago +1 / -1

Fact: There is literally only one Jewish holy text and it is also the foundational text for both Christianity and Islam. The rest is commentary. And, beyond that, most American Jews aren’t even actively religious beyond a couple days a year. Israelis are even more secular.

gododgers26 1 point ago +1 / -0

And fewer than 5% of Jews have ever picked up a Talmud or know anything about it lol. Same with the fraction of Jews who have the mohel suck the blood off the penis. More and more each year aren’t even circumcising. The actual main Jewish text, the Torah, is literally the Old Testament. The Talmud is just a bunch of analysis from old rabbis (some with much wisdom in it, others not/indeed with evil) and is in no way, shape or form a holy text even to the religious Jews that study it.

gododgers26 1 point ago +3 / -2

Out of curiosity, how many Jewish people do you two actually know? Zero? OP and others are coming at this from from a reasonable position of goodwill, while y’all seem to be based in a position of ignorance and ‘monster under the bed’ mindset.

gododgers26 0 points ago +3 / -3

Not sure where you’re getting that. Didn’t even mention child trafficking or warmongering once. My point is that saying “the Jews” did ____ is no different than saying that all Christians diddle little boys just cuz some (many) clergy do it.

gododgers26 3 points ago +3 / -0

And thank you for your research! Will need to look more deeply into the Khazarian sect. Only error I found is the part about Baphomet being depicted over a Jewish star—Baphomet overlays a pentagram (five-pointed) whereas the Star of David has six points. Definitely not the same.

gododgers26 15 points ago +19 / -4

Actual Jew here ?? Not gonna comment on the Khazarian narrative because I’m not well-informed on it but wanted to take a minute to discuss Judaism in general and what is/isn’t true about us.

  1. anyone with eyes can see that society has many evil people who are also Jewish. Too many. I never take it personally when I see discussions over the Rothschilds, Soros, etc, because in many ways, those ppl’s actions harm myself more than others by implied association. But Jews are not a monolith.
  2. that Jewish ppl have an outsized influence over US society is self-evident. Why? Moneylending certainly played a part historically, as did better hygiene through ritual acts (we’ve been hand-washing for thousands of years before germ science), high literacy rates, etc. I would argue that the leading cause for Jewish wealth and power today, however, is nepotism, and frankly isn’t an illogical kind. The Jewish community is very connected, so many Jews will trust that other Jews know better than to screw them over, as everyone will eventually hear about it. Does this mean that Jews hold no qualms about fucking over everyone else? Hardly. The lines between in-group favoritism and out-group animosity might be blurry, but they are distinct. Ultimately, the trust among Jews thrives because it works. No conspiracy necessary.
  3. many of my childhood friends are indeed very radical leftists. They are not intrinsically bad ppl (many are actually very cool, despite their beliefs), they are just dumb and following faulty assumptions learned in childhood. Also worth adding that many of my closest/best Jewish friends have become Q followers as well and want justice just as badly as you all do.
  4. yes there are clear links between Jews and communism, but there is also a historical trend of anti-communist, heroic Jews. (Ayn Rand is a white hat if there ever was one.) For any subgroup with an outsized influence on its environment, it only stands to reason that there would be awesome Jews just as there are abhorrent ones. It’s undeniable that we have abnormally high positions in society, but the ratio of good/bad is the same as anyone else. (Taking into account that power does corrupt.)
  5. the key to Jewish power is not some centralized power sharing, but a decentralized, bottom-up social safety net. No matter how badly myself or any of my Jewish friends fuck up our lives, there would always be a relative, or a friend’s relative even, who would take us in. Yes, my heritage might help me get hired by a fellow Jew, but even should I be lazy and impotent, there is no realistic future in which I or someone like me becomes homeless. This is important and should not be overlooked. We are powerful because it is almost impossible for any of us to become truly powerless. And if the train can’t run early, it can only run late.
  6. no matter how you slice it, Jews really have been a persecuted class throughout history; to what level some have ‘deserved’ it is entirely irrelevant. The effect is that we have been bred stronger, not in a physical sense, but an intellectual/Darwinian one. We are the plants that can grow in infertile soil, and should not be hated for it. When you try to weed out an ethnic group (yes we are an ethnic group too) and fail, what comes back will be stronger than before. Action —> reaction, plain and simple.
  7. not all Jews cry wolf about everything being anti-Semitism. Yes, I have seen some actually anti-Semitic posts/comments here, but the vast majority of you appear to understand that you can’t just put all Jews in the same pile, and I appreciate that. Just as I engage with you in good faith that attacking Rothschilds/Soros/Israel itself etc is not inherently anti-Semitic, I hope you act in good faith towards myself and other Jews who yearn for justice no less than all of you. Again, we are not a monolith.
  8. most American Jews could hardly be called religious (many even identify as ‘Jewish atheists’ weirdly enough), and even fewer have ever heard about some of the rituals some of you seem to think we have participated in since childhood. (Except circumcision lol that’s quite common still.) Personally, my connection to Judaism contains far more good than bad—truly—and I remain more proud of this heritage than not. Yes we have Harvey Weinstein, but we also have Eric and Bret Weinstein who are pretty dope. Yes we have Soros and Stalin, but we also had Einstein and Freud and Spinoza and Liebnitz and Ram Dass and Jesus himself (lol) and we make damn good movies, not all of them full of evil symbolism! Seriously, this entire Q movement is basically the plot of Atlas Shrugged, which was written by Ayn Rand, a Jew who fled the evils of early communist Russia and effectively became a whistleblower for the entire world.

TLDR: yes the Jewish community is guilty of (rational) nepotism, has worrying/disproportionate presence in sexual perversion, and tends toward dangerous communistic/utopian ideals. But there are many awesome Jews too, and most of the bad ones are more stupid/ignorant than anything else. Don’t put us all in one box, and the good ones will respond in kind.


gododgers26 1 point ago +1 / -0

Much of the plot of Demons follows the slow spread of communism throughout a town, and how even people who aren’t believers in the fullest sense get swept along. It’s also just a phenomenal book; Dostoyevsky is really a master philosopher. The “grand inquisitor” chapters in The Brothers Karamazov are also really crucial in understanding how people rationalize evil actions.

gododgers26 2 points ago +2 / -0

Appreciate your post man, hold strong. I’ve experienced much of the same w normies. Lucky to be bonding more than ever though with my red-pilled friends.

If you’re open to reading, I’d highly recommend ‘Demons’ by Dostoyevsky and ‘Atlas Shrugged’ by Rand as especially insightful novels for understanding the present moment. It won’t make the resentment go away, but it’s comforting to know that this phenomena has always existed and we aren’t crazy/aberrant.

gododgers26 1 point ago +1 / -0

Says the guy posting in a forum whose mission he doesn’t believe in because negative attention is better than no attention at all ?‍♂️

gododgers26 0 points ago +1 / -1

The entire subreddit seems to be down atm

gododgers26 0 points ago +1 / -1

Anyone else see r/wsb as crashed? The link worked for me then stopped 3ish mins ago

gododgers26 2 points ago +2 / -0

FYI not saying I trust her re: Q. Just trust her quality of character in general. Class act, even where she’s wrong.

gododgers26 1 point ago +2 / -1

I trust Tulsi more than almost anyone. Think she has to be a white hat. (Or just isn’t privy to any of this as too small a fish.) The DS certainly doesn’t have any blackmail on her that’s worse than the smears they’ve already used

gododgers26 6 points ago +6 / -0

Good call, I’ll try and calculate it later! I know the alert went out at 8:07am local time

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